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Found 114 result(s)
The World Data Centre for Meteorology is located in Obninsk in the All-Russian Research Institute of Hydrometeorological Information World Data Centre (RIHMI-WDC). The task of the Centre is to collect and disseminate meteorological data and products worldwide and especially in Russia. The information basis of the Centre is updated on regular basis from various sources including the bilateral data exchange with the World Data Centre for Meteorology in Ashville, North Carolina, USA. The data holdings of WDC – Rockets, Satellites and Earth Rotation (WDC RSER) have become, in December 2015, part of the collection of WDC – Meteorology, Obninsk
WDC for Meteorology, Asheville acquires, catalogues, and archives data and makes them available to requesters in the international scientific community. Data are exchanged with counterparts, WDC for Meteorology, Obninsk and WDC for Meteorology, Beijing as necessary to improve access. Special research data sets prepared under international programs such as the IGY, World Climate Program (WCP), Global Atmospheric Research Program (GARP), etc., are archived and made available to the research community. All data and special data sets contributed to the WDC are available to scientific investigators without restriction. Data are available from 1755 to 2015.
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The United States Naval Meteorology and Oceanography Command (NMOC) provides critical information from the ocean depths to the most distant reaches of space, meeting needs in the military, scientific, and civilian communities. The following NMOC components make their products available to the public through this portal: The Joint Typhoon Warning Center (JTWC) is the U.S. Department of Defense agency responsible for issuing tropical cyclone warnings for the Pacific and Indian Oceans. The Fleet Numerical Meteorology and Oceanography Center (FNMOC) provides the highest quality, most relevant and timely worldwide meteorology and oceanography support to U.S. and coalition forces from its Operations Center in Monterey, California. The Naval Oceanographic Office (NAVO) maximizes seapower by applying relevant oceanographic knowledge in support of U.S. National Security.
NWS/NCEP/Climate Prediction Center delivers climate prediction, monitoring, and diagnostic products for timescales from weeks to years to the Nation and the global community for the protection of life and property and the enhancement of the economy. The goal of the CPC website is to provide easy and comprehensive access to data and products that serve our mission. We serve a broad audience ranging from government to non-government entities like academia, NGO’s, and the public and private sectors. Specific sectors include agriculture, energy, health, transportation, emergency managers, etc.
The National Weather Service, Fairbanks provides weather data relating to and observed in the Fairbanks, AK area. Data includes current, past, and future weather. Databases are organized primarily by the type of data (e.g. weather data, climate data, hydrology, warning/hazard alerts) and then are searchable by research location.
!!! <<< the repository is offline, please use: >>> !!! The USGODAE Project consists of United States academic, government and military researchers working to improve assimilative ocean modeling as part of the International GODAE Project. GODAE hopes to develop a global system of observations, communications, modeling and assimilation, that will deliver regular, comprehensive information on the state of the oceans, in a way that will promote and engender wide utility and availability of this resource for maximum benefit to the community. The USGODAE Argo GDAC is currently operational, serving daily data from the following national DACs: Australia (CSIRO), Canada (MEDS), China (2: CSIO and NMDIS), France (Coriolis), India (INCOIS), Japan (JMA), Korea (2: KMA and Kordi), UK (BODC), and US (AOML).
This site contains active weather alerts, warnings, watches, and advisories concerning the US State of Alaska and the surrounding waters. Near-real time data are available as are historical records. Links to the National Data Buoy Center are provided for coastal and ocean conditions around Alaska.
Western Regional Climate Center (WRCC) provides historical and current climate data for the western United States. WRCC is one of six regional climate centers partnering with NOAA research institutes to promote climate research and data stewardship.
The DBCP is an international program coordinating the use of autonomous data buoys to observe atmospheric and oceanographic conditions, over ocean areas where few other measurements are taken.
The Global Precipitation Climatology Centre (GPCC) provides global precipitation analyses for monitoring and research of the earth's climate. The centre is a German contribution to the World Climate Research Programme (WCRP) and to the Global Climate Observing System (GCOS).
The CRC1211DB is the project-database of the Collaborative Research Centre 1211 "Earth -Evolution at the dry limit" (CRC1211, funded by the German Research Foundation (DFG, German Research Foundation – Projektnummer 268236062). The project-database is a new implementation of the TR32DB and online since 2016. It handles all data including metadata, which are created by the involved project participants from several institutions (e.g. Universities of Cologne, Bonn, Aachen, and the Research Centre Jülich) and research fields (e.g. soil and plant sciences, biology, geography, geology, meteorology and remote sensing). The data is resulting from several field measurement campaigns, meteorological monitoring, remote sensing, laboratory studies and modelling approaches. Furthermore, outcomes of the scientists such as publications, conference contributions, PhD reports and corresponding images are collected.
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The Network for the Detection of Atmospheric Composition Change (NDACC), a major contributor to the worldwide atmospheric research effort, consists of a set of globally distributed research stations providing consistent, standardized, long-term measurements of atmospheric trace gases, particles, spectral UV radiation reaching the Earth's surface, and physical parameters, centered around the following priorities.
GAWSIS is being developed and maintained by the Federal Office of Meteorology and Climatology MeteoSwiss in collaboration with the WMO GAW Secretariat, the GAW World Data Centres and other GAW representatives to improve the management of information about the GAW network of ground-based stations. The application is presently hosted by the Swiss Laboratories for Materials Testing and Research Empa. GAWSIS provides the GAW community and other interested people with an up-to-date, searchable data base of site descriptions, measurements programs and data available, contact people, bibliographic references. Linked data collections are hosted at the World Data Centers of the WMO Global Atmosphere Watch.
CDAAC is responsible for processing the science data received from COSMIC. This data is currently being processed not long after the data is received, i.e. approximately eighty percent of radio occultation profiles are delivered to operational weather centers within 3 hours of observation as well as in a more accurate post-processed mode (within 8 weeks of observation).
<<<!!!<<< December 2015: The All-Russia Research Institute of Hydrometeorological Information – World Data Centre (RIHMI-WDC) has closed down WDC – Rockets, Satellites and Earth Rotation (WDC – RSER) since the topics are no longer its priorities >>>!!!>>>. However, the WDS-SC is extremely pleased to learn that the data holdings of WDC – RSER have now become part of the collection of WDC – Meteorology, Obninsk (WDS Regular Member). The World Data Centre for Rockets, Satellite and Rotation of the Earth is located in Obninsk in the All-Russian Research Institute of Hydrometeorological Information World Data Centre (RIHMI-WDC). The task of the Centre is to collect and disseminate meteorological data and products worldwide and especially in Russia. Data are available from RIHMI-WDC site
The Jülich Observatory for Cloud Evolution (JOYCE) operates ground-based active and passive remote sensing instruments for cloud and precipitation observations. ​JOYCE is based on a long-term successful collaboration between the University of Cologne, the University of Bonn and the Research Centre Jülich. Since 2017 JOYCE is transformed into a Core Facility (JOYCE - CF) funded by the DFG (Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft) with the aim of high quality radar and passive microwave observations of the atmosphere. JOYCE will serve as a reference center for best practices in data acquisition, storage and distribution. JOYCE instrumentation aims to observe spatial and temporal variability of atmospheric water cycle variables.
The National Park Service Gaseous Pollutant Monitoring Program Database provides gaseous air pollutant and meteorological data as *.csv files. Queries allow filtering by location of ozone, wind speed, wind direction, ambient temperature, relative humidity, solar radiation, wetness data.
The Environmental Information Platform provides enhanced access to CEH's key data holdings via web-based tools, programming interfaces and a data catalogue. It enables you to visualise and interrogate some of the diverse environmental datasets held by CEH.
This repository is a data publication platform for members of the Faculty of Physics at the LMU Munich and is designed to hold very large datasets. The repository is a collaboration between the Faculty of Physics, the University Library of LMU, and the Leibniz Supercomputing Centre (LRZ). Data publications follow the FAIR principles, including the assignment of DOIs via DataCite.
The NCI National Research Data Collection is Australia’s largest collection of research data, encompassing more than 10 PB of nationally and internationally significant datasets.
The Alaska Climate Research Center archives and provides digital climate records, climate statistics, and monthly weather summaries on Alaska and the polar regions. The Alaska Climate Research Center is part of the Geophysical Institute at the University of Alaska Fairbanks.
The Center for Operational Oceanographic Products and Services (CO-OPS) site offers operational data in near-real time and historic contexts. Focus is on tides and currents but also includes information on harmful algal blooms and weather, etc. Data access is made possible through geopspatial web interfaces as well as OPeNDAP services, etc.
Search and access 201 data sets covering the Atmosphere, Ocean, Land and more. Explore climate indices, reanalyses and satellite data and understand their application to climate model metrics. This is the only data portal that combines data discovery, metadata, figures and world-class expertise on the strengths, limitations and applications of climate data.