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Found 313 result(s)
CCCma has developed a number of climate models. These are used to study climate change and variability, and to understand the various processes which govern the climate system. They are also used to make quantitative projections of future long-term climate change (given various greenhouse gas and aerosol forcing scenarios), and increasingly to make initialized climate predictions on time scales ranging from seasons to decades. A brief description of these models and their corresponding references can be found:
The CCDS is an interface for distributing climate change information. The goals of CCDS are to: Support climate change impact and adaptation research in Canada and other countries; Support stakeholders requiring scenario information for decision making and policy development. Provide access to Canadian research on the development of scenarios and adaptation research.
CAPE began as a collection of UK local governments' Climate Action Plans, and has expanded to include a number of useful datapoints around climate, carbon emissions and local government. The Climate Action Plan Explorer collects UK Council Climate Action Plans in a single database, alongside some data on area emissions estimates within the scope of influence of councils. It allows anyone to quickly and easily find out if their council has a plan, and put those plans into context.
This web site provides adjusted and homogenized climate data for many climatological stations in Canada. These data were created for use in climate research including climate change studies. They incorporate a number of adjustments applied to the original station data to address shifts due to changes in instruments and in observing procedures. Sometimes the observations from several stations were joined to generate a long time series. The adjusted and homogenized data are provided for four climate elements: surface air temperature, precipitation, surface pressure, and surface wind speed.
Country enables Canadians to access, visualize, and analyze climate data, and provides related information and tools to support adaptation planning and decision-making. Our collaborative approach to providing climate services to Canadians aims to foster the development of a network of national and regional climate services providers which will support the ongoing provision of specialized information tailored to specific industry sectors.
The PRISM Climate Group gathers climate observations from a wide range of monitoring networks, applies sophisticated quality control measures, and develops spatial climate datasets to reveal short- and long-term climate patterns. The resulting datasets incorporate a variety of modeling techniques and are available at multiple spatial/temporal resolutions, covering the period from 1895 to the present. Whenever possible, we offer these datasets to the public, either free of charge or for a fee (depending on dataset size/complexity and funding available for the activity).
Western Regional Climate Center (WRCC) provides historical and current climate data for the western United States. WRCC is one of six regional climate centers partnering with NOAA research institutes to promote climate research and data stewardship.
The CAS Data Catalog contains a variety of atmospheric and oceanic energy budget calculations derived from satellites and Reanalysis products. The CAS Data Catalog has been archived in favor of the Climate Data Guide Please visit that website for your climate data needs and to view datasets from the CAS Data Catalog refer to the Climate Analysis Section (CAS) Data Catalog tag ( on the Climate Data Guide website.
CESM is a fully-coupled, community, global climate model that provides state-of-the-art computer simulations of the Earth's past, present, and future climate states.
International Research Institute for Climate and Society (IRI) research focuses on climate, environmental monitoring, agriculture, health, water, and economic sectors in Africa, Asia and Pacific, and Latin America and Caribbean. The IRI data library is a freely accessible data repository and analysis tool. IRI allows users to view, manipulate, and download climate-related data sets through a standard web browser.
The CliSAP-Integrated Climate Data Center (ICDC) allows easy access to climate relevant data from satellite remote sensing and in situ and other measurements in Earth System Sciences. These data are important to determine the status and the changes in the climate system. Additionally some relevant re-analysis data are included, which are modeled on the basis of observational data. ICDC cooperates with the "Zentrum für Nachhaltiges Forschungsdatenmanagement " to publish observational data with a doi.
The CDC Data Catalogue describes the Climate Data of the DWD and provides access to data, descriptions and access methods. Climate Data refers to observations, statistical indices and spatial analyses. CDC comprises Climate Data for Germany, but also global Climate Data, which were collected and processed in the framework of international co-operation. The CDC Data Catalogue is under construction and not yet complete. The purposes of the CDC Data Catalogue are: to provide uniform access to climate data centres and climate datasets of the DWD to describe the climate data according to international metadata standards to make the catalogue information available on the Internet to support the search for climate data to facilitate the access to climate data and climate data descriptions
The Forest Climate Change Data Catalogue is a collection of data sets that are relevant to the Canadian forest sector under a changing climate. Created by Canadian Forest Service scientists, these data sets include static maps, raw data, and interactive maps that cover all of Canada. Data themes include drought, fire, climate and tree distribution; multiple climate scenarios are projected to the year 2100. The data sets will be periodically updated as new information becomes available.
The IRI/LDEO Climate Data Library is a collection of climate data sets with the focus of climate change monitoring and mitigation. Browse data by category and source, navigate and analyze datasets using maps, and the Ingrid Data Analysis Language. The IRI/LDEO also includes web tutorials.
Search and access 201 data sets covering the Atmosphere, Ocean, Land and more. Explore climate indices, reanalyses and satellite data and understand their application to climate model metrics. This is the only data portal that combines data discovery, metadata, figures and world-class expertise on the strengths, limitations and applications of climate data.
The Alaska Climate Research Center archives and provides digital climate records, climate statistics, and monthly weather summaries on Alaska and the polar regions. The Alaska Climate Research Center is part of the Geophysical Institute at the University of Alaska Fairbanks.
Historical Climate Data (formerly: The National Climate Data and Information Archive - NCDC) is a web-based resource maintained by Environment and Climate Change Canada and the Meteorological Service of Canada. The site houses a number of statistical and data compilation and viewing tools. From the website, users can access historical climate data for Canadian locations and dates, view climate normals and averages, and climate summaries. A list of Canadian air stations and their meteorological reports and activities is also available, along with rainfall statistics for more than 500 locations across Canada. Users can also download the Canadian daily climate data for 2006/07. In addition, technical documentation is offered for data users to interpret the available data. Other documentation includes a catalogue of Canadian weather reporting stations, a glossary, and a calculation of the 1971 to 2000 climate normals for Canada. This resource carries authority and accuracy because it is maintained by a national government department and service. While the majority of the statistics are historical, the data is up-to-date and contains current and fairly recent climate data. This government resource is intended for an audience that has the ability and knowledge to interpret climatological data
Climate Data Record (CDR) is a time series of measurements of sufficient length, consistency and continuity to determine climate variability and change. The fundamental CDRs include sensor data, such as calibrated radiances and brightness temperatures, that scientists have improved and quality-controlled along with the data used to calibrate them. The thematic CDRs include geophysical variables derived from the fundamental CDRs, such as sea surface temperature and sea ice concentration, and they are specific to various disciplines.
The Inter-Sectoral Impact Model Intercomparison Project (ISIMIP) is a community-driven climate impact modeling initiative that aims to contribute to a quantitative and cross-sectoral synthesis of the various impacts of climate change, including associated uncertainties. It is designed as a continuous model intercomparison and improvement process for climate impact models and is supported by the international climate impact research community. ISIMIP is organized into simulation rounds, for which a simulation protocol specifies a set of common experiments. The protocol further describes a set of climate and direct human forcing data to be used as input data for all ISIMIP simulations. Based on this information, modelling groups from different sectors (e.g. agriculture, biomes, water) perform simulations using various climate impact models. After the simulations are performed, the data is collected by the ISIMIP data team, quality controlled and eventually published on the ISIMIP Repository. From there, it can be freely accessed for further research and analyses. The data is widely used within academia, but also by companies and civil society. ISIMIP was initiated by the Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research (PIK) and the International Institute for Applied Systems Analysis (IIASA).
Surveys provide annual information on the total, seasonal and spatial harvest of ducks, geese and other game birds in Canada, on the ecological characteristics of waterfowl harvested in Canada and the hunter activity associated with that harvest. The survey covers all of Canada divided into 23 zones and has been carried out annually since 1966. The bilingual database currently contains 9,000,000+ records.
The Canadian Environmental Sustainability Indicators (CESI) program provides data and information to track Canada’s performance on key environmental sustainability issues including climate change and air quality, water quality and availability, and protected nature. The CESI website ensures that national, regional, local and international trends are readily accessible and transparently presented to all Canadians through the use of graphics, explanatory text, interactive maps and downloadable data.
The Canadian Ice Service (CIS), a division of the Meteorological Service of Canada (MSC), is the leading authority for information about ice in Canada's navigable waters. The Canadian Ice Service Archive (CISA) allows online access to the following collections: Daily ice analysis charts (since 1999), Regional ice analysis charts, and Weekly ice thickness and on-ice snow depth measurements for Canadian stations.
HYDAT is the archival database that contains all water information collected through the National Hydrometric Program. These data include: daily and monthly mean flow, water level and sediment concentration for over 2500 active and 5500 discontinued hydrometric monitoring station across Canada. HYDEX is a relational database that contains inventory information on the various streamflow, water level, and sediment stations (both active and discontinued) in Canada. This database contains information about the stations themselves, such as location, equipment, and type(s) of data collected.