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Found 2 result(s)
The World Values Survey (WVS) is a worldwide network of social scientists studying changing values and their impact on social and political life. The WVS in collaboration with EVS (European Values Study) carried out representative national surveys in more than 100 countries containing almost 90 percent of the world's population. These surveys show pervasive changes in what people want out of life and what they believe. In order to monitor these changes, the EVS/WVS has executed six waves of surveys, from 1981 to 2013.
Unidata – Bicocca Data Archive is an interdepartmental center of the University of Milan-Bicocca, born in 2015. The center is the Italian point of reference for the research data archiving and dissemination, based on the example of the National Archives located in major European countries and beyond. UniData inherits the long work from the ADPSS-Sociodata Data Archive, born in 1999 in the Department of Sociology and Social Research at the same University. Here you can find only individual data from 2010. For older surveys please visit ADPSS Sociodata, Data Archive for Social Sciences - Archivio Dati e Programmi Per le Scienze Soziali: https://www.unidata.unimib.it/old/ and ADPSS-SOCIODATA Archivio Dati e Programmi per le Scienze Sociali Dataverse : https://dataverse.harvard.edu/dataverse/adpss