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Found 19 result(s)
Sharing and preserving data are central to protecting the integrity of science. DataHub, a Research Computing endeavor, provides tools and services to meet scientific data challenges at Pacific Northwest National Laboratory (PNNL). DataHub helps researchers address the full data life cycle for their institutional projects and provides a path to creating findable, accessible, interoperable, and reusable (FAIR) data products. Although open science data is a crucial focus of DataHub’s core services, we are interested in working with evidence-based data throughout the PNNL research community.
Brainlife promotes engagement and education in reproducible neuroscience. We do this by providing an online platform where users can publish code (Apps), Data, and make it "alive" by integragrate various HPC and cloud computing resources to run those Apps. Brainlife also provide mechanisms to publish all research assets associated with a scientific project (data and analyses) embedded in a cloud computing environment and referenced by a single digital-object-identifier (DOI). The platform is unique because of its focus on supporting scientific reproducibility beyond open code and open data, by providing fundamental smart mechanisms for what we refer to as “Open Services.”
GigaDB primarily serves as a repository to host data and tools associated with articles published by GigaScience Press; GigaScience and GigaByte (both are online, open-access journals). GigaDB defines a dataset as a group of files (e.g., sequencing data, analyses, imaging files, software programs) that are related to and support a unit-of-work (article or study). GigaDB allows the integration of manuscript publication with supporting data and tools.
The ColabFit Exchange is an online resource for the discovery, exploration and submission of datasets for data-driven interatomic potential (DDIP) development for materials science and chemistry applications. ColabFit's goal is to increase the Findability, Accessibility, Interoperability, and Reusability (FAIR) of DDIP data by providing convenient access to well-curated and standardized first-principles and experimental datasets. Content on the ColabFit Exchange is open source and freely available.
The Open Energy Family aims to ensure quality, transparency and reproducibility in energy system research. It is a collection of various tools and information and that help working with energy related data. It is a collaborative community effort, everything is openly developed and therefore constantly evolving. The main module is the Open Energy Platform (OEP), a web interface to access most of the modules, especially the community database. It provides a way to publish data with proper documentation (metadata), and link it to source code and underlying assumptions. Open Energy Database is an open community database for energy, climate and modelling data.
HilData is registered by Hildesheim University Library, The access is via registration to the data and to the repository. Research data is with regards to educational science. Research data are sensitive and cannot be made fully open. HILDE Online is integrated in HilData: HilData is working on its metadata (exposing metadata via interfaces) w.r.t. the FAIR principles and data citation. HilData and HILDE Online provide long-term storage and access to research data. The research data repository provides restricted access to its data. The research data repository uses DOI to make its provided data persistent, unique and citable.
Discover the data on entrepreneurship projects, innovation plans, digital transformation proposals, consumers, and financial markets. Also, explore research on business, management, and entrepreneurship research development at our Business school.
Research Data Repository of the Instituto Federal Goiano - Campus Urutaí, a Brazilian public institution of the Ministry of Education. The project is an initiative of the Directorate of Post-Graduate Studies, Research and Innovation of the Federal Institute of Goiás - Campus Urutaí, which follows the philosophy of Open Science, for expansion and valuation of scientific research, aiming to provide data from technical-scientific observations and experimentation, ensuring that its authors, researchers and students receive all the credit they deserve as agents generating data. At the same time, the appropriate reuse of data is envisaged, whether in didactic-pedagogical activities or in new research.
bonndata is the institutional, FAIR-aligned and curated, cross-disciplinary research data repository for the publication of research data for all researchers at the University of Bonn. The repository is fully embedded into the University IT and Data Center and curated by the Research Data Service Center ( The software that bonndata is based on is the open source software Dataverse (