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Found 299 result(s)
Human biomaterial banks (short: biobanks) are collections of human body substances (i.e. blood, DNA, urine or tissue) connected with disease specific information. This allow for research of relations between deseases and underlying (molecular) modifications and paves the way for developing target-oriented therapies ("personalized medicine"). The biobank material arises from samples taken for therapeutical or diagnostic reasons or is extracted in the context of clinical trials. An approval for usage by the patient is always needed prior to any research activities.
<<< has been discontinued !!! >>> (ORD@CH) has been developed as a publication platform for open research data in Switzerland. It currently offers a metadata catalogue of the data available at the participating institutions (ETH Zurich Scientific IT Services, FORS Lausanne, Digital Humanities Lab at the University of Basel). In addition, metadata from other institutions is continuously added, with the goal to develop a comprehensive metadata infrastructure for open research data in Switzerland. The ORD@CH project is part of the program „Scientific information: access, processing and safeguarding“, initiated by the Rectors’ Conference of Swiss Universities (Program SUC 2013-2016 P-2). The portal is currently hosted and developed by ETH Zurich Scientific IT Services.
In the digital collections, you can take a look at the digitized prints from the holdings of the ULB Düsseldorf free of cost. In special collections, the ULB unites rare, valuable and unique parts of holdings that are installed as an ensemble. Deposita, unpublished works, donations, acquisition of rare books etc. were and are an important source for the constant growth of the library. These treasures and specialties - beyond their academic value - also contribute substantially to the profile of the ULB.
The Edition Topoi research platform is an innovative, reliable information infrastructure. It serves the publication of citable research data such as 3D models, high-resolution pictures, data and databases. The content and its meta data are subject to peer review and made available on an Open Access basis. The published or publishable combination of citable research content and its technical and contextually relevant meta data is defined as Citable. The public data are generated via a cloud and can be directly connected with the individual computing environment.
The GeoPortal.rlp allows the central search and visualization of geo data. Inside the geo data infrastructure of Rhineland-Palatinate the GeoPortal.rlp inherit the central duty a service orientated branch exchange between user and offerer of geo data. The GeoPortal.rlp establishes the access to geo data over the electronic network. The GeoPortal.rlp was brought on line on January, 8th 2007 for the first time, on February, 2nd 2011 it occured a site-relaunch.
>>>!!!<<< 08.11.2019: SowidataNet has moved ; you can now access the SowiDataNet service at!Home >>>!!!<<<
The Research Data Center Elections is part of GESIS and provides access to a number of national survey datasets, e.g. the German Longitudinal Election Study (GLES). The RDC provides intensive data preparation and access to a wide scope of data and topics. Furthermore, the RDC offers consultation and creation of value-added services like data handbooks, cumulations, and training.
On this server you'll find 127 items of primary data of the University of Munich. Scientists / students of all faculties of LMU and of institutions that cooperate with the LMU are invited to deposit their research data on this platform.
The edoc-Server, start 1998, is the Institutional Repository of the Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin and offers the posibility of text- and data-publications. Every item is published for Open-Access with an optional embargo period of up to five years. Data publications since 01.01.2018.
With the Program EnviDat we develop a unified and managed access portal for WSL's rich reservoir of environmental monitoring and research data. EnviDat is designed as a portal to publish, connect and search across existing data but is not intended to become a large data centre hosting original data. While sharing of data is centrally facilitated, data management remains decentralised and the know-how and responsibility to curate research data remains with the original data providers.
"The Digital Mozart Edition (DME) aims at making accessible the oeuvre of Wolfgang Amadé Mozart (1756–1791) in digital formats. Access is free of charge for everybody."
RepoMed is the institutional repository of the Hannover Medical School (MHH) and is operated by the MHH Library. It serves to publish research results and scientific publications by researchers at Hannover Medical School.
The CDC Data Catalogue describes the Climate Data of the DWD and provides access to data, descriptions and access methods. Climate Data refers to observations, statistical indices and spatial analyses. CDC comprises Climate Data for Germany, but also global Climate Data, which were collected and processed in the framework of international co-operation. The CDC Data Catalogue is under construction and not yet complete. The purposes of the CDC Data Catalogue are: to provide uniform access to climate data centres and climate datasets of the DWD to describe the climate data according to international metadata standards to make the catalogue information available on the Internet to support the search for climate data to facilitate the access to climate data and climate data descriptions
ARCHE (A Resource Centre for the HumanitiEs) is a service aimed at offering stable and persistent hosting as well as dissemination of digital research data and resources for the Austrian humanities community. ARCHE welcomes data from all humanities fields. ARCHE is the successor of the Language Resources Portal (LRP) and acts as Austria’s connection point to the European network of CLARIN Centres for language resources.
The Research Collection is ETH Zurich's publication platform. It unites the functions of a university bibliography, an open access repository and a research data repository within one platform. Researchers who are affiliated with ETH Zurich, the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology, may deposit research data from all domains. They can publish data as a standalone publication, publish it as supplementary material for an article, dissertation or another text, share it with colleagues or a research group, or deposit it for archiving purposes. Research-data-specific features include flexible access rights settings, DOI registration and a DOI preview workflow, content previews for zip- and tar-containers, as well as download statistics and altmetrics for published data. All data uploaded to the Research Collection are also transferred to the ETH Data Archive, ETH Zurich’s long-term archive.
GloPAD is a multimedia, multilingual, web-accessible database containing digital images, texts, video clips, sound recordings, and complex media objects (such as 3-D images) related to the performing arts from around the world. GloPAD (Global Performing Arts Database) records include authoritative, detailed, multilingual descriptions of digital images, texts, video clips, sound recordings, and complex media objects related to the performing arts around the world, plus information about related pieces, productions, performers, and creators. GloPAC is an international organization of institutions and individuals committed to using innovative digital technologies to create easily accessible, multimedia, and multilingual information resources for the study and preservation of the performing arts.
The FDZ-DZA (Forschungsdatenzentrum DZA) is a facility of the German Centre of Gerontology (Deutsches Zentrum für Altersfragen, DZA) and has received accreditation as research data center DZA by the German Data Forum (RatSWD). Its main task is to make data of the German Ageing Survey DEAS and the German Survey on Volunteering (FWS) accessible to researchers by providing user-friendly Scientific Use Files (SUF), documentation of the contents and instruments as well support for scholars using the data.
The German Socio-Economic Panel Study (SOEP) is a wide-ranging representative longitudinal study of private households, located at the German Institute for Economic Research, DIW Berlin. Every year, there were nearly 11,000 households, and more than 20,000 persons sampled by the fieldwork organization TNS Infratest Sozialforschung. The data provide information on all household members, consisting of Germans living in the Old and New German States, Foreigners, and recent Immigrants to Germany. The Panel was started in 1984. Some of the many topics include household composition, occupational biographies, employment, earnings, health and satisfaction indicators.
With ARS - Antimicrobial Resistance Surveillance in Germany - the infrastructure for a nationwide surveillance of antimicrobial resistance has been established, which covers both the inpatient medical care and the ambulatory care sector. This is intended to reliable data on the epidemiology of antimicrobial resistance in Germany and differential statements provided by structural features of the health care and by region are possible. ARS is designed as a laboratory-based surveillance system for continuous collection of resistance data from routine for the full range of clinically relevant bacterial pathogens. Project participants and thus data suppliers are laboratories that analyze samples of medical facilities and doctors' offices microbiologically.
prometheus is a digital image archive for Art and Cultural Sciences. prometheus enables the convenient search for images on a common user interface within different image archives, variable databases from institutes, research facilities and museums.
Galaxies, made up of billions of stars like our Sun, are the beacons that light up the structure of even the most distant regions in space. Not all galaxies are alike, however. They come in very different shapes and have very different properties; they may be large or small, old or young, red or blue, regular or confused, luminous or faint, dusty or gas-poor, rotating or static, round or disky, and they live either in splendid isolation or in clusters. In other words, the universe contains a very colourful and diverse zoo of galaxies. For almost a century, astronomers have been discussing how galaxies should be classified and how they relate to each other in an attempt to attack the big question of how galaxies form. Galaxy Zoo (Lintott et al. 2008, 2011) pioneered a novel method for performing large-scale visual classifications of survey datasets. This webpage allows anyone to download the resulting GZ classifications of galaxies in the project.
The Research Data Centre of the Robert Koch Institute (FDZ RKI) publishes the data of population-representative health surveys in the form of public use files (PUFs).The main purpose of health surveys is to generate a maximum amount of information on the state of health and health-related behaviour of Germany's resident population while ensuring an optimum use of funds. The methodology - i.e. the sample design, the principles on operationalization and measurement, and data-collection techniques - is largely modelled on the tried-and-tested methods of empirical social research. Health interview surveys (HIS) use established survey techniques such as filling out questionnaires, computer-assisted telephone interviews (CATI), computer-assisted personal interviews (CAPI), and online polling via the internet or email. The main difference compared to purely sociological surveys lies in the additional biomedical examinations, tests and medical-biochemical measurements, which generate significant added value in addition to the results of the surveys; this part is referred to internationally as the health examination survey (HES).