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Found 14 result(s)
The National Center for Forestry and Grassland Genetic Resources (Forestry and Grassland Repository) consists of a series of in situ and ex situ repositories and ex situ repositories, including 15 in situ repositories, 137 ex situ repositories and 3 facility repositories (attached), all of which are recognized by the Seedling Department of the State Forestry and Grassland Administration or the National Forestry Germplasm Resource Platform to collect and preserve forest, grass, flower, bamboo and rattan germplasm resources, and to establish a big data system through standardization, digitization. The purpose of the Forestry and Grassland Resource Bank is to strengthen the germplasm resources of forests, grasses, flowers, bamboos and rattan. The purpose of the Forestry and Grass Resource Bank is to strengthen the collection and preservation of forestry germplasm resources and open sharing, and to promote sustainable use; the objective is to use ultra-low temperature freezing, genomics, artificial intelligence and other high technology to carry out long-term preservation, accurate identification and in-depth exploration of germplasm resources, and to achieve safe preservation and efficient use of germplasm resources. The Forestry and Grassland Resource Bank undertakes the rendezvous of scientific and technological projects in the forestry germplasm resource category. By building an integrated sharing service platform for germplasm resource production, academia and research, it improves the innovation and exploitation capacity of forestry germplasm resources, supports major national needs in scientific research, ecological construction and economic development, promotes the docking of resources and needs, and facilitates the use of resources and the transformation of results. It realizes information and physical sharing, so that forest germplasm resources can be safely preserved and scientifically utilized. is a web-accessible secure repository for forest plot inventories in South America, Africa and Asia. The database includes plot geographical information; location, taxonomic information and diameter measurements of trees inside each plot; and participants in plot establishment and re-measurement, including principal investigators, field assistants, students.
The Joint Information Systems Committee (JISC) funded Landmap service which ran from 2001 to July 2014 collected, modified and hosted a large amount of earth observation data for the majority of the UK, including imagery from ERS satellites, ENVISAT and ALOS, high-resolution Digital Elevation Models (DEMs) and Digital Terrain Models (DTMs) and aerial photography dating back to 1930. After removal of JISC funding in 2013, the Landmap service is no longer operational, with the data now held at the NEODC. Aside from the thermal imagery data which stands alone, the data reside in four collections: optical, elevation, radar and feature.
Surveys provide annual information on the total, seasonal and spatial harvest of ducks, geese and other game birds in Canada, on the ecological characteristics of waterfowl harvested in Canada and the hunter activity associated with that harvest. The survey covers all of Canada divided into 23 zones and has been carried out annually since 1966. The bilingual database currently contains 9,000,000+ records.
The Forest Climate Change Data Catalogue is a collection of data sets that are relevant to the Canadian forest sector under a changing climate. Created by Canadian Forest Service scientists, these data sets include static maps, raw data, and interactive maps that cover all of Canada. Data themes include drought, fire, climate and tree distribution; multiple climate scenarios are projected to the year 2100. The data sets will be periodically updated as new information becomes available.
The Large Fire Database (LFDB) is a compilation of forest fire data from all Canadian agencies, including provinces, territories, and Parks Canada. The data set includes only fires greater than 200 hectares in final size; these represent only a few percent of all fires but account for most of the area burned (usually more than 97%). Therefore, the LFDB can be used for spatial and temporal analyses of landscape-scale fire impacts. For information on smaller fires (up to 200 ha in final size), please contact individual fire agencies. Links to other agencies can be found through the Canadian Interagency Forest Fire Centre (CIFFC).
The National Forest Inventory (NFI) is a collaborative effort involving federal, provincial and territorial government agencies. They monitor a network of twenty thousand sampling points across Canada on an ongoing basis to provide information on the state of Canada's forests and a continuous record of forest change. They provide data and products to forest science researchers, forest policy decision-makers and interested stakeholders.
The Swedish Infrastructure for Ecosystem Science (SITES) is a national infrastructure for terrestrial and limnological field research. SITES aims to promote high-quality research through long-term field measurements and field experiments, and by making data available. Quality-controlled monitoring data from SITES is freely available on the SITES Data Portal from all participating stations and thematic programs. New datasets are continuously being uploaded.
The Ontario Natural Heritage Information Centre (NHIC) compiles, maintains and provides information on rare, threatened and endangered species and spaces in Ontario. This information is stored in a central repository composed of computerized databases, map files and an information library, which are accessible for conservation applications, land use development planning, park management, etc. Ministry of Natural Resources, Ontario.
<<<!!!<<< the repository is offline >>>!!!>>> The Canadian Poisonous Plants Information System presents data on plants that cause poisoning in livestock, pets, and humans. The plants include native, introduced, and cultivated outdoor plants as well as indoor plants that are found in Canada. Some food and herbal plants that may cause potential poisoning problems are also included.
The Arctic Data Center is the primary data and software repository for the Arctic section of NSF Polar Programs. The Center helps the research community to reproducibly preserve and discover all products of NSF-funded research in the Arctic, including data, metadata, software, documents, and provenance that links these together. The repository is open to contributions from NSF Arctic investigators, and data are released under an open license (CC-BY, CC0, depending on the choice of the contributor). All science, engineering, and education research supported by the NSF Arctic research program are included, such as Natural Sciences (Geoscience, Earth Science, Oceanography, Ecology, Atmospheric Science, Biology, etc.) and Social Sciences (Archeology, Anthropology, Social Science, etc.). Key to the initiative is the partnership between NCEAS at UC Santa Barbara, DataONE, and NOAA’s NCEI, each of which bring critical capabilities to the Center. Infrastructure from the successful NSF-sponsored DataONE federation of data repositories enables data replication to NCEI, providing both offsite and institutional diversity that are critical to long term preservation.