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Found 42 result(s)
Chinese Crop Germplasm Resources Information System provides germplasm resources and genetic information for crops including grains, fruits, vegetables, oilseeds, and fibers. The data includes crop fingerprint and DNA sequence data.
dbEST is a division of GenBank that contains sequence data and other information on "single-pass" cDNA sequences, or "Expressed Sequence Tags", from a number of organisms. Expressed Sequence Tags (ESTs) are short (usually about 300-500 bp), single-pass sequence reads from mRNA (cDNA). Typically they are produced in large batches. They represent a snapshot of genes expressed in a given tissue and/or at a given developmental stage. They are tags (some coding, others not) of expression for a given cDNA library. Most EST projects develop large numbers of sequences. These are commonly submitted to GenBank and dbEST as batches of dozens to thousands of entries, with a great deal of redundancy in the citation, submitter and library information. To improve the efficiency of the submission process for this type of data, we have designed a special streamlined submission process and data format. dbEST also includes sequences that are longer than the traditional ESTs, or are produced as single sequences or in small batches. Among these sequences are products of differential display experiments and RACE experiments. The thing that these sequences have in common with traditional ESTs, regardless of length, quality, or quantity, is that there is little information that can be annotated in the record. If a sequence is later characterized and annotated with biological features such as a coding region, 5'UTR, or 3'UTR, it should be submitted through the regular GenBank submissions procedure (via BankIt or Sequin), even if part of the sequence is already in dbEST. dbEST is reserved for single-pass reads. Assembled sequences should not be submitted to dbEST. GenBank will accept assembled EST submissions for the forthcoming TSA (Transcriptome Shotgun Assembly) division. The individual reads which make up the assembly should be submitted to dbEST, the Trace archive or the Short Read Archive (SRA) prior to the submission of the assemblies.
Species included in PlantTFDB 4.0 covers the main lineages of green plants. Therefore, PlantTFDB provides genomic TF repertoires across Viridiplantae. To provide comprehensive information for the TF family, a brief introduction and key references are presented for each family. Comprehensive annotations are made for each identified TF, including functional domains, 3D structures, gene ontology (GO), plant ontology (PO), expression information, expert-curated functional description, regulation information, interaction, conserved elements, references, and annotations in various databases such as UniProt, RefSeq, TransFac, STRING, and VISTA. By inferring orthologous groups and constructing phylogenetic trees, evolutionary relationships among identified TFs were inferred. In addition, PlantTFDB has a simple and user-friendly interface to allow users to query based on combined conditions or make sequence similarity search using BLAST. The new version PlantTFDB 5.0 has been incorporated into PlantRegMap
The Structure database provides three-dimensional structures of macromolecules for a variety of research purposes and allows the user to retrieve structures for specific molecule types as well as structures for genes and proteins of interest. Three main databases comprise Structure-The Molecular Modeling Database; Conserved Domains and Protein Classification; and the BioSystems Database. Structure also links to the PubChem databases to connect biological activity data to the macromolecular structures. Users can locate structural templates for proteins and interactively view structures and sequence data to closely examine sequence-structure relationships.
NCBI Datasets is a continually evolving platform designed to provide easy and intuitive access to NCBI’s sequence data and metadata. NCBI Datasets is part of the NIH Comparative Genomics Resource (CGR). CGR facilitates reliable comparative genomics analyses for all eukaryotic organisms through an NCBI Toolkit and community collaboration.
Gramene is a platform for comparative genomic analysis of agriculturally important grasses, including maize, rice, sorghum, wheat and barley. Relationships between cereals are queried and displayed using controlled vocabularies (Gene, Plant, Trait, Environment, and Gramene Taxonomy) and web-based displays, including the Genes and Quantitative Trait Loci (QTL) modules.
The Entrez Protein Clusters database contains annotation information, publications, structures and analysis tools for related protein sequences encoded by complete genomes. The data available in the Protein Clusters Database is generated from prokaryotic genomic studies and is intended to assist researchers studying micro-organism evolution as well as other biological sciences. Available genomes include plants and viruses as well as organelles and microbial genomes.
AceView provides a curated, comprehensive and non-redundant sequence representation of all public mRNA sequences (mRNAs from GenBank or RefSeq, and single pass cDNA sequences from dbEST and Trace). These experimental cDNA sequences are first co-aligned on the genome then clustered into a minimal number of alternative transcript variants and grouped into genes. Using exhaustively and with high quality standards the available cDNA sequences evidences the beauty and complexity of mammals’ transcriptome, and the relative simplicity of the nematode and plant transcriptomes. Genes are classified according to their inferred coding potential; many presumably non-coding genes are discovered. Genes are named by Entrez Gene names when available, else by AceView gene names, stable from release to release. Alternative features (promoters, introns and exons, polyadenylation signals) and coding potential, including motifs, domains, and homologies are annotated in depth; tissues where expression has been observed are listed in order of representation; diseases, phenotypes, pathways, functions, localization or interactions are annotated by mining selected sources, in particular PubMed, GAD and Entrez Gene, and also by performing manual annotation, especially in the worm. In this way, both the anatomy and physiology of the experimentally cDNA supported human, mouse and nematode genes are thoroughly annotated.
This database serves forest tree scientists by providing online access to hardwood tree genomic and genetic data, including assembled reference genomes, transcriptomes, and genetic mapping information. The web site also provides access to tools for mining and visualization of these data sets, including BLAST for comparing sequences, Jbrowse for browsing genomes, Apollo for community annotation and Expression Analysis to build gene expression heatmaps.
National freshwater aquatic germplasm repository, competent department: Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs, relying unit: China Academy of Fisheries Science. By the Heilongjiang Fisheries Research Institute, Yangtze River Fisheries Research Institute, Freshwater Fisheries Research Center, Pearl River Fisheries Research Institute, Fisheries Machinery and Instruments Research Institute and Shanghai Ocean University 6 units. Relying on the unit's outstanding ability to informatization of resources, the establishment of an advanced system, functional, stable operation, high visibility in the field of portal, can carry out deep mining and digital processing of freshwater aquatic germplasm resources information. The co-construction unit has relatively complete functional laboratory, preservation library and base facilities, with the hardware conditions to provide knowledge-based and professional services of freshwater aquatic germplasm resources. The participants have many years of experience in the collection and integration of freshwater aquatic germplasm resources, with solid professional background and outstanding business ability, which can improve the depth and breadth of integration and utilization of freshwater aquatic germplasm resources.
Phytozome is the Plant Comparative Genomics portal of the Department of Energy's Joint Genome Institute. Families of related genes representing the modern descendants of ancestral genes are constructed at key phylogenetic nodes. These families allow easy access to clade-specific orthology/paralogy relationships as well as insights into clade-specific novelties and expansions.
<<<!!!<<< Effective May 2024, NCBI's Genome resource will no longer be available. NCBI Genome data can now be found on the NCBI Datasets taxonomy pages. >>>!!!>>> The Genome database contains annotations and analysis of eukaryotic and prokaryotic genomes, as well as tools that allow users to compare genomes and gene sequences from humans, microbes, plants, viruses and organelles. Users can browse by organism, and view genome maps and protein clusters.
In 1984 the establishment of the Vitis International Variety Catalogue (VIVC) took place at the Institute for Grapevine Breeding Geilweilerhof. The concept of a database on grapevine genetic resources was supported by IBPGR (today called Bioversity) and the International Organisation of Vine and Wine (OIV). Today VIVC is an encyclopedic database with around 23000 cultivars, breeding lines and Vitis species, existing in grapevine repositories and/or described in bibliography. It is an information source for breeders, researchers, curators of germplasm repositories and interested wine enthusiasts. Besides cultivar specific passport data, SSR-marker data, comprehensive bibliography and photos are to be found.
During cell cycle, numerous proteins temporally and spatially localized in distinct sub-cellular regions including centrosome (spindle pole in budding yeast), kinetochore/centromere, cleavage furrow/midbody (related or homolog structures in plants and budding yeast called as phragmoplast and bud neck, respectively), telomere and spindle spatially and temporally. These sub-cellular regions play important roles in various biological processes. In this work, we have collected all proteins identified to be localized on kinetochore, centrosome, midbody, telomere and spindle from two fungi (S. cerevisiae and S. pombe) and five animals, including C. elegans, D. melanogaster, X. laevis, M. musculus and H. sapiens based on the rationale of "Seeing is believing" (Bloom K et al., 2005). Through ortholog searches, the proteins potentially localized at these sub-cellular regions were detected in 144 eukaryotes. Then the integrated and searchable database MiCroKiTS - Midbody, Centrosome, Kinetochore, Telomere and Spindle has been established.
<<<!!!<<< This repository is no longer available>>>!!!>>>. Although the web pages are no longer available, you will still be able to download the final UniGene builds as static content from the FTP site You will also be able to match UniGene cluster numbers to Gene records by searching Gene with UniGene cluster numbers. For best results, restrict to the “UniGene Cluster Number” field rather than all fields in Gene. For example, a search with Mm.2108[UniGene Cluster Number] finds the mouse transthyretin Gene record (Ttr). You can use the advanced search page to help construct these searches. Keep in mind that the Gene record contains selected Reference Sequences and GenBank mRNA sequences rather than the larger set of expressed sequences in the UniGene cluster.
A database for plant breeders and researchers to combine, visualize, and interrogate the wealth of phenotype and genotype data generated by the Triticeae Coordinated Agricultural Project (TCAP).
The National Tropical Plant Germplasm Repository, supported by the Institute of Tropical Crop Variety Resources of the Chinese Academy of Tropical Agricultural Sciences (CATAS) and jointly constructed by 11 units including the Institute of Fruit Tree Research of the Guangdong Academy of Agricultural Sciences and Hainan University, aims to provide information and physical support for scientific and technological innovation in tropical crop seed industry, increase the income of farmers in hot regions, alleviate poverty, the "One Belt One Road" initiative and the National Tropical Agricultural Science Centre. The National Centre for Tropical Agricultural Sciences (NCTAS) provides information and physical support for tropical crop germplasm resources. The National Tropical Plant Germplasm Repository consists of a national medium-term tropical crop germplasm preservation repository, a medium-term tropical forage preservation repository and 12 national nurseries, covering 24 crops in nine categories, including rubber trees, tropical forage, tropical fruit trees, tropical oilseeds, tropical aromatic beverages, southern medicine, tropical grains, tropical flowers and tropical special vegetables, with more than 26,000 copies of resources, accounting for more than 90% of the total tropical crop germplasm resources in China. The resources account for more than 90% of the total amount of tropical crop germplasm resources in China. It has built an efficient management system and a stable human resources team, a conservation system that combines centralized conservation in germplasm banks and moderate distribution in germplasm nurseries, a technical specification system for the unified description of germplasm resources of major tropical crops, and an integrated system for the conservation and utilization of China's tropical crop germplasm resource information network, ensuring the efficient operation and sustainable development of the national tropical crop germplasm resource bank.
The Crop EST Database (CR-EST) is a public available online resource providing access to sequence, classification, clustering, and annotation data of crop EST projects at the IPK. A view of these information give the summarized numbers about genomic data of species listed in the adjacent table.
From 2005 to 2008, with the support of the Ministry of Science and Technology (MOST), the construction of parasite germplasm repositories has spread to 20 conservation institutions in 15 provinces (cities) nationwide, with 3 physical exhibition halls; 3 live parasite conservation centers. A total of 1115 species/117814 pieces of parasitic germplasm resources of 23 orders in 11 phyla have been integrated into the physical library and database, including human parasites and vectors, animal parasites, plant nematodes, medical insects, trematodes, and parasitic snails, and the resources are combined with moderate distribution, medium- and long-term support, and off-site duplicates. The number of resources accounts for 39.27% of the national total. Through 10 years of accumulation, we have built the largest and only parasite species resource database in the field of parasites in China, and created a sharing platform of parasite germplasm resource center.
AgBase is a curated, open-source, Web-accessible resource for functional analysis of agricultural plant and animal gene products. Our long-term goal is to serve the needs of the agricultural research communities by facilitating post-genome biology for agriculture researchers and for those researchers primarily using agricultural species as biomedical models.
The Atlas of Living Australia (ALA) combines and provides scientifically collected data from a wide range of sources such as museums, herbaria, community groups, government departments, individuals and universities. Data records consist of images, literature, molecular DNA data, identification keys, species interaction data, species profile data, nomenclature, source data, conservation indicators, and spatial data.
The Department of Energy Systems Biology Knowledgebase (KBase) is a software and data platform designed to meet the grand challenge of systems biology: predicting and designing biological function. KBase integrates data and tools in a unified graphical interface so users do not need to access them from numerous sources or learn multiple systems in order to create and run sophisticated systems biology workflows. Users can perform large-scale analyses and combine multiple lines of evidence to model plant and microbial physiology and community dynamics. KBase is the first large-scale bioinformatics system that enables users to upload their own data, analyze it (along with collaborator and public data), build increasingly realistic models, and share and publish their workflows and conclusions. KBase aims to provide a knowledgebase: an integrated environment where knowledge and insights are created and multiplied.