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Found 38 result(s)
The edoc-Server, start 1998, is the Institutional Repository of the Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin and offers the posibility of text- and data-publications. Every item is published for Open-Access with an optional embargo period of up to five years. Data publications since 01.01.2018.
"The Digital Mozart Edition (DME) aims at making accessible the oeuvre of Wolfgang Amadé Mozart (1756–1791) in digital formats. Access is free of charge for everybody."
JASPAR is the leading open-access database of matrix profiles describing the DNA-binding patterns of transcription factors and other proteins interacting with DNA in a sequence-specific manner.
The Duke Research Data Repository is a service of the Duke University Libraries that provides curation, access, and preservation of research data produced by the Duke community. Duke's RDR is a discipline agnostic institutional data repository that is intended to preserve and make public data related to the teaching and research mission of Duke University including data linked to a publication, research project, and/or class, as well as supplementary software code and documentation used to provide context for the data.
Scholars' Mine is an online collection of scholarly and creative works produced by the faculty, staff, and students of the Missouri University of Science and Technology.
ScholarBank@NUS is the university's Institutional Repository (IR). Its goals are to collect, preserve and showcase the research output including research data of NUS researchers and departments.
MorphoBank is a web application with tools and archives for evolutionary research, specifically systematics (the science of determining the evolutionary relationships among species). Study of the phenotype, which is often visually-based, is central to contemporary systematics and taxonomic research. MorphoBank was developed specifically to provide much needed tools for the expansion and modernization of phylogenetic work on the phenotype
VertNet is a NSF-funded collaborative project that makes biodiversity data free and available on the web. VertNet is a tool designed to help people discover, capture, and publish biodiversity data. It is also the core of a collaboration between hundreds of biocollections that contribute biodiversity data and work together to improve it. VertNet is an engine for training current and future professionals to use and build upon best practices in data quality, curation, research, and data publishing. Yet, VertNet is still the aggregate of all of the information that it mobilizes. To us, VertNet is all of these things and more.
STOREDB is a platform for the archiving and sharing of primary data and outputs of all kinds, including epidemiological and experimental data, from research on the effects of radiation. It also provides a directory of bioresources and databases containing information and materials that investigators are willing to share. STORE supports the creation of a radiation research commons.
The Archaeological Map of the Czech Republic (AMCR) is a repository designed for information on archaeological investigations, sites and finds, operated by the Archaeological Institutes of the CAS in Prague and Brno. The archives of these institutions contain documentation of archaeological fieldwork on the territory of the Czech Republic from 1919 to the present day, and they continue to enrich their collections. The AMCR database and related documents form the largest collection of archaeological data concerning the Czech Republic and are therefore an important part of our cultural heritage. The AMCR digital archive contains various types of records - individual archaeological documents (texts, field photographs, aerial photographs, maps and plans, digital data), projects, fieldwork events, archaeological sites, records of individual finds and a library of 3D models. Data and descriptive information are continuously taken from the AMCR and presented in the the AMCR Digital Archive interface.
The Tropical Data Hub (TDH) Research Data repository makes data collections and datasets generated by James Cook University researchers searchable and accessible. This increases their visibility and facilitates sharing and collaboration both within JCU and externally. Services provided include archival storage, access controls (open access preferred), metadata review and DOI minting.
The Catalogue of Life is the most comprehensive and authoritative global index of species currently available. It consists of a single integrated species checklist and taxonomic hierarchy. The Catalogue holds essential information on the names, relationships and distributions of over 1.8 million species. This figure continues to rise as information is compiled from diverse sources around the world.
EMAGE (e-Mouse Atlas of Gene Expression) is an online biological database of gene expression data in the developing mouse (Mus musculus) embryo. The data held in EMAGE is spatially annotated to a framework of 3D mouse embryo models produced by EMAP (e-Mouse Atlas Project). These spatial annotations allow users to query EMAGE by spatial pattern as well as by gene name, anatomy term or Gene Ontology (GO) term. EMAGE is a freely available web-based resource funded by the Medical Research Council (UK) and based at the MRC Human Genetics Unit in the Institute of Genetics and Molecular Medicine, Edinburgh, UK.
DDBJ; DNA Data Bank of Japan is the sole nucleotide sequence data bank in Asia, which is officially certified to collect nucleotide sequences from researchers and to issue the internationally recognized accession number to data submitters.Since we exchange the collected data with EMBL-Bank/EBI; European Bioinformatics Institute and GenBank/NCBI; National Center for Biotechnology Information on a daily basis, the three data banks share virtually the same data at any given time. The virtually unified database is called "INSD; International Nucleotide Sequence Database DDBJ collects sequence data mainly from Japanese researchers, but of course accepts data and issue the accession number to researchers in any other countries.
IEDB offers easy searching of experimental data characterizing antibody and T cell epitopes studied in humans, non-human primates, and other animal species. Epitopes involved in infectious disease, allergy, autoimmunity, and transplant are included. The IEDB also hosts tools to assist in the prediction and analysis of B cell and T cell epitopes.
PDBj (Protein Data Bank Japan) provides a centralized PDB archive of macromolecular structures, integrated tools for data retrieval, visualization, and functional characterization. PDBj is supported by JST-NBDC and Osaka University.
Phaidra Universität Wien, is the innovative whole-university digital asset management system with long-term archiving functions, offers the possibility to archive valuable data university-wide with permanent security and systematic input, offering multilingual access using metadata (data about data), thus providing worldwide availability around the clock. As a constant data pool for administration, research and teaching, resources can be used flexibly, where continual citability allows the exact location and retrieval of prepared digital objects.
The European Environment Agency (EEA) is an agency of the European Union. Our task is to provide sound, independent information on the environment. We are a major information source for those involved in developing, adopting, implementing and evaluating environmental policy, and also the general public. Currently, the EEA has 33 member countries. EEA's mandate is: To help the Community and member countries make informed decisions about improving the environment, integrating environmental considerations into economic policies and moving towards sustainability To coordinate the European environment information and observation network (Eionet)
PHI-base is a web-accessible database that catalogues experimentally verified pathogenicity, virulence and effector genes from fungal, Oomycete and bacterial pathogens, which infect animal, plant, fungal and insect hosts. PHI-base is therfore an invaluable resource in the discovery of genes in medically and agronomically important pathogens, which may be potential targets for chemical intervention. In collaboration with the FRAC team, PHI-base also includes antifungal compounds and their target genes.