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Found 91 result(s)
>>>!!!<<< SMD has been retired. After approximately fifteen years of microarray-centric research service, the Stanford Microarray Database has been retired. We apologize for any inconvenience; please read below for possible resolutions to your queries. If you are looking for any raw data that was directly linked to SMD from a manuscript, please search one of the public repositories. NCBI Gene Expression Omnibus EBI ArrayExpress All published data were previously communicated to one (or both) of the public repositories. Alternatively, data for publications between 1997 and 2004 were likely migrated to the Princeton University MicroArray Database, and are accessible there. If you are looking for a manuscript supplement (i.e. from a domain other than, perhaps try searching the Internet Archive: Wayback Machine . >>>!!!<<< The Stanford Microarray Database (SMD) is a DNA microarray research database that provides a large amount of data for public use.
caNanoLab is a data sharing portal designed to facilitate information sharing in the biomedical nanotechnology research community to expedite and validate the use of nanotechnology in biomedicine. caNanoLab provides support for the annotation of nanomaterials with characterizations resulting from physico-chemical and in vitro assays and the sharing of these characterizations and associated nanotechnology protocols in a secure fashion.
The Digital Archaeological Record (tDAR) is an international digital repository for the digital records of archaeological investigations. tDAR’s use, development, and maintenance are governed by Digital Antiquity, an organization dedicated to ensuring the long-term preservation of irreplaceable archaeological data and to broadening the access to these data.
The Research Collection is ETH Zurich's publication platform. It unites the functions of a university bibliography, an open access repository and a research data repository within one platform. Researchers who are affiliated with ETH Zurich, the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology, may deposit research data from all domains. They can publish data as a standalone publication, publish it as supplementary material for an article, dissertation or another text, share it with colleagues or a research group, or deposit it for archiving purposes. Research-data-specific features include flexible access rights settings, DOI registration and a DOI preview workflow, content previews for zip- and tar-containers, as well as download statistics and altmetrics for published data. All data uploaded to the Research Collection are also transferred to the ETH Data Archive, ETH Zurich’s long-term archive.
The BGS is a data-rich organisation with over 400 datasets in its care; including environmental monitoring data, digital databases, physical collections (borehole core, rocks, minerals and fossils), records and archives. Our data is managed by the National Geoscience Data Centre.
The University has followed all of the children born in Aberdeen in 1921, 1936, and 1950-1956 as they grow and age. Collectively these groups are known as the ABERDEEN BIRTH COHORTS, and are a jewel in the crown of Scottish health research and have helped to advance our understanding of aging well. The Children of the 1950s study is a population-based resource for the study of biological and social influences on health across the life-course and between generations.
Our system consists of a portal (, providing access to several projects with personal password. The portal offers document exchange, common or individual blogs and fora and implementation of external webpages and -services. Moreover, you can access the expedition database, that organizes data description and exchange of cruises and expeditions for each project. Expeditions are linked to KML-files (Google-Earth compatible), allowing a visualization of all stations of a cruise/expedition. We established the linkage to the publications database /repository OceanRep (EPrints), as well as the description of model-output and linkage to paper publications.
The data repository of the Helmholtz Centre for Environmental Research. The Data Investigation Portal (DRP) provides the opportunity to publicly access the administered data in the Data Management Portal and search them. The presentation is here limited to metadata and non-restricted information. DRP users can thus gain an overview of the data sets and, if necessary, contact the author to gain access to the data.
UCLA Library is adopting Dataverse, the open source web application designed for sharing, preserving and using research data. UCLA Dataverse will allow data, text, software, scripts, data visualizations, etc., created from research projects at UCLA to be made publicly available, widely discoverable, linkable, and ultimately, reusable
NACDA acquires and preserves data relevant to gerontological research, processing as needed to promote effective research use, disseminates them to researchers, and facilitates their use. By preserving and making available the largest library of electronic data on aging in the United States, NACDA offers opportunities for secondary analysis on major issues of scientific and policy relevance
ScholarBank@NUS is the university's Institutional Repository (IR). Its goals are to collect, preserve and showcase the research output including research data of NUS researchers and departments.
NeuGRID is a secure data archiving and HPC processing system. The neuGRID platform uses a robust infrastructure to provide researchers with a simple interface for analysing, searching, retrieving and disseminating their biomedical data. With hundreds of investigators across the globe and more than 10 million of downloadable attributes, neuGRID aims to become a widespread resource for brain analyses. NeuGRID platform guarantees reliability with a fault-tolerant network to prevent system failure.
The Brown Digital Repository (BDR) is a place to gather, index, store, preserve, and make available digital assets produced via the scholarly, instructional, research, and administrative activities at Brown.
The MG-RAST server is an open source system for annotation and comparative analysis of metagenomes. Users can upload raw sequence data in fasta format; the sequences will be normalized and processed and summaries automatically generated. The server provides several methods to access the different data types, including phylogenetic and metabolic reconstructions, and the ability to compare the metabolism and annotations of one or more metagenomes and genomes. In addition, the server offers a comprehensive search capability. Access to the data is password protected, and all data generated by the automated pipeline is available for download in a variety of common formats. MG-RAST has become an unofficial repository for metagenomic data, providing a means to make your data public so that it is available for download and viewing of the analysis without registration, as well as a static link that you can use in publications. It also requires that you include experimental metadata about your sample when it is made public to increase the usefulness to the community.
By stimulating inspiring research and producing innovative tools, Huygens ING intends to open up old and inaccessible sources, and to understand them better. Huygens ING’s focus is on Digital Humanities, History, History of Science, and Textual Scholarship. Huygens ING pursues research in the fields of History, Literary Studies, the History of Science and Digital Humanities. Huygens ING aims to publish digital sources and data responsibly and with care. Innovative tools are made as widely available as possible. We strive to share the available knowledge at the institute with both academic peers and the wider public.
The Research Data Center (RDC) “International Survey Programs“ provides researchers with data, services, and consultation on a number of important international study series which are under intensive curation by GESIS. They all cover numerous countries and, quite often, substantial time spans. The RDC provides optimal data preparation and access to a wide scope of data and topics for comparative analysis.
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MatDB is a database application for experimentally measured engineering materials data. It supports open, registered, and restricted access. It presently hosts more than 20.000 unique data sets coming mainly from European and Member State research programmes. It supports web interfaces for entering, browsing, and retrieving data. MatDB is also enabled for innovative services, including data citation and interoperability standards. The data citation service relies on DataCite DOIs. The historic data sets are being enabled for citation. For all new projects where MatDB is used for managing project data, end-users are encouraged to request DataCite DOIs. There is though no obligation as regards the access level as it is considered sufficient simply that the data sets are made discoverable through data citation. The service that relies on interoperability standards leverages the outputs from a series of CEN Workshops that aim to deliver Standards-compliant data formats for engineering materials data. In this context, MatDB is used to validate and demonstrate said formats with a view to promoting their adoption. MatDB is part of the ODIN Portal
Borealis, the Canadian Dataverse Repository, is a bilingual, multidisciplinary, secure, Canadian research data repository, supported by academic libraries and research institutions across Canada. Borealis supports open discovery, management, sharing, and preservation of Canadian research data. Borealis is available to researchers who are affiliated with a participating Canadian university or research organization and their collaborators. Borealis is a shared service provided in partnership with Canadian regional academic library consortia, institutions, research organizations, and the Digital Research Alliance of Canada, with technical infrastructure hosted by Scholars Portal and the University of Toronto Libraries.
The GAVO data centre at Zentrum für Astronomie Heidelberg publishes astronomical data of all kinds – e.g., catalogues, images, spectra, time series, simulation results – in accordance with Virtual Observatory standards, making them findable and immediately usable through popular clients like TOPCAT, Aladin, or programatically through the astropy-affiliated package pyVO or the Java library STIL. We pay particular attention to providing thorough metadata to the VO Registry in order to facilitate discovery and reuse. While we have a clear focus on data produced with German contributions, we will usually publish data of other provenance, too. See for an overview of what resource-level metadata we ask for; contact us for further information on how to publish through the German Astronomical Virtual Observatory.
The central mission of the NACJD is to facilitate and encourage research in the criminal justice field by sharing data resources. Specific goals include providing computer-readable data for the quantitative study of crime and the criminal justice system through the development of a central data archive, supplying technical assistance in the selection of data collections and computer hardware and software for data analysis, and training in quantitative methods of social science research to facilitate secondary analysis of criminal justice data
ScienceBase provides access to aggregated information derived from many data and information domains, including feeds from existing data systems, metadata catalogs, and scientists contributing new and original content. ScienceBase architecture is designed to help science teams and data practitioners centralize their data and information resources to create a foundation needed for their work. ScienceBase, both original software and engineered components, is released as an open source project to promote involvement from the larger scientific programming community both inside and outside the USGS.
<<<!!!<<< The pages were merged. Please use "Forschungsdaten- und Servicezentrum der Bundesbank" >>>!!!<<<
The Avian Knowledge Network (AKN) is an international network of governmental and non-governmental institutions and individuals linking avian conservation, monitoring and science through efficient data management and coordinated development of useful solutions using best-science practices based on the data.