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Found 45 result(s)
The Eurac Research CLARIN Centre (ERCC) is a dedicated repository for language data. It is hosted by the Institute for Applied Linguistics (IAL) at Eurac Research, a private research centre based in Bolzano, South Tyrol. The Centre is part of the Europe-wide CLARIN infrastructure, which means that it follows well-defined international standards for (meta)data and procedures and is well-embedded in the wider European Linguistics infrastructure. The repository hosts data collected at the IAL, but is also open for data deposits from external collaborators.
KU Leuven RDR (pronounced "RaDaR") is KU Leuven's Research Data Repository, built on - open source repository software built by Harvard University. RDR gives KU Leuven researchers a one-stop platform to upload, describe, and share their research data, conveniently and with support from university staff.
The edoc-Server, start 1998, is the Institutional Repository of the Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin and offers the posibility of text- and data-publications. Every item is published for Open-Access with an optional embargo period of up to five years. Data publications since 01.01.2018.
Stanford Network Analysis Platform (SNAP) is a general purpose network analysis and graph mining library. It is written in C++ and easily scales to massive networks with hundreds of millions of nodes, and billions of edges. It efficiently manipulates large graphs, calculates structural properties, generates regular and random graphs, and supports attributes on nodes and edges. SNAP is also available through the NodeXL which is a graphical front-end that integrates network analysis into Microsoft Office and Excel. The SNAP library is being actively developed since 2004 and is organically growing as a result of our research pursuits in analysis of large social and information networks. Largest network we analyzed so far using the library was the Microsoft Instant Messenger network from 2006 with 240 million nodes and 1.3 billion edges. The datasets available on the website were mostly collected (scraped) for the purposes of our research. The website was launched in July 2009.
The Research Collection is ETH Zurich's publication platform. It unites the functions of a university bibliography, an open access repository and a research data repository within one platform. Researchers who are affiliated with ETH Zurich, the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology, may deposit research data from all domains. They can publish data as a standalone publication, publish it as supplementary material for an article, dissertation or another text, share it with colleagues or a research group, or deposit it for archiving purposes. Research-data-specific features include flexible access rights settings, DOI registration and a DOI preview workflow, content previews for zip- and tar-containers, as well as download statistics and altmetrics for published data. All data uploaded to the Research Collection are also transferred to the ETH Data Archive, ETH Zurich’s long-term archive.
CLARIN is a European Research Infrastructure for the Humanities and Social Sciences, focusing on language resources (data and tools). It is being implemented and constantly improved at leading institutions in a large and growing number of European countries, aiming at improving Europe's multi-linguality competence. CLARIN provides several services, such as access to language data and tools to analyze data, and offers to deposit research data, as well as direct access to knowledge about relevant topics in relation to (research on and with) language resources. The main tool is the 'Virtual Language Observatory' providing metadata and access to the different national CLARIN centers and their data.
JASPAR is the leading open-access database of matrix profiles describing the DNA-binding patterns of transcription factors and other proteins interacting with DNA in a sequence-specific manner.
Fordatis is the institutional research data repository of the Fraunhofer-Gesellschaft. Fraunhofer-Gesellschaft based in Germany is Europes largest research and technology organization. Fordatis contains research data created by researcher at Fraunhofer. These are data from the engineering, natural sciences and social sciences.
GovData the data portal for Germany offers consistent and central access to administrative data at the federal, state, and local level. Objective is to make data more available and easier to use at a single location. As set out in the concept of "open data", we attempt to facilitate the use of open licenses and to increase the supply of machine-readable raw data.
The US Virtual Astronomical Observatory (VAO) is the VO effort based in the US, and it is one of many VO projects currently underway worldwide. The primary emphasis of the VAO is to provide new scientific research capabilities to the astronomy community. Thus an essential component of the VAO activity is obtaining input from US astronomers about the research tools that are most urgently needed in their work, and this information will guide the development efforts of the VAO. >>>!!!<<< Funding discontinued in 2014 and all software, documentation, and other digital assets developed under the VAO are stored in the VAO Project Repository . Code is archived on Github . >>>!!!<<<
DaKS is the institutional repository of the University of Kassel for research data. It offers structured storage of research data alongside with descriptive metadata, long-term archiving for at least 10 years and – if requested – the publication of the dataset with a DOI.
The ESCAPE Open-source Scientific Software and Service Repository (OSSR) is a sustainable open-access repository to share scientific software, services and datasets to the astro-particle-physics-related communities and enable open science. It is built as a curated Zenodo community ( integrated with several tools to enable a complete software life-cycle. The ESCAPE Zenodo community welcomes entries that support the software and service projects in the OSSR such as user-support documentation, tutorials, presentations and training activities. It also encourages the archival of documents and material that disseminate and support the goals of ESCAPE.
The WashU Research Data repository accepts any publishable research data set, including textual, tabular, geospatial, imagery, computer code, or 3D data files, from researchers affiliated with Washington University in St. Louis. Datasets include metadata and are curated and assigned a DOI to align with FAIR data principles.
DaRUS, the data repository of the University of Stuttgart, offers a secure location for research data and codes, be it for the administration of own data, for exchange within a research group, for sharing with selected partners or for publishing.
B2SHARE allows publishing research data and belonging metadata. It supports different research communities with specific metadata schemas. This server is provided for researchers of the Research Centre Juelich and related communities.
Figshare has been chosen as the University of Adelaide's official data and digital object repository with unlimited local storage. All current staff and HDR students can access and publish research data and digital objects on the University of Adelaide's Figshare site. Because Figshare is cloud-based, you can access it anywhere and at any time.
Launchpad is a software collaboration platform that provides: Bug tracking, Code hosting using Bazaar, Code reviews Ubuntu package building and hosting, Translations, Mailing lists, Answer tracking and FAQs, Specification tracking. Launchpad can host your project’s source code using the Bazaar version control system
Country is a software registry for bioinformatics and the life sciences.
OSGeo's mission is to support the collaborative development of open source geospatial software, in part by providing resources for projects and promoting freely available geodata. The Public Geodata Repository is a distributed repository and registry of data sources free to access, reuse, and re-distribute.
ETH Data Archive is ETH Zurich's long-term preservation solution for digital information such as research data, digitised content, archival records, or images. It serves as the backbone of data curation and for most of its content, it is a “dark archive” without public access. In this capacity, the ETH Data Archive also archives the content of ETH Zurich’s Research Collection which is the primary repository for members of the university and the first point of contact for publication of data at ETH Zurich. All data that was produced in the context of research at the ETH Zurich, can be published and archived in the Research Collection. An automated connection to the ETH Data Archive in the background ensures the medium to long-term preservation of all publications and research data. Direct access to the ETH Data Archive is intended only for customers who need to deposit software source code within the framework of ETH transfer Software Registration. Open Source code packages and other content from legacy workflows can be accessed via ETH Library @ swisscovery (
The Language Bank features text and speech corpora with different kinds of annotations in over 60 languages. There is also a selection of tools for working with them, from linguistic analyzers to programming environments. Corpora are also available via web interfaces, and users can be allowed to download some of them. The IP holders can monitor the use of their resources and view user statistics.
myExperiment is a collaborative environment where scientists can safely publish their workflows and in silico experiments, share them with groups and find those of others. Workflows, other digital objects and bundles (called Packs) can now be swapped, sorted and searched like photos and videos on the Web. Unlike Facebook or MySpace, myExperiment fully understands the needs of the researcher and makes it really easy for the next generation of scientists to contribute to a pool of scientific methods, build communities and form relationships — reducing time-to-experiment, sharing expertise and avoiding reinvention. myExperiment is now the largest public repository of scientific workflows.
LINDAT/CLARIN is designed as a Czech “node” of Clarin ERIC (Common Language Resources and Technology Infrastructure). It also supports the goals of the META-NET language technology network. Both networks aim at collection, annotation, development and free sharing of language data and basic technologies between institutions and individuals both in science and in all types of research. The Clarin ERIC infrastructural project is more focused on humanities, while META-NET aims at the development of language technologies and applications. The data stored in the repository are already being used in scientific publications in the Czech Republic. In 2019 LINDAT/CLARIAH-CZ was established as a unification of two research infrastructures, LINDAT/CLARIN and DARIAH-CZ.