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Found 201 result(s)
<<<!!!<<< checked 20.03.2017 SumsDB was offline; for more information and archive see >>>!!!>>> SumsDB (the Surface Management System DataBase) is a repository of brain-mapping data (surfaces & volumes; structural & functional data) from many laboratories.
Data Observation Network for Earth (DataONE) is the foundation of new innovative environmental science through a distributed framework and sustainable cyberinfrastructure that meets the needs of science and society for open, persistent, robust, and secure access to well-described and easily discovered Earth observational data. Supported by the U.S. National Science Foundation (Grant #OCI-0830944) as one of the initial DataNets, DataONE will ensure the preservation, access, use and reuse of multi-scale, multi-discipline, and multi-national science data via three primary cyberinfrastucture elements and a broad education and outreach program.
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The Lamont-Doherty Core Repository (LDCR) contains one of the world’s most unique and important collection of scientific samples from the deep sea. Sediment cores from every major ocean and sea are archived at the Core Repository. The collection contains approximately 72,000 meters of core composed of 9,700 piston cores; 7,000 trigger weight cores; and 2,000 other cores such as box, kasten, and large diameter gravity cores. We also hold 4,000 dredge and grab samples, including a large collection of manganese nodules, many of which were recovered by submersibles. Over 100,000 residues are stored and are available for sampling where core material is expended. In addition to physical samples, a database of the Lamont core collection has been maintained for nearly 50 years and contains information on the geographic location of each collection site, core length, mineralogy and paleontology, lithology, and structure, and more recently, the full text of megascopic descriptions.
This web site provides adjusted and homogenized climate data for many climatological stations in Canada. These data were created for use in climate research including climate change studies. They incorporate a number of adjustments applied to the original station data to address shifts due to changes in instruments and in observing procedures. Sometimes the observations from several stations were joined to generate a long time series. The adjusted and homogenized data are provided for four climate elements: surface air temperature, precipitation, surface pressure, and surface wind speed.
GFZ Data Services is a repository for research data and scientific software across the Earth System Sciences, hosted at GFZ. The curated data are archived, persistently accessible and published with digital object identifier (DOI). They range from large dynamic datasets from global monitoring networks with real-time aquisition, to international services in geodesy and geophysics, to the full suite of small and highly heterogeneous datasets collected by individual researchers or small teams ("long-tail data"). In addition to the DOI registration and data archiving itself, GFZ Data Services team offers comprehensive consultation by domain scientists and IT specialists. Among others, GFZ Data Services is data publisher for the IAG Services ICGEM, IGETS and ISG (IAG = Int. Association for Geodesy; ICGEM = Int. Center for Global Earth Models; IGETS = Int. Geodynamics and Earth Tide Service; ISG = Int. Service for the Geoid), the World Stress Map, INTERMAGNET, GEOFON, the Geophysical Instrument Pool Potsdam GIPP, TERENO, EnMAP Flight Campaigns, the Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research PIK, the Specialised Information Service for Solid Earth Geosciences (FID GEO) and hosts the GFZ Catalogue for the International Generic Sample Number IGSN.
ReDATA is the research data repository for the University of Arizona and a sister repository to the UA Campus Repository (which is intended for document-based materials). The UA Research Data Repository (ReDATA) serves as the institutional repository for non-traditional scholarly outputs resulting from research activities by University of Arizona researchers. Depositing research materials (datasets, code, images, videos, etc.) associated with published articles and/or completed grants and research projects, into ReDATA helps UA researchers ensure compliance with funder and journal data sharing policies as well as University data retention policies. ReDATA is designed for materials intended for public availability.
Sound and Vision has one of the largest audiovisual archives in Europe. The institute manages over 70 percent of the Dutch audiovisual heritage. The collection contains more than a million hours of television, radio, music and film from the beginning in 1898 until today. All programs of the Dutch public broadcasters come in digitally every day. Individuals and institutions entrust their collection to Sound and Vision as well. The institute ensures that the material is optimally preserved for (re)use. Broadcasters, producers and editors use the archive for the creation of new programs. The collection is also used to develop products and services for a wide audience, such as exhibitions, iPhone applications, DVD boxes and various websites. The collection of Sound and Vision contains the complete radio and television archives of the Dutch public broadcasters; films of virtually every leading Dutch documentary maker; newsreels; the national music depot; various audiovisual corporate collections; advertising, radio and video material of cultural and social organizations, of scientific institutes and of all kinds of educational institutions. There are also collections of images and articles from the history of Dutch broadcasting itself, like the elaborate collection of historical television sets.
<<<!!!<<< The data of this repository is also available at >>>!!!>>> The project analyzes educational processes in Germany from early childhood to late adulthood. The National Educational Panel Study (NEPS) has been set up to find out more about the acquisition of education in Germany, to plot the consequences of education for individual biographies, and to describe central educational processes and trajectories across the entire life span. Such an interdisciplinary consortium of research institutes, researcher groups, and research. personalities has been assembled in Bamberg. In addition, the competencies and experiences with longitudinal research available at numerous other locations have been networked to form a cluster of excellence.
clarin:el is the Greek national network of language resources, a nation-wide Research Infrastructure devoted to the sustainable storage, sharing, dissemination and preservation of language resources. CLARIN EL infrastructure, which is a Greek nation-wide Research Infrastructure devoted to the sustainable storage, sharing, dissemination and preservation of language resources (LRs) and aims at increasing access to and augmentation of such resources at a national scale and beyond. It is an open, integrated, secure and interoperable storage, sharing and processing infrastructure for LRs (datasets, tools and processing services) for all domains domains and disciplines where language plays a critical role, notably. CLARIN EL is implemented in the framework of the CLARIN Attiki, national project in support of ESFRI/2006 Research Infrastructures.
Figshare has been chosen as the University of Adelaide's official data and digital object repository with unlimited local storage. All current staff and HDR students can access and publish research data and digital objects on the University of Adelaide's Figshare site. Because Figshare is cloud-based, you can access it anywhere and at any time.
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The YODA Project is an effort by a group of academically-based clinical researchers to facilitate access to participant-level clinical research data and/or comprehensive reports of clinical research, such as full Clinical Study Reports (CSRs), a level of detail not customarily found in journal publications, with the aim of promoting scientific research that may advance science or lead to improvements in individual and public health and healthcare delivery. The YODA Project is guided by the following core principles, which reflect the overall mission of the project to promote open science by: Promoting the sharing of clinical research data to advance science and improve public health and healthcare, Promoting the responsible conduct of research, Ensuring good stewardship of clinical research data, and Protecting the rights of research participants
EM-DAT is a global database on natural and technological disasters, containing essential core data on the occurrence and effects of more than 26,000 disasters in the world, from 1900 to present. EM-DAT provides geographical, temporal, human and economic information on disasters at the country level. The database is compiled from various sources, including UN agencies, non-governmental organisations, insurance companies, research institutes and press agencies.
The Canadian Open Genetics Repository is a collaborative effort for the collection, storage, sharing and robust analysis of variants reported by medical diagnostics laboratories across Canada. As clinical laboratories adopt modern genomics technologies, the need for this type of collaborative framework is increasingly important. If you want to join COGR project and get data please send an email at and the introduction to the project will be arranged.
BSRN is a project of the Radiation Panel (now the Data and Assessment Panel) from the Global Energy and Water Cycle Experiment (GEWEX) under the umbrella of the World Climate Research Programme (WCRP). It is the global baseline network for surface radiation for the Global limate Observing System (GCOS), contributing to the Global Atmospheric Watch (GAW), and forming a ooperative network with the Network for the Detection of Atmospheric Composition Change NDACC).
The GTN-P database is an object-related database open for a diverse range of data. Because of the complexity of the PAGE21 project, data provided in the GTN-P management system are extremely diverse, ranging from active-layer thickness measurements once per year to flux measurement every second and everthing else in between. The data can be assigned to two broad categories: Quantitative data which is all data that can be measured numerically. Quantitative data comprise all in situ measurements, i.e. permafrost temperatures and active layer thickness (mechanical probing, frost/thaw tubes, soil temperature profiles). Qualitative data (knowledge products) are observations not based on measurements, such as observations on soils, vegetation, relief, etc.
GEOFON seeks to facilitate cooperation in seismological research and earthquake and tsunami hazard mitigation by providing rapid transnational access to seismological data and source parameters of large earthquakes, and keeping these data accessible in the long term. It pursues these aims by operating and maintaining a global network of permanent broadband stations in cooperation with local partners, facilitating real time access to data from this network and those of many partner networks and plate boundary observatories, providing a permanent and secure archive for seismological data. It also archives and makes accessible data from temporary experiments carried out by scientists at German universities and institutions, thereby fostering cooperation and encouraging the full exploitation of all acquired data and serving as the permanent archive for the Geophysical Instrument Pool at Potsdam (GIPP). It also organises the data exchange of real-time and archived data with partner institutions and international centres.
The Perovskite Database Project aims at making all perovskite device data, both past and future, available in a form adherent to the FAIR data principles, i.e. findable, accessible, interoperable, and reusable.
The Finnish Social Science Data Archive (FSD) is a national resource centre for research and education. FSD's mission is to preserve data collected to study Finnish society, people and cultural phenomena in the long term. FSD archives, promotes and disseminates digital research data for research, teaching and learning purposes. Data descriptions are published in Finnish and English on FSD’s service portal Aila, through which users also download data. Quantitative datasets are translated from Finnish into English on request, and a large number of datasets are available in English. All services are free of charge. FSD promotes transparency, accumulation and efficient reuse of scientific research as well as open access to research data. FSD is the Finnish Service Provider for CESSDA ERIC.
SeaDataNet is a standardized system for managing the large and diverse data sets collected by the oceanographic fleets and the automatic observation systems. The SeaDataNet infrastructure network and enhance the currently existing infrastructures, which are the national oceanographic data centres of 35 countries, active in data collection. The networking of these professional data centres, in a unique virtual data management system provide integrated data sets of standardized quality on-line. As a research infrastructure, SeaDataNet contributes to build research excellence in Europe.
This portal applicaton brings together the data collected and published via OGC Web-services from the individual observatories and provides access of the data to the public. Therefore, it serves as a database node to provide scientists and decision makers with reliable and well accessible data and data products.
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The Centre for Applied Genomics hosts a variety of databases related to ongoing supported projects. Curation of these databases is performed in-house by TCAG Bioinformatics staff. The Autism Chromosome Rearrangement Database, The Cystic Fibrosis Mutation Database, TThe Lafora Progressive Myoclonus Epilepsy Mutation and Polymorphism Database are included. Large Scale Genomics Research resources include, the Database of Genomic Variants, The Chromosome 7 Annotation Project, The Human Genome Segmental Duplication Database, and the Non-Human Segmental Duplication Database
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The Northern Ontario Plant Database (NOPD) is a website that provides free public access to records of herbarium specimens housed in northern Ontario educational and government institutions. A herbarium is an archival collection of plants that have been pressed, dried, mounted, and labelled. It also provides up-to-date and accurate information on the flora of northern Ontario.