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Found 44 result(s)
The Data Catalogue is a service that allows University of Liverpool Researchers to create records of information about their finalised research data, and save those data in a secure online environment. The Data Catalogue provides a good means of making that data available in a structured way, in a form that can be discovered by both general search engines and academic search tools. There are two types of record that can be created in the Data Catalogue: A discovery-only record – in these cases, the research data may be held somewhere else but a record is provided to help people find it. A record is created that alerts users to the existence of the data, and provides a link to where those data are held. A discovery and data record – in these cases, a record is created to help people discover the data exist, and the data themselves are deposited into the Data Catalogue. This process creates a unique Digital Object identifier (DOI) which can be used in citations to the data.
An open digital archive of scholarly, intellectual and research outputs of the University of South Africa. The UnisaIR contains and preserves theses and dissertations, research articles, conference papers, rare and special materials and many other digital assets. With special collections from the Documentation Center for African Studies including manuscripts, photos, political posters and other archival materials about the history of South Africa.
The GeoPortal.rlp allows the central search and visualization of geo data. Inside the geo data infrastructure of Rhineland-Palatinate the GeoPortal.rlp inherit the central duty a service orientated branch exchange between user and offerer of geo data. The GeoPortal.rlp establishes the access to geo data over the electronic network. The GeoPortal.rlp was brought on line on January, 8th 2007 for the first time, on February, 2nd 2011 it occured a site-relaunch.
The Eurac Research CLARIN Centre (ERCC) is a dedicated repository for language data. It is hosted by the Institute for Applied Linguistics (IAL) at Eurac Research, a private research centre based in Bolzano, South Tyrol. The Centre is part of the Europe-wide CLARIN infrastructure, which means that it follows well-defined international standards for (meta)data and procedures and is well-embedded in the wider European Linguistics infrastructure. The repository hosts data collected at the IAL, but is also open for data deposits from external collaborators.
UCrea offers electronic access to documents generated by UC members in their academic, learning or research activity. The aim is to give greater visibility to academic production, increase impact and ensure preservation. UCrea supports documentation in various electronic formats and can include academic papers, research projects, preprints, articles, conference papers, etc.
prometheus is a digital image archive for Art and Cultural Sciences. prometheus enables the convenient search for images on a common user interface within different image archives, variable databases from institutes, research facilities and museums.
ResearchWorks Archive is the University of Washington’s digital repository (also known as “institutional repository”) for disseminating and preserving scholarly work. ResearchWorks Archive can accept any digital file format or content (examples include numerical datasets, photographs and diagrams, working papers, technical reports, pre-prints and post-prints of published articles).
The RIT DML captures, distributes and preserves RIT's digital products. Here you can find articles, working papers, preprints, technical reports, conference papers and data sets in various digital formats.
ePrints Soton is the University's Research Repository. It contains journal articles, books, PhD theses, conference papers, data, reports, working papers, art exhibitions and more. Where possible, journal articles, conference proceedings and research data made open access.
Lithuania became a full member of CLARIN ERIC in January of 2015 and soon CLARIN-LT consortium was founded by three partner universities: Vytautas Magnus University, Kaunas Technology University and Vilnius University. The main goal of the consortium is to become a CLARIN B centre, which will be able to serve language users in Lithuania and Europe for storing and accessing language resources.
OpARA (Open Access Repository and Archive) is the repository for digital research data of the TU Dresden (TUD) and the TU Bergakademie Freiberg (TUBAF). It offers researchers the possibility of archiving their digital research data and optionally making it accessible to third parties under an Open Access license.
The University of Lincoln's Institutional Repository is for the permanent deposit of research outputs produced by the University. Repository content can be browsed or searched through this website or through searching the internet. Wherever possible, repository content is freely available for download and use according to our Copyright and Use Notice.
ANPERSANA is the digital library of IKER (UMR 5478), a research centre specialized in Basque language and texts. The online library platform receives and disseminates primary sources of data issued from research in Basque language and culture. As of today, two corpora of documents have been published. The first one, is a collection of private letters written in an 18th century variety of Basque, documented in and transcribed to modern standard Basque. The discovery of the collection, named Le Dauphin, has enabled the emerging of new questions about the history and sociology of writing in the domain of minority languages, not only in France, but also among the whole Atlantic Arc. The second of the two corpora is a selection of sound recordings about monodic chant in the Basque Country. The documents were collected as part of a PhD thesis research work that took place between 2003 and 2012. It's a total of 50 hours of interviews with francophone and bascophone cultural representatives carried out at either their workplace of the informers or in public areas. ANPERSANA is bundled with an advanced search engine. The documents have been indexed and geo-localized on an interactive map. The platform is engaged with open access and all the resources can be uploaded freely under the different Creative Commons (CC) licenses.
Research Data Unipd is a data archive and supports research produced by the members of the University of Padova. The service aims to facilitate data discovery, data sharing, and reuse, as required by funding institutions (eg. European Commission). Datasets published in the archive have a set of metadata that ensure proper description and discoverability.
Spectrum, Concordia University's open access research repository, provides access to and preserves research created at Concordia. By depositing in Spectrum, Concordia scholars provide free and immediate access to their work and thus increase the visibility of both their own research and their university's intellectual output. Open access leads to the increased research profile and impact of scholars by bringing about greater levels of readership and citation of their publications.
The Research Data Repository of the University of Mannheim invites all researchers and faculty of the University of Mannheim to archive their research data here in order to make it accessible through the Internet. All archived data sets receive DOIs (Digital Object Identifier) to make them accessible and citable. Using this repository is free of charge.
Contains data on patients who have been tested for COVID-19 (whether positive or negative) in participating health institutions in Brazil. This initiative makes available three kinds of pseudonymized data: demographics (gender, year of birth, and region of residency), clinical and laboratory exams. Additional hospitalization information - such as data on transfers and outcomes - is provided when available. Clinical, lab, and hospitalization information is not limited to COVID-19 data, but covers all health events for these individuals, starting November 1st 2019, to allow for comorbidity studies. Data are deposited periodically, so that health information for a given individual is continuously updated to time of new version upload.
The Tropical Data Hub (TDH) Research Data repository makes data collections and datasets generated by James Cook University researchers searchable and accessible. This increases their visibility and facilitates sharing and collaboration both within JCU and externally. Services provided include archival storage, access controls (open access preferred), metadata review and DOI minting.
depositar — taking the term from the Portuguese/Spanish verb for to deposit — is an online repository for research data. The site is built by the researchers for the researchers. You are free to deposit, discover, and reuse datasets on depositar for all your research purposes.
The RIAA's primary functions are to collect, organize, preserve, manage, and provide electronic access to information and quality content produced with public funds.
The Natural Environment Research Council's Data Repository for Atmospheric Science and Earth Observation. The Centre for Environmental Data Analysis (CEDA) serves the environmental science community through three data centres, data analysis environments, and participation in a host of relevant research projects. We aim to support environmental science, further environmental data archival practices, and develop and deploy new technologies to enhance access to data. Additionally we provide services to aid large scale data analysis.