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Found 56 result(s)
As the national oceanographic data centre for Canada, MEDS maintains centralized repositories of some oceanographic data types collected in Canada, and coordinates data exchanges between DFO and recognized intergovernmental organizations, as well as acts as a central point for oceanographic data requests. Real-time, near real-time (for operational oceanography) or historical data are made available as appropriate.
The CDC Data Catalogue describes the Climate Data of the DWD and provides access to data, descriptions and access methods. Climate Data refers to observations, statistical indices and spatial analyses. CDC comprises Climate Data for Germany, but also global Climate Data, which were collected and processed in the framework of international co-operation. The CDC Data Catalogue is under construction and not yet complete. The purposes of the CDC Data Catalogue are: to provide uniform access to climate data centres and climate datasets of the DWD to describe the climate data according to international metadata standards to make the catalogue information available on the Internet to support the search for climate data to facilitate the access to climate data and climate data descriptions
The International Satellite Cloud Climatology Project (ISCCP) is a database of intended for researchers to share information about cloud radiative properties. The data sets focus on the effects of clouds on the climate, the radiation budget, and the long-term hydrologic cycle. Within the data sets the data entries are broken down into entries of specific characteristics based on temporal resolution, spatial resolution, or temporal coverage.
The arctic data archive system (ADS) collects observation data and modeling products obtained by various Japanese research projects and gives researchers to access the results. By centrally managing a wide variety of Arctic observation data, we promote the use of data across multiple disciplines. Researchers use these integrated databases to clarify the mechanisms of environmental change in the atmosphere, ocean, land-surface and cryosphere. That ADS will be provide an opportunity of collaboration between modelers and field scientists, can be expected.
The IOWDB was designed for the particular requirements of the Leibniz Institute for Baltic Sea Research. It is aimed at the management of historical and recent measurement of the IOW (to some extend of other data, too) and to provide them in a user-friendly way via the research tool ODIN (Oceanographic Database research with Interactive Navigation).
<<<!!!<<< the repository is offline >>>!!!<<< NARSTO is dedicated to improving management of air quality in North America. Additionally, NARSTO is working to improve collaboration between the air-quality and health-sciences research communities, to advance understanding of the scientific issues involved in effecting a multi-pollutant/multi-media approach to air quality management, and to increase understanding of the linkages between air quality and climate change. NARSTO is represented by private and public organizations in Canada, Mexico, and the United States. NARSTO was terminated as of December 31, 2010. While data remain available via the original NARSTO Data Archive, the permanent data archive is maintained by the NASA Langley Research Center Atmospheric Science Data Center
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The future of tropical forests matter to future climate. NGEE-Tropics is advancing model predictions of tropical forest carbon cycle responses to a changing climate over the 21st Century.
We aim to provide a “one-stop shop” for data. To this end, we provide information on Strait of Georgia data that can be found within this Data Centre, as well as in other existing databases and locations. Clicking on the different categories in our Marine Data BC open data portal will allow you information on 1) all the data that is within this SoG Data Centre, 2) links to custodians that can provide other data sets that cannot be directly downloaded from our Data Centre, as well as 3) links to other existing data search engines where data can be immediately downloaded.
E-RA provides a permanent managed repository and knowledgebase for secure storage of metadata and data from Rothamsted's Long-term Experiments, the oldest, continuous agronomic experiments in the world. Together with the accompanying meteorological records, associated documentation and sample archive, it is a unique historical record of experiments that have been measured continuously since 1843. e-RA provides comprehensive descriptions of Rothamsted's long-term experiments including Broadbalk Wheat, Park Grass Hay, Hoosfield Barley, Rothamsted and Woburn Ley Arables, and Long-term Liming. e-RA maintains long-term routine data collections including crop yields, quality traits, agronomic management, soil chemistry, disease, and botanical diversity. The experiments are available as a research infrastructure to scientists and scientists are encouraged to deposit any new data generated with e-RA.
The Antarctic and Southern Ocean Data Portal, part of the US Antarctic Data Consortium, provides access to geoscience data, primarily marine, from the Antarctic region. The synthesis began in 2003 as the Antarctic Multibeam Bathymetry and Geophysical Data Synthesis (AMBS) with a focus on multibeam bathymetry field data and other geophysical data from the Southern Ocean collected with the R/V N. B. Palmer. In 2005, the effort was expanded to include all routine underway geophysical and oceanographic data collected with both the R/V N. B. Palmer and R/V L. Gould, the two primary research vessels serving the US Antarctic Program.
The Environmental Change Network is the UK’s long-term environmental monitoring and research (LTER) programme. We make regular measurements of plant and animal communities and their physical and chemical environment. Our long-term datasets are used to increase understanding of the effects of climate change, air pollution and other environmental pressures on UK ecosystems.
The Polar Data Center (PDC) manages the Science Database among other repositories for Japanese polar research. The Science Database is the destination repository for all Japanese Antarctic Research Expedition (JARE) data as well as the Japanese contribution to the International Polar Year (IPY) 2007-2008. Metadata are in English and Japanese, and metadata records are shared with the Global Change Master Directory.
<<<!!!<<< There are no more data available. >>>!!!>>> HalOcAt brings together global oceanic and atmospheric data of mainly short-lived brominated and iodinated trace gases.
The World Data Center for Remote Sensing of the Atmosphere, WDC-RSAT, offers scientists and the general public free access (in the sense of a “one-stop shop”) to a continuously growing collection of atmosphere-related satellite-based data sets (ranging from raw to value added data), information products and services. Focus is on atmospheric trace gases, aerosols, dynamics, radiation, and cloud physical parameters. Complementary information and data on surface parameters (e.g. vegetation index, surface temperatures) is also provided. This is achieved either by giving access to data stored at the data center or by acting as a portal containing links to other providers.
MEMENTO aims to become a valuable tool for identifying regions of the world ocean that should be targeted in future work to improve the quality of air-sea flux estimates.
The Clouds and the Earth’s Radiant Energy System (CERES) is a key component of the Earth Observing System (EOS) program. CERES instruments provide radiometric measurements of the Earth’s atmosphere from three broadband channels. CERES products include both solar-reflected and Earth-emitted radiation from the top of the atmosphere to the Earth's surface.
The NSF-supported Program serves the international scientific community through research, infrastructure, data, and models. We focus on how components of the Critical Zone interact, shape Earth's surface, and support life. ARCHIVED CONTENT: In December 2020, the CZO program was succeeded by the Critical Zone Collaborative Network (CZ Net)
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Sextant is a marine and coastal geographic data infrastructure. It is operated by Scientific Information Systems for the Sea (SISMER) of Ifremer ( Sextant aims to document, disseminate and promote a catalog of data related to the marine environment. For Ifremer's laboratories and partners, as well as for national and European actors working in the marine and coastal field, Sextant provides tools that promote and facilitate the archiving, consultation and availability of these geographical data. Data published by Sextant are available free or restricted. They can be used in accordance with the terms of the Creative Commons license selected by the author of data. Sextant infrastructure and the technologies used are in line with the implementation of the INSPIRE Directive and make it possible to follow the Open Data approach. Some data set published by Sextant has a DOI which enables it to be cited in a publication in a reliable and sustainable way. The long-term preservation of data filed in Sextant is ensured by Ifremer infrastructure.
The Argo observational network consists of a fleet of 3000+ profiling autonomous floats deployed by about a dozen teams worldwide. WHOI has built about 10% of the global fleet. The mission lifetime of each float is about 4 years. During a typical mission, each float reports a profile of the upper ocean every 10 days. The sensors onboard record fundamental physical properties of the ocean: temperature and conductivity (a measure of salinity) as a function of pressure. The depth range of the observed profile depends on the local stratification and the float's mechanical ability to adjust it's buoyancy. The majority of Argo floats report profiles between 1-2 km depth. At each surfacing, measurements of temperature and salinity are relayed back to shore via satellite. Telemetry is usually received every 10 days, but floats at high-latitudes which are iced-over accumulate their data and transmit the entire record the next time satellite contact is established. With current battery technology, the best performing floats last 6+ years and record over 200 profiles.
The CZO Multiscale TROPIcal CatchmentS (M-TROPICS) consists in the merging, in 2016, of two previously-existing CZOs: BVET (India and Cameroon) and MSEC (Laos and Vietnam). The CZO Multiscale TROPIcal CatchmentS (M-TROPICS) provides the international scientific community with unique decennial time series of meteorological, hydrological, geochemical, and ecological variables in tropical environments. The CZO M-TROPICS involves academic and governmental partners in tropical countries (Cameroun, India, Lao PDR, and Vietnam) and is included in the Research Infrastructure OZCAR, the French contribution to the international CZO initiative.
EartH2Observe brings together the findings from European FP projects DEWFORA, GLOWASIS, WATCH, GEOWOW and others. It will integrate available global earth observations (EO), in-situ datasets and models and will construct a global water resources re-analysis dataset of significant length (several decades). The resulting data will allow for improved insights on the full extent of available water and existing pressures on global water resources in all parts of the water cycle. The project will support efficient and globally consistent water management and decision making by providing comprehensive multi-scale (regional, continental and global) water resources observations. It will test new EO data sources, extend existing processing algorithms and combine data from multiple satellite missions in order to improve the overall resolution and reliability of EO data included in the re-analysis dataset. The resulting datasets will be made available through an open Water Cycle Integrator data portal : the European contribution to the GEOSS/WCI approach. The datasets will be downscaled for application in case-studies at regional and local levels, and optimized based on identified European and local needs supporting water management and decision making . Actual data access:
DIAS aims at collecting and storing earth observation data; analyzing such data in combination with socio-economic data, and converting data into information useful for crisis management with respect to global-scale environmental disasters, and other threats; and to make this information available within Japan and overseas.
The European Centre for Medium-Range Weather Forecasts (ECMWF) is an independent intergovernmental organisation supported by 34 states. ECMWF is both a research institute and a 24/7 operational service, producing and disseminating numerical weather predictions to its Member States. This data is fully available to the national meteorological services in the Member States. The Centre also offers a catalogue of forecast data that can be purchased by businesses worldwide and other commercial customers Forecasts, analyses, climate re-analyses, reforecasts and multi-model data are available from our archive (MARS) or via dedicated data servers or via point-to-point dissemination