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Found 45 result(s)
The Edition Topoi research platform is an innovative, reliable information infrastructure. It serves the publication of citable research data such as 3D models, high-resolution pictures, data and databases. The content and its meta data are subject to peer review and made available on an Open Access basis. The published or publishable combination of citable research content and its technical and contextually relevant meta data is defined as Citable. The public data are generated via a cloud and can be directly connected with the individual computing environment.
DASS-BiH (Data Archive for Social Sciences in Bosnia and Herzegovina) is the national service whose role is to ensure long-term preservation and dissemination of social science research data. The purpose of the data archive is to provide a vital research data resource for researchers, teachers, students, and all other interested users.
The Research Collection is ETH Zurich's publication platform. It unites the functions of a university bibliography, an open access repository and a research data repository within one platform. Researchers who are affiliated with ETH Zurich, the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology, may deposit research data from all domains. They can publish data as a standalone publication, publish it as supplementary material for an article, dissertation or another text, share it with colleagues or a research group, or deposit it for archiving purposes. Research-data-specific features include flexible access rights settings, DOI registration and a DOI preview workflow, content previews for zip- and tar-containers, as well as download statistics and altmetrics for published data. All data uploaded to the Research Collection are also transferred to the ETH Data Archive, ETH Zurich’s long-term archive.
Currently, the IMS repository focuses on resources provided by the Institute for Natural Language Processing in Stuttgart (IMS) and other CLARIN-D related institutions such as the local Collaborative Research Centre 732 (SFB 732) as well as institutions and/or organizations that belong to the CLARIN-D extended scientific community. Comprehensive guidelines and workflows for submission by external contributors are being compiled based on the experiences in archiving such in-house resources.
The Norwegian Marine Data Centre (NMD) at the Institute of Marine Research was established as a national data centre dedicated to the professional processing and long-term storage of marine environmental and fisheries data and production of data products. The Institute of Marine Research continuously collects large amounts of data from all Norwegian seas. Data are collected using vessels, observation buoys, manual measurements, gliders – amongst others. NMD maintains the largest collection of marine environmental and fisheries data in Norway.
Scholars' Mine is an online collection of scholarly and creative works produced by the faculty, staff, and students of the Missouri University of Science and Technology.
Chinese Astronomical Data Center (CAsDC) is the scientific data service and infrastructure of National Astronomical Observatories, Chinese Academy of Sciences (NAOC), which is a key service from the China-VO. We are aiming to meet user requirements for astronomical research and education. The CAsDC is based on World Data Center (WDC) for Astronomy, which is hosted at NAOC and has been providing data services to users since its initiation in 1980s. In 2012, the CAsDC became a regular member of the new created World Data System.
TIB’s core task is to provide science and industry with both elementary and highly technical specialist and researchinformation. TIB has globally unique collections in the subject areas of science and technology, as well as architecture,chemistry, computer science, mathematics and physics. Besides textual materials, the library’s collections also includeknowledge objects such as research data, 3D models and audiovisual media. The TIB has assumed responsibility for the long-term preservation and availability of the digital materials it collects and documents, as well as their interpretability for use by different target groups. To this end, it has created the necessary infrastructure and guarantees the permanent provision of both material and human resources. Search for research data search at:
Australian Ocean Data Network (AODN) provides data collected by the Australian marine community. AODN's data is searchable via map interface and metadata catalogue. AODN is Australia's exhaustive repository for marine and climate data. AODN has merged with IMOS eMarine Information Infrastructure (eMII) Facility in May 2016. IMOS is a multi-institutional collaboration with a focus on open data access. It is ideally placed to manage the AODN on behalf of the Australian marine and climate community.
The Portuguese Archive of Social Information (APIS) is a scientific infrastructure acting on the domain of preservation and dissemination of social science data. Based at Instituto de Ciências Sociais, University of Lisbon, the archive works towards the acquisition and sharing of digital data for the purposes of public consultation, secondary analysis and pedagogical use. The archive comprises a range of datasets provided by research projects of the national scientific community.
Open access repository for digital research created at the University of Minnesota. U of M researchers may deposit data to the Libraries’ Data Repository for U of M (DRUM), subject to our collection policies. All data is publicly accessible. Data sets submitted to the Data Repository are reviewed by data curation staff to ensure that data is in a format and structure that best facilitates long-term access, discovery, and reuse.
Merritt is a curation repository for the preservation of and access to the digital research data of the ten campus University of California system and external project collaborators. Merritt is supported by the University of California Curation Center (UC3) at the California Digital Library (CDL). While Merritt itself is content agnostic, accepting digital content regardless of domain, format, or structure, it is being used for management of research data, and it forms the basis for a number of domain-specific repositories, such as the ONEShare repository for earth and environmental science and the DataShare repository for life sciences. Merritt provides persistent identifiers, storage replication, fixity audit, complete version history, REST API, a comprehensive metadata catalog for discovery, ATOM-based syndication, and curatorially-defined collections, access control rules, and data use agreements (DUAs). Merritt content upload and download may each be curatorially-designated as public or restricted. Merritt DOIs are provided by UC3's EZID service, which is integrated with DataCite. All DOIs and associated metadata are automatically registered with DataCite and are harvested by Ex Libris PRIMO and Thomson Reuters Data Citation Index (DCI) for high-level discovery. Merritt is also a member node in the DataONE network; curatorially-designated data submitted to Merritt are automatically registered with DataONE for additional replication and federated discovery through the ONEMercury search/browse interface.
The Odum Institute Archive Dataverse contains social science data curated and archived by the Odum Institute Data Archive at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. Some key collections include the primary holdings of the Louis Harris Data Center, the National Network of State Polls, and other Southern-focused public opinion data. Please note that some datasets in this collection are restricted to University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill affiliates. Access to these datasets require UNC ONYEN institutional login to the Dataverse system.
LAADS DAAC is the web interface to the Level 1 and Atmosphere Archive and Distribution System (LAADS). The mission of LAADS is to provide quick and easy access to MODIS Level 1, Atmosphere and Land data products, VIIRS Level 1 and Land data products MAS and MERIS data products. MODIS (or Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer) is a key instrument aboard the Terra (EOS AM) and Aqua (EOS PM) satellites.
Swedish National Data Service (SND) is a research data infrastructure designed to assist researchers in preserving, maintaining, and disseminating research data in a secure and sustainable manner. The SND Search function makes it easy to find, use, and cite research data from a variety of scientific disciplines. Together with an extensive network of almost 40 Swedish higher education institutions and other research organisations, SND works for increased access to research data, nationally as well as internationally.
Phaidra (Permanent Hosting, Archiving and Indexing of Digital Resources and Assets) is the University of Padua Library System’s platform for long-term archiving of digital collections. Phaidra hosts various types of digital objects (antiquarian books, manuscripts, photographs, wallcharts, maps, learning objects, films, archive material and museum objects). Phaidra offers a search facility to identify specific objects, and each object can be viewed, downloaded, used and reused to the extent permitted by law and by its associated licences. The objects in the digital collections on the Phaidra platform are sourced from libraries (in large part due to the digitisation projects promoted by the Library System itself), museums and archives at the University of Padua and other institutions, including the Ca’ Foscari University and the Università Iuav in Venice.
DataverseNO is a curated, FAIR-aligned national generic repository for open research data from all academic disciplines. DataverseNO commits to facilitate that published data remain accessible and (re)usable in a long-term perspective. The repository is owned and operated by UiT The Arctic University of Norway. DataverseNO accepts submissions from researchers primarily from Norwegian research institutions. Datasets in DataverseNO are grouped into institutional collections as well as special collections. The technical infrastructure of the repository is based on the open source application Dataverse (, which is developed by an international developer and user community led by Harvard University.
The Environmental Information Data Centre (EIDC) is part of the Natural Environment Research Council's (NERC) Environmental Data Service and is hosted by the UK Centre for Ecology & Hydrology (UKCEH). We manage nationally-important datasets concerned with the terrestrial and freshwater sciences.
Strasbourg astronomical Data Center (CDS) is dedicated to the collection and worldwide distribution of astronomical data and related information. Alongside data curation and service maintenance responsibilities, the CDS undertakes R&D activities that are fundamental to ensure the long term sustainability in a domain in which technology evolves very quickly. R&D areas include informatics, big data, and development of the astronomical Virtual Observatory (VO). CDS is a major actor in the VO with leading roles in European VO projects, the French Virtual Observatory and the International Virtual Observatory Alliance (IVOA). The CDS hosts the SIMBAD astronomical database, the world reference database for the identification of astronomical objects; VizieR, the catalogue service for the CDS reference collection of astronomical catalogues and tables published in academic journals; and the Aladin interactive software sky atlas for access, visualization and analysis of astronomical images, surveys, catalogues, databases and related data.
The Polar Data Catalogue is an online database of metadata and data that describes, indexes and provides access to diverse data sets generated by polar researchers. These records cover a wide range of disciplines from natural sciences and policy, to health, social sciences, and more.
QSAR DataBank (QsarDB) is repository for (Quantitative) Structure-Activity Relationships ((Q)SAR) data and models. It also provides open domain-specific digital data exchange standards and associated tools that enable research groups, project teams and institutions to share and represent predictive in silico models.
ScholarsArchive@OSU is Oregon State University's digital service for gathering, indexing, making available and storing the scholarly work of the Oregon State University community. It also includes materials from outside the institution in support of the university's land, sun, sea and space grant missions and other research interests.