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Found 43 result(s)
The German Neuroinformatics Node's data infrastructure (GIN) services provide a platform for comprehensive and reproducible management and sharing of neuroscience data. Building on well established versioning technology, GIN offers the power of a web based repository management service combined with a distributed file storage. The service addresses the range of research data workflows starting from data analysis on the local workstation to remote collaboration and data publication.
The Amazon Tall Tower Observatory (ATTO) is a joint German-Brazilian project launched in 2009. ATTO is with its tall tower, the associated research infrastructure and scientific plots a unique interdisciplinary scientific platform in a region of global significance. Its core objective is to obtain a detailed understanding of the biogeochemical cycles and energy fluxes at the geo-, bio-, atmosphere interface in the Amazon, and to integrate this knowledge into diverse climate and Earth system models to improve our prognostic abilities regarding climatic and ecological processes as well as our understanding of the various effects of global climate change. The ATTO Data Portal is a data management platform, built for storing, sharing, exchanging and publishing data of the ATTO research consortium scientists.
OLOS is a Swiss-based data management portal tailored for researchers and institutions. Powerful yet easy to use, OLOS works with most tools and formats across all scientific disciplines to help researchers safely manage, publish and preserve their data. The solution was developed as part of a larger project focusing on Data Life Cycle Management ( that aims to develop various services for research data management. Thanks to its highly modular architecture, OLOS can be adapted both to small institutions that need a "turnkey" solution and to larger ones that can rely on OLOS to complement what they have already implemented. OLOS is compatible with all formats in use in the different scientific disciplines and is based on modern technology that interconnects with researchers' environments (such as Electronic Laboratory Notebooks or Laboratory Information Management Systems).
IAGOS aims to provide long-term, regular and spatially resolved in situ observations of the atmospheric composition. The observation systems are deployed on a fleet of 10 to 15 commercial aircraft measuring atmospheric chemistry concentrations and meteorological fields. The IAGOS Data Centre manages and gives access to all the data produced within the project.
The Research Data Centre (Forschungsdatenzentrum, FDZ) at the Institute for Educational Quality Improvement (Institut zur Qualitätsentwicklung im Bildungswesen, IQB) archives and documents data sets resulting from national and international assessment studies (such as DESI, PIRLS, PISA, IQB-Bildungstrends). Moreover, the FDZ makes these data sets available for re- and secondary analysis. Members of the scientific community can apply for access to the data sets archived at the FDZ.
The UWA Profiles and Research Repository contains research publications, research datasets, theses, equipment, grants and activities created by researchers and postgraduates affiliated with the University of Western Australia (UWA). It is managed by the University Library and provides access to research datasets held at UWA. The information about each dataset has been provided by UWA research groups. Dataset metadata is harvested into Research Data Australia (RDA)
BOARD (Bicocca Open Archive Research Data) is the institutional data repository of the University of Milano-Bicocca. BOARD is an open, free-to-use research data repository, which enables members of University of Milano-Bicocca to make their research data publicly available. By depositing their research data in BOARD researchers can: - Make their research data citable - Share their data privately or publicly - Ensure long-term storage for their data - Keep access to all versions - Link their article to their data
The mission of World Data Center for Climate (WDCC) is to provide central support for the German and European climate research community. The WDCC is member of the ISC's World Data System. Emphasis is on development and implementation of best practice methods for Earth System data management. Data for and from climate research are collected, stored and disseminated. The WDCC is restricted to data products. Cooperations exist with thematically corresponding data centres of, e.g., earth observation, meteorology, oceanography, paleo climate and environmental sciences. The services of WDCC are also available to external users at cost price. A special service for the direct integration of research data in scientific publications has been developed. The editorial process at WDCC ensures the quality of metadata and research data in collaboration with the data producers. A citation code and a digital identifier (DOI) are provided and registered together with citation information at the DOI registration agency DataCite.
The KNB Data Repository is an international repository intended to facilitate ecological, environmental and earth science research in the broadest senses. For scientists, the KNB Data Repository is an efficient way to share, discover, access and interpret complex ecological, environmental, earth science, and sociological data and the software used to create and manage those data. Due to rich contextual information provided with data in the KNB, scientists are able to integrate and analyze data with less effort. The data originate from a highly-distributed set of field stations, laboratories, research sites, and individual researchers. The KNB supports rich, detailed metadata to promote data discovery as well as automated and manual integration of data into new projects. The KNB supports a rich set of modern repository services, including the ability to assign Digital Object Identifiers (DOIs) so data sets can be confidently referenced in any publication, the ability to track the versions of datasets as they evolve through time, and metadata to establish the provenance relationships between source and derived data.
BBMRI-ERIC is a European research infrastructure for biobanking. We bring together all the main players from the biobanking field – researchers, biobankers, industry, and patients – to boost biomedical research. To that end, we offer quality management services, support with ethical, legal and societal issues, and a number of online tools and software solutions. Ultimately, our goal is to make new treatments possible. The Directory is a tool to share aggregate information about the biobanks that are willing external collaboration. It is based on the MIABIS 2.0 standard, which describes the samples and data in the biobanks at an aggregated level.
The National Data Archive has been disseminating microdata from surveys and censuses primarily under the Ministry of Statistics and Programme Implementation (MoSPI), Government of India. The archive is powered by the National Data Archive (NADA, ver. 4.3) software with DDI Metadata standard. It serves as a portal for researchers to browse, search, and download relevant datasets freely; even with related documentation (viz. survey methodology, sampling procedures, questionnaires, instructions, survey reports, classifications, code directories, etc). A few data files require the user to apply for approval to access with no charge. Currently, the archive holds more than 144 datasets of the National Sample Surveys (NSS), Annual Survey of Industries (ASI), and the Economic Census as available with the Ministry. However, efforts are being made to include metadata of surveys conducted by the State Governments and other government agencies.
The Résif-EPOS Seismic data repository hosts and distributes seismological data from permanent and temporary seismic networks operated all over the world by French research institutions and international partners, to support research on source processes and imaging of the Earth's interior at all scales. Résif-EPOS (French seismologic and geodetic network) is a French national equipment for the observation and understanding of the solid Earth.
The Yeast Resource Center provides access to data about mass spectrometry, yeast two-hybrid arrays, deconvolution florescence microscopy, protein structure prediction and computational biology. These services are provided to further the goal of a complete understanding of the chemical interactions required for the maintenance and faithful reproduction of a living cell. The observation that the fundamental biological processes of yeast are conserved among all eukaryotes ensures that this knowledge will shape and advance our understanding of living systems.
FactGrid is a Wikibase instance designed to be used by historians with a focus on international projects. The database is hosted by the University of Erfurt and coordinated at the Gotha Research Centre. Partners in joint ventures are Wikimedia Germany as the software provider and the German National Library in a project to open the GND to international research.
The Radboud Data Repository (RDR) is an institutional repository for archiving and sharing of data collected, processed, or analyzed by researchers working at or affiliated with the Radboud University (Nijmegen, the Netherlands). The repository allows safe long-term (at least 10 years) storage of large datasets. The RDR promotes findability of datasets by providing a DOI and rich metadata fields and allows researchers to easily manage data access.
NAKALA is a repository dedicated to SSH research data in France. Given its generalist and multi-disciplinary nature, all types of data are accepted, although certain formats are recommended to ensure longterm data preservation. It has been developed and is hosted by Huma-Num, the French national research infrastructure for digital humanities.
The Cornell Center for Social Sciences (CCSS) houses an extensive collection of research data files in the social sciences with particular emphasis on data that matches the interests of Cornell University researchers. CCSS intentionally uses a broad definition of social sciences in recognition of the interdisciplinary nature of Cornell research. CCSS collects and maintains digital research data files in the social sciences, with a current emphasis on Cornell-based social science research, Results Reproduction packages, and potentially at-risk datasets. Our archive historically has focused on a broad range of social science data, including data on demography, economics and labor, political and social behavior, family life, and health. You can search our holdings or browse studies by subject area.
Data are the key to successful scientific work. A sophisticated data management will guarantee the long-term availability of observational data and metadata, and will allow for an easy data search and retrieval, to supplement the international data exchange and to provide data products for scientific, political, industrial and public stakeholders.
<<<!!!<<< As stated 2017-08-28 NEEShub is no longer available. The NEES published projects from the Project Warehouse can be found in the DesignSafe Data Depot The NEES Databases are being transitioned to DataHub . Please visit DesignSafe for all other inquiries. >>>!!!<<< NEES network features 14 geographically-distributed, shared-use laboratories that support several types of experimental work: geotechnical centrifuge research, shake table tests, large-scale structural testing, tsunami wave basin experiments, and field site research >>>!!!>>>
The CESSDA Data Catalogue contains the metadata of all data in the holdings of CESSDA service providers. It is a one-stop-shop for search and discovery, enabling effective access to European research data for researchers. Details of over 40, 000 data collections are listed. These are harvested from fifteen different CESSDA Service Providers.
The NCEAS Data Repository contains information about the research data sets collected and collated as part of NCEAS' funded activities. Information in the NCEAS Data Repository is concurrently available through the Knowledge Network for Biocomplexity (KNB), an international data repository. A number of the data sets were synthesized from multiple data sources that originated from the efforts of many contributors, while others originated from a single. Datasets can be found at KNB repository , creator=NCEAS