WISER is a self-service platform for data of the Global Networks of Isotopes in Precipitation (GNIP) and Rivers (GNIR), hosted within the IAEA's repository for technical resources (NUCLEUS).
GNIP in WISER currently contains over 130,000 records, and stable isotopes are current to the end of 2013, and will be updated as verified data comes in. Parts of the GNIR water isotope data is online as well (synoptic/time series), although we are still in process of verifying and completing GNIR data uploads and for other isotopic parameters over the next year. Check back occasionally for GNIR updates. Tritium data after 2009 is in the process of being updated in the next year.
When accessing WISER through the URL https://nucleus.iaea.org/wiser, you will be forwarded to the NUCLEUS log-in page. After entering your user credentials and validation, you will be forwarded to the WISER landing page.