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Found 95 result(s)
<<<!!!<<< stated 26-02-2020: Amsterdam Cohort Studies on HIV infection and AIDS is no longer available online >>>!!!>>> The Amsterdam cohort study (ACS) on human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) infection and AIDS among homosexual men started in 1984 and was expanded to include drug users in 1985. Thus far, about 2100 homosexual men and 1630 (injecting) drug users have been included of whom approximately 700 homosexual men and 550 drug users are still in active follow-up. Every 3-6 months participants complete a standardized questionnaire to obtain medical, epidemiological and social scientific information and undergo a medical examination. In addition, they have blood drawn for virological and immunological tests and storage.
JHU has stopped collecting data as of 03/10/2023 After three years of around-the-clock tracking of COVID-19 data from around the world, Johns Hopkins has discontinued the Coronavirus Resource Center’s operations. The site’s two raw data repositories will remain accessible for information collected from 1/22/20 to 3/10/23 on cases, deaths, vaccines, testing and demographics. Coronavirus COVID-19 Global Cases by the Center for Systems Science and Engineering (CSSE) at Johns Hopkins University (JHU). Johns Hopkins experts in global public health, infectious disease, and emergency preparedness have been at the forefront of the international response to COVID-19. This website is a resource to help advance the understanding of the virus, inform the public, and brief policymakers in order to guide a response, improve care, and save lives. All data collected and displayed are made freely available through a GitHub repository, along with the feature layers of the dashboard, which are now included in the ESRI Living Atlas:
The GHDx is our user-friendly and searchable data catalog for global health, demographic, and other health-related datasets. It provides detailed information about datasets ranging from censuses and surveys to health records and vital statistics, globally. It also serves as a platform for data owners to share their data with the public. The GDB Compare visualization, which allows the user to see rate of change in disease incidence, globally or by country, by age or across all ages, is especially powerful as a tool. Be sure to try adding a bottom chart, like the map, to augment the treemap that loads by default in the top chart.
The Health and Medical Care Archive (HMCA) is the data archive of the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation (RWJF), the largest philanthropy devoted exclusively to health and health care in the United States. Operated by the Inter-university Consortium for Political and Social Research (ICPSR) at the University of Michigan, HMCA preserves and disseminates data collected by selected research projects funded by the Foundation and facilitates secondary analyses of the data. Our goal is to increase understanding of health and health care in the United States through secondary analysis of RWJF-supported data collections
The WorldWide Antimalarial Resistance Network (WWARN) is a collaborative platform generating innovative resources and reliable evidence to inform the malaria community on the factors affecting the efficacy of antimalarial medicines. Access to data is provided through diverse Tools and Resources: WWARN Explorer, Molecular Surveyor K13 Methodology, Molecular Surveyor pfmdr1 & pfcrt, Molecular Surveyor dhfr & dhps.
Exposures in the period from conception to early childhood - including fetal growth, cell division, and organ functioning - may have long-lasting impact on health and disease susceptibility. To investigate these issues the Danish National Birth Cohort (Better health in generations) was established. A large cohort of pregnant women with long-term follow-up of the offspring was the obvious choice because many of the exposures of interest cannot be reconstructed with suffcient validity back in time. The study needed to be large, and the aim was to recruit 100,000 women early in pregnancy, and to continue follow-up for decades. Exposure information was collected by computer-assisted telephone interviews with the women twice during pregnancy and when their children were six and 18 months old. Participants were also asked to fill in a self-administered food frequency questionnaire in mid-pregnancy. Furthermore, a biological bank has been set up with blood taken from the mother twice during pregnancy and blood from theumbilical cord taken shortly after birth.
One of the world’s largest banks of biological, psychosocial and clinical data on people suffering from mental health problems. The Signature center systematically collects biological, psychosocial and clinical indicators from patients admitted to the psychiatric emergency and at four points throughout their journey in the hospital: upon arrival to the emergency room (state of crisis), at the end of their hospital stay, as well as at the beginning and the end of outpatient treatment. For all hospital clients who agree to participate, blood specimens are collected for the purpose of measuring metabolic, genetic, toxic and infectious biomarkers, while saliva samples are collected to measure sex hormones and hair samples are collected to measure stress hormones. Questionnaire has been selected to cover important dimensional aspects of mental illness such as Behaviour and Cognition (Psychosis, Depression, Anxiety, Impulsiveness, Aggression, Suicide, Addiction, Sleep),Socio-demographic Profile (Spiritual beliefs, Social functioning, Childhood experiences, Demographic, Family background) and Medical Data (Medication, Diagnosis, Long-term health, RAMQ data). On 2016, May there are more than 1150 participants and 400 for the longitudinal Follow-Up
The N3C Data Enclave is a secure portal containing a very large and extensive set of harmonized COVID-19 clinical electronic health record (EHR) data. The data can be accessed through a secure cloud Enclave hosted by NCATS and cannot be downloaded due to regulatory control. Broad access is available to investigators at institutions that sign a Data Use Agreements and via Data Use Requests by investigators. The N3C is a unique open, reproducible, transparent, collaborative team science initiative to leverage sensitive clinical data to expedite COVID-19 discoveries and improve health outcomes.
<<<!!!<<< The repository is no longer available. >>>!!!>>> Indian Genetic Disease Database (IGDD) is an initiative of CSIR Indian Institute of Chemical Biology. It is supported by Council of Scientific and Industrial Research (CSIR) and Department of Biotechnology (DBT) of India. The Indian people represent one-sixth of the world population and consists of a ethnically, geographically, and genetically diverse population. In some communities the ratio of genetic disorder is relatively high due to consanguineous marriage practiced in the community. This database has been created to keep track of mutations in the causal genes for genetic diseases common in India and help the physicians, geneticists, and other professionals retrieve and use the information for the benefit of the public. The database includes scientific information about these genetic diseases and disabilities, but also statistical information about these diseases in today's society. Data is categorized by body part affected and then by title of the disease.
The Fungal Genetics Stock Center has preserved and distributed strains of genetically characterized fungi since 1960. The collection includes over 20,000 accessioned strains of classical and genetically engineered mutants of key model, human, and plant pathogenic fungi. These materials are distributed as living stocks to researchers around the world.
The Africa Health Research Institute (AHRI) has published its updated analytical datasets for 2016. The datasets cover socio-economic, education and employment information for individuals and households in AHRI’s population research area in rural northern KwaZulu-Natal. The datasets also include details on the migration patterns of the individuals and households who migrated into and out of the surveillance area as well as data on probable causes of death for individuals who passed away. Data collection for the 2016 individual interviews – which involves a dried blood spot sample being taken – is still in progress, and therefore datasets on HIV status and General Health only go up to 2015 for now. Over the past 16 years researchers have developed an extensive longitudinal database of demographic, social, economic, clinical and laboratory information about people over the age of 15 living in the AHRI population research area. During this time researchers have followed more than 160 000 people, of which 92 000 are still in the programme.
The CDHA assists researchers to create, document, and distribute public use microdata on health and aging for secondary analysis. Major research themes include: midlife development and aging; economics of population aging; inequalities in health and aging; international comparative studies of health and aging; and the investigation of linkages between social-demographic and biomedical research in population aging. The CDHA is one of fourteen demography centers on aging sponsored by the National Institute on Aging.
From April 2020 to March 2023, the Covid-19 Immunity Task Force (CITF) supported 120 studies to generate knowledge about immunity to SARS-CoV-2. The subjects addressed by these studies include the extent of SARS-CoV-2 infection in Canada, the nature of immunity, vaccine effectiveness and safety, and the need for booster shots among different communities and priority populations in Canada. The CITF Databank was developed to further enhance the impact of CITF funded studies by allowing additional research using the data collected from CITF-supported studies. The CITF Databank centralizes and harmonizes individual-level data from CITF-funded studies that have met all ethical requirements to deposit data in the CITF Databank and have completed a data sharing agreement. The CITF Databank is an internationally unique resource for sharing epidemiological and laboratory data from studies about SARS-CoV-2 immunity in different populations. The types of research that are possible with data from the CITF Databank include observational epidemiological studies, mathematical modelling research, and comparative evaluation of surveillance and laboratory methods.
ALEXA is a microarray design platform for 'alternative expression analysis'. This platform facilitates the design of expression arrays for analysis of mRNA isoforms generated from a single locus by the use of alternative transcription initiation, splicing and polyadenylation sites. We use the term 'ALEXA' to describe a collection of novel genomic methods for 'alternative expression' analysis. 'Alternative expression' refers to the identification and quantification of alternative mRNA transcripts produced by alternative transcript initiation, alternative splicing and alternative polyadenylation. This website provides supplementary materials, source code and other downloads for recent publications describing our studies of alternative expression (AE). Most recently we have developed a method, 'ALEXA-Seq' and associated resources for alternative expression analysis by massively parallel RNA sequencing.
The Swiss HIV Cohort Study (SHCS), established in 1988, is a systematic longitudinal study enrolling HIV-infected individuals in Switzerland. It is a collaboration of all Swiss University Hospital infectious disease outpatient clinics, two large cantonal hospitals, all with affiliated laboratories, and with affiliated smaller hospitals and private physicians carrying for HIV patients. The Swiss Mother and Child HIV Cohort Study (MoCHiV) is integrated into the SHCS. It aims at preventing mother to child transmission and enrolls HIV-infected pregnant women and their children. The SHCS involves practically all researchers being active in patient-oriented HIV research in Switzerland. The clinics can delegate recruitment of participants and follow-up visits to other outpatient clinics or to specialized private physicians, provided that the requirements of the protocol can be entirely fulfilled and controlled. The laboratories can contract other laboratories for some of the analyses.
The Comprehensive Epidemiologic Data Resource (CEDR) is the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) electronic database comprised of health studies of DOE contract workers and environmental studies of areas surrounding DOE facilities. DOE recognizes the benefits of data sharing and supports the public's right to know about worker and community health risks. CEDR provides independent researchers and educators with access to de-identified data collected since the Department's early production years. Current CEDR holdings include more than 76 studies of over 1 million workers at 31 DOE sites. Access to these data is at no cost to the user.
<<<!!!<<< The repository is no longer available. >>>!!!>>> Selected TOXMAP data can be accesse from the following sites: U.S. EPA Toxics Release Program (TRI) ( U.S. EPA Superfund Program ( U.S. EPA Facilities Registry System (FRS) ( U.S. EPA Clean Air Markets Program ( U.S. EPA Geospatial Applications ( U.S. NIH NCI Surveillance, Epidemiology, and End Results Program (SEER) ( Government of Canada National Pollutant Release Inventory (NPRI) ( U.S. Census Bureau ( U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) ( >>>!!!>>>