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Found 179 result(s)
Academic Torrents is a distributed data repository. The academic torrents network is built for researchers, by researchers. Its distributed peer-to-peer library system automatically replicates your datasets on many servers, so you don't have to worry about managing your own servers or file availability. Everyone who has data becomes a mirror for those data so the system is fault-tolerant.
The Alternative Fuels Data Center (AFDC) is a comprehensive clearinghouse of information about advanced transportation technologies. The AFDC offers transportation decision makers unbiased information, data, and tools related to the deployment of alternative fuels and advanced vehicles. The AFDC launched in 1991 in response to the Alternative Motor Fuels Act of 1988 and the Clean Air Act Amendments of 1990. It originally served as a repository for alternative fuel performance data. The AFDC has since evolved to offer a broad array of information resources that support efforts to reduce petroleum use in transportation. The AFDC serves Clean Cities stakeholders, fleets regulated by the Energy Policy Act, businesses, policymakers, government agencies, and the general public.
>>>!!!<<< 2018-01-18: no data nor programs can be found >>>!!!<<< These archives contain public domain programs for calculations in physics and other programs that we suppose about will help during work with computer. Physical constants and experimental or theoretical data as cross sections, rate constants, swarm parameters, etc., that are necessary for physical calculations are stored here, too. Programs are mainly dedicated to computers compatible with PC IBM. If programs do not use graphic units it is possible to use them on other computers, too. It is necessary to reprogram the graphic parts of programs in the other cases.
US Department of Energy’s Atmospheric Radiation Measurement (ARM) Data Center is a long-term archive and distribution facility for various ground-based, aerial and model data products in support of atmospheric and climate research. ARM facility currently operates over 400 instruments at various observatories ( ARM Data Center (ADC) Archive currently holds over 11,000 data products with a total holding of over 3 petabytes of data that dates back to 1993, these include data from instruments, value added products, model outputs, field campaign and PI contributed data. The data center archive also includes data collected by ARM from related program (e.g., external data such as NASA satellite).
Atmosphere to Electrons (A2e) is a new, multi-year, multi-stakeholder U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) research and development initiative tasked with improving wind plant performance and mitigating risk and uncertainty to achieve substantial reduction in the cost of wind energy production. The A2e strategic vision will enable a new generation of wind plant technology, in which smart wind plants are designed to achieve optimized performance stemming from more complete knowledge of the inflow wind resource and complex flow through the wind plant.
Bilkent University Institutional Repository (BUIR), a service of Bilkent University Libraries, collects, preserves, and distributes the intellectual output of Bilkent University. Faculty, staff, and students are invited to deposit their research and scholarship. Departments, administrative units, programs, and centers are invited to use the Institutional Repository to distribute their working papers, technical reports, conference proceedings, and other research material.
Bitbucket is a web-based version control repository hosting service owned by Atlassian, for source code and development projects that use either Mercurial or Git revision control systems.
bonndata is the institutional, FAIR-aligned and curated, cross-disciplinary research data repository for the publication of research data for all researchers at the University of Bonn. The repository is fully embedded into the University IT and Data Center and curated by the Research Data Service Center ( The software that bonndata is based on is the open source software Dataverse (
Brainlife promotes engagement and education in reproducible neuroscience. We do this by providing an online platform where users can publish code (Apps), Data, and make it "alive" by integragrate various HPC and cloud computing resources to run those Apps. Brainlife also provide mechanisms to publish all research assets associated with a scientific project (data and analyses) embedded in a cloud computing environment and referenced by a single digital-object-identifier (DOI). The platform is unique because of its focus on supporting scientific reproducibility beyond open code and open data, by providing fundamental smart mechanisms for what we refer to as “Open Services.”
The Cooperative Association for Internet Data Analysis (CAIDA) is a collaborative undertaking among organizations in the commercial, government, and research sectors aimed at promoting greater cooperation in the engineering and maintenance of a robust, scalable global Internet infrastructure.It is an independent analysis and research group with particular focus on: Collection, curation, analysis, visualization, dissemination of sets of the best available Internet data, providing macroscopic insight into the behavior of Internet infrastructure worldwide, improving the integrity of the field of Internet science, improving the integrity of operational Internet measurement and management, informing science, technology, and communications public policies.
Lab Notes Online presents historic scientific data from the Caltech Archives' collections in digital facsimile. Beginning in the fall of 2008, the first publication in the series is Robert A. Millikan's notebooks for his oil drop experiments to measure the charge of the electron, dating from October 1911 to April 1912. Other laboratory, field, or research notes will be added to the archive over time.
The Canadian Coast Guard is a special operating agency within Fisheries and Oceans Canada. The Canadian Coast Guard aids to navigation, environmental response, fees, icebreaking, communications, security, waterways management and search and rescue.
The CONP portal is a web interface for the Canadian Open Neuroscience Platform (CONP) to facilitate open science in the neuroscience community. CONP simplifies global researcher access and sharing of datasets and tools. The portal internalizes the cycle of a typical research project: starting with data acquisition, followed by processing using already existing/published tools, and ultimately publication of the obtained results including a link to the original dataset. From more information on CONP, please visit
The Centre for the Environment, Fisheries and Aquaculture Science (Cefas), as one of the world's longest-established marine research organisations, has provided advice on the sustainable exploitation of marine resources since 1902. Today Cefas works in support of a healthy environment and a growing blue economy providing innovative solutions for the aquatic environment, biodiversity and food security. The Cefas Data Hub provides access to over 2080 metadata records, with over 5500 data sets available to download and connect to in support of commitments to Open Science through the Data Portal. Datasets available are increasingly diverse and include many legacy datasets including those from fish, shellfish and plankton surveys from the 1980's to the present day. Other increasingly international datasets made available include species migration data from tagging activities and data on habitat and sediment, ecosystem change, human activities including marine litter, otolith sampling and fish stomach contents, oceanography, acoustics, health and water quality. Data is provided under Open Government License by default where feasible.
<<<!!!<<< The repository is no longer available. This record is out-dated. The Matter lab provides the archived database version of 2012 and 2013 at Data linked from the World Community Grid - The Clean Energy Project see at and on fighshare >>>!!!>>> The Clean Energy Project Database (CEPDB) is a massive reference database for organic semiconductors with a particular emphasis on photovoltaic applications. It was created to store and provide access to data from computational as well as experimental studies, on both known and virtual compounds. It is a free and open resource designed to support researchers in the field of organic electronics in their scientific pursuits. The CEPDB was established as part of the Harvard Clean Energy Project (CEP), a virtual high-throughput screening initiative to identify promising new candidates for the next generation of carbon-based solar cell materials.
Discover the data on entrepreneurship projects, innovation plans, digital transformation proposals, consumers, and financial markets. Also, explore research on business, management, and entrepreneurship research development at our Business school.
cIRcle is an open access digital repository for published and unpublished material created by the UBC community and its partners. In BIRS there are thousands of mathematics videos, which are primary research data. Our repository is the largest source of mathematics data with more than 10TB of primary research by the best mathematicians in the world, coming from more than 600 institutions.
CiteSeerx is an evolving scientific literature digital library and search engine that focuses primarily on the literature in computer and information science. CiteSeerx aims to improve the dissemination of scientific literature and to provide improvements in functionality, usability, availability, cost, comprehensiveness, efficiency, and timeliness in the access of scientific and scholarly knowledge. Rather than creating just another digital library, CiteSeerx attempts to provide resources such as algorithms, data, metadata, services, techniques, and software that can be used to promote other digital libraries. CiteSeerx has developed new methods and algorithms to index PostScript and PDF research articles on the Web.