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Found 84 result(s)
Stanford Network Analysis Platform (SNAP) is a general purpose network analysis and graph mining library. It is written in C++ and easily scales to massive networks with hundreds of millions of nodes, and billions of edges. It efficiently manipulates large graphs, calculates structural properties, generates regular and random graphs, and supports attributes on nodes and edges. SNAP is also available through the NodeXL which is a graphical front-end that integrates network analysis into Microsoft Office and Excel. The SNAP library is being actively developed since 2004 and is organically growing as a result of our research pursuits in analysis of large social and information networks. Largest network we analyzed so far using the library was the Microsoft Instant Messenger network from 2006 with 240 million nodes and 1.3 billion edges. The datasets available on the website were mostly collected (scraped) for the purposes of our research. The website was launched in July 2009.
The Research Collection is ETH Zurich's publication platform. It unites the functions of a university bibliography, an open access repository and a research data repository within one platform. Researchers who are affiliated with ETH Zurich, the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology, may deposit research data from all domains. They can publish data as a standalone publication, publish it as supplementary material for an article, dissertation or another text, share it with colleagues or a research group, or deposit it for archiving purposes. Research-data-specific features include flexible access rights settings, DOI registration and a DOI preview workflow, content previews for zip- and tar-containers, as well as download statistics and altmetrics for published data. All data uploaded to the Research Collection are also transferred to the ETH Data Archive, ETH Zurich’s long-term archive.
CLARIN is a European Research Infrastructure for the Humanities and Social Sciences, focusing on language resources (data and tools). It is being implemented and constantly improved at leading institutions in a large and growing number of European countries, aiming at improving Europe's multi-linguality competence. CLARIN provides several services, such as access to language data and tools to analyze data, and offers to deposit research data, as well as direct access to knowledge about relevant topics in relation to (research on and with) language resources. The main tool is the 'Virtual Language Observatory' providing metadata and access to the different national CLARIN centers and their data.
The National Science Digital Library provides high quality online educational resources for teaching and learning, with current emphasis on the sciences, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) disciplines—both formal and informal, institutional and individual, in local, state, national, and international educational settings. The NSDL collection contains structured descriptive information (metadata) about web-based educational resources held on other sites by their providers. These providers have contribute this metadata to NSDL for organized search and open access to educational resources via this website and its services.
The CLARIN­/Text+ repository at the Saxon Academy of Sciences and Humanities in Leipzig offers long­term preservation of digital resources, along with their descriptive metadata. The mission of the repository is to ensure the availability and long­term preservation of resources, to preserve knowledge gained in research, to aid the transfer of knowledge into new contexts, and to integrate new methods and resources into university curricula. Among the resources currently available in the Leipzig repository are a set of corpora of the Leipzig Corpora Collection (LCC), based on newspaper, Wikipedia and Web text. Furthermore several REST-based webservices are provided for a variety of different NLP-relevant tasks The repository is part of the CLARIN infrastructure and part of the NFDI consortium Text+. It is operated by the Saxon Academy of Sciences and Humanities in Leipzig.
The Alternative Fuels Data Center (AFDC) is a comprehensive clearinghouse of information about advanced transportation technologies. The AFDC offers transportation decision makers unbiased information, data, and tools related to the deployment of alternative fuels and advanced vehicles. The AFDC launched in 1991 in response to the Alternative Motor Fuels Act of 1988 and the Clean Air Act Amendments of 1990. It originally served as a repository for alternative fuel performance data. The AFDC has since evolved to offer a broad array of information resources that support efforts to reduce petroleum use in transportation. The AFDC serves Clean Cities stakeholders, fleets regulated by the Energy Policy Act, businesses, policymakers, government agencies, and the general public.
Bitbucket is a web-based version control repository hosting service owned by Atlassian, for source code and development projects that use either Mercurial or Git revision control systems.
Bilkent University Institutional Repository (BUIR), a service of Bilkent University Libraries, collects, preserves, and distributes the intellectual output of Bilkent University. Faculty, staff, and students are invited to deposit their research and scholarship. Departments, administrative units, programs, and centers are invited to use the Institutional Repository to distribute their working papers, technical reports, conference proceedings, and other research material.
>>>!!!<<< 2018-01-18: no data nor programs can be found >>>!!!<<< These archives contain public domain programs for calculations in physics and other programs that we suppose about will help during work with computer. Physical constants and experimental or theoretical data as cross sections, rate constants, swarm parameters, etc., that are necessary for physical calculations are stored here, too. Programs are mainly dedicated to computers compatible with PC IBM. If programs do not use graphic units it is possible to use them on other computers, too. It is necessary to reprogram the graphic parts of programs in the other cases.
In order to meet the needs of research data management for Peking University. The PKU library cooperate with the NSFC-PKU data center for management science, PKU science and research department, PKU social sciences department to jointly launch the Peking University Open Research Data Platform. PKU Open research data provides preservation, management and distribution services for research data. It encourage data owner to share data and data users to reuse data.
The Information Marketplace for Policy and Analysis of Cyber-risk & Trust (IMPACT) program supports global cyber risk research & development by coordinating, enhancing and developing real world data, analytics and information sharing capabilities, tools, models, and methodologies. In order to accelerate solutions around cyber risk issues and infrastructure security, IMPACT makes these data sharing components broadly available as national and international resources to support the three-way partnership among cyber security researchers, technology developers and policymakers in academia, industry and the government.
The Harvard Dataverse Repository is a free data repository open to all researchers from any discipline, both inside and outside of the Harvard community, where you can share, archive, cite, access, and explore research data. Each individual Dataverse collection is a customizable collection of datasets (or a virtual repository) for organizing, managing, and showcasing datasets.
CiteSeerx is an evolving scientific literature digital library and search engine that focuses primarily on the literature in computer and information science. CiteSeerx aims to improve the dissemination of scientific literature and to provide improvements in functionality, usability, availability, cost, comprehensiveness, efficiency, and timeliness in the access of scientific and scholarly knowledge. Rather than creating just another digital library, CiteSeerx attempts to provide resources such as algorithms, data, metadata, services, techniques, and software that can be used to promote other digital libraries. CiteSeerx has developed new methods and algorithms to index PostScript and PDF research articles on the Web.
An increasing number of Language Resources (LT) in the various fields of Human Language Technology (HLT) are distributed on behalf of ELRA via its operational body ELDA, thanks to the contribution of various players of the HLT community. Our aim is to provide Language Resources, by means of this repository, so as to prevent researchers and developers from investing efforts to rebuild resources which already exist as well as help them identify and access those resources.
<<<!!!<<< The repository is offline >>>!!!>>> A collection of open content name datasets for Information Centric Networking. The "Content Name Collection" (CNC) lists and hosts open datasets of content names. These datasets are either derived from URL link databases or web traces. The names are typically used for research on Information Centric Networking (ICN), for example to measure cache hit/miss ratios in simulations.