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Found 19 result(s)
SCEC's mission includes gathering data on earthquakes, both in Southern California and other locales; integrate the information into a comprehensive understanding of earthquake phenomena; and communicate useful knowledge for reducing earthquake risk to society at large. The SCEC community consists of more than 600 scientists from 16 core institutions and 47 additional participating institutions. SCEC is funded by the National Science Foundation and the U.S. Geological Survey.
<<<!!!<<< The website closed in January 2015. >>>!!!>>> All GeoBase products are available on the Open Government of Canada portal: GeoBase initiative provides geospatial data of the entire Canadian landmass for government, business, and/or personal assessments of sustainable resource development, public safety, sanitation, and environmental protection. Data is available for download as ESRI Shapefile, FGDB, KML, and GML.
PAGER (Prompt Assessment of Global Earthquakes for Response) is an automated system that produces content concerning the impact of significant earthquakes around the world, informing emergency responders, government and aid agencies, and the media of the scope of the potential disaster. PAGER rapidly assesses earthquake impacts by comparing the population exposed to each level of shaking intensity with models of economic and fatality losses based on past earthquakes in each country or region of the world. Earthquake alerts – which were formerly sent based only on event magnitude and location, or population exposure to shaking – now will also be generated based on the estimated range of fatalities and economic losses. PAGER uses these earthquake parameters to calculate estimates of ground shaking by using the methodology and software developed for ShakeMaps. ShakeMap sites provide near-real-time maps of ground motion and shaking intensity following significant earthquakes. These maps are used by federal, state, and local organizations, both public and private, for post-earthquake response and recovery, public and scientific information, as well as for preparedness exercises and disaster planning.
Survey of India, The National Survey and Mapping Organization of the country under the Department of Science & Technology, is the OLDEST SCIENTIFIC DEPARTMENT OF THE GOVT. OF INDIA. It was set up in 1767 and has evolved rich traditions over the years. In its assigned role as the nation's Principal Mapping Agency, Survey of India bears a special responsibility to ensure that the country's domain is explored and mapped suitably, provide base maps for expeditious and integrated development and ensure that all resources contribute with their full measure to the progress, prosperity and security of our country now and for generations to come. The history of the Survey of India dates back to the 18th Century. Forerunners of army of the East India Company and Surveyors had an onerous task of exploring the unknown. Bit by bit the tapestry of Indian terrain was completed by the painstaking efforts of a distinguished line of Surveyors such as Mr. Lambton and Sir George Everest. It is a tribute to the foresight of such Surveyors that at the time of independence the country inherited a survey network built on scientific principles. The great Trigonometric series spanning the country from North to South East to West are some of the best geodetic control series available in the world. The scientific principles of surveying have since been augmented by the latest technology to meet the multidisciplinary requirement of data from planners and scientists. Organized into only 5 Directorates in 1950, mainly to look after the mapping needs of Defense Forces in North West and North East, the Department has now grown into 22 Directorates spread in approx. all parts (states) of the country to provide the basic map coverage required for the development of the country. Its technology, latest in the world, has been oriented to meet the needs of defense forces, planners and scientists in the field of geo-sciences, land and resource management. Its expert advice is being utilized by various Ministries and undertakings of Govt. of India in many sensitive areas including settlement of International borders, State boundaries and in assisting planned development of hitherto under developed areas. Faced with the requirement of digital topographical data, the department has created three Digital Centers during late eighties to generate Digital Topographical Data Base for the entire country for use in various planning processes and creation of geographic information system. Its specialized Directorates such as Geodetic and Research Branch, and Indian Institute of Surveying & Mapping (erstwhile Survey Training Institute) have been further strengthened to meet the growing requirement of user community. The department is also assisting in many scientific programs of the Nation related to the field of geo-physics, remote sensing and digital data transfers.
The BC Oil and Gas Commission (Commission) is an independent, single-window regulatory agency with responsibilities for overseeing oil and gas operations in British Columbia, including exploration, development, pipeline transportation and reclamation. Spatial and non-spatial data is collected from various sources to support oil and gas operations in the province and is used widely within the Commission. As part of its commitment to improving citizen access and involvement, enhancing transparency and understanding, the Commission is pleased to provide interactive public access to this data. Users are encouraged to explore the site and select and download the datasets that are of interest to them.
LIAG's Geophysics Information System (FIS GP) serves for the storage and supply of geophysical measurements and evaluations of LIAG and its partners. The architecture of the overall system intends a subdivision into an universal part (superstructure) and into several subsystems dedicated to geophysical methods (borehole geophysics, gravimetry, magnetics, 1D/2D geoelectrics, underground temperatures, seismics, VSP, helicopter geophysics and rock physics. The building of more subsystems is planned.
Repository of the Faculty of Science is institutional repository that gathers, permanently stores and allows access to the results of scientific and intellectual property of the Faculty of Science, University of Zagreb. The objects that can be stored in the repository are research data, scientific articles, conference papers, theses, dissertations, books, teaching materials, images, video and audio files, and presentations. To improve searchability, all materials are described with predetermined set of metadata.
OpenTopography facilitates community access to high-resolution, Earth science-oriented, topography data, and related tools and resources. The OpenTopography Facility is based at the San Diego Supercomputer Center at the University of California, San Diego and is operated in collaboration with colleagues in the School of Earth and Space Exploration at Arizona State University and Earthscope Consortium. Core operational support for OpenTopography comes from the National Science Foundation Earth Sciences.
This web site is provided by the United States Geological Survey’s (USGS) Earthquake Hazards Program as part of our effort to reduce earthquake hazard in the United States. We are part of the USGS Hazards Mission Area and are the USGS component of the congressionally established, multi-agency National Earthquake Hazards Reduction Program (NEHRP).
The DCS allows you to search a catalogue of metadata (information describing data) to discover and gain access to NERC's data holdings and information products. The metadata are prepared to a common NERC Metadata Standard and are provided to the catalogue by the NERC Data Centres.
DDE DPR is a repository of geoscience data established with the support of Deep-time Digital Earth international big science program (DDE), which is committed to building a resource base for long-term data sharing and data release. Users can provide their research results to consumers in a discoverable, shareable and referential way, provide long-term preservation, sharing and acquisition services for scientific data, and promote the findability, accessibility, interoperability and reusability (FAIR) of data on the basis of protecting the rights and interests of data authors, so as to promote the sharing of geoscience data.
The Marine Geoscience Data System (MGDS) is a trusted data repository that provides free public access to a curated collection of marine geophysical data products and complementary data related to understanding the formation and evolution of the seafloor and sub-seafloor. Developed and operated by domain scientists and technical specialists with deep knowledge about the creation, analysis and scientific interpretation of marine geoscience data, the system makes available a digital library of data files described by a rich curated metadata catalog. MGDS provides tools and services for the discovery and download of data collected throughout the global oceans. Primary data types are geophysical field data including active source seismic data, potential field, bathymetry, sidescan sonar, near-bottom imagery, other seafloor senor data as well as a diverse array of processed data and interpreted data products (e.g. seismic interpretations, microseismicity catalogs, geologic maps and interpretations, photomosaics and visualizations). Our data resources support scientists working broadly on solid earth science problems ranging from mid-ocean ridge, subduction zone and hotspot processes, to geohazards, continental margin evolution, sediment transport at glaciated and unglaciated margins.
Geoscientific Data & Discovery Publishing Center (GDD) is based on the geological scientific data generated globally, establishing policies and systems for the scientific data publishing, absorbing the concepts and methods of international open data, and joint Digital Object Unique Identifier-DOI registration agencies to provide standard data reference formats and permanent access address for data references, doing publishing through the Internet platform, which combines innovation and advance. GDD mainly includes data descriptor and entity data publishing. The data papers describe entity data and corresponding metadata information. The entity data includes common shared data such as geographic information, geologic maps, and databases, and also includes multiple data types, such as documents, archive records, data forms and other multimedia formed during geological work, various data-centric applications, database interface services, and typical data services.
<<<!!!<<< This repository is no longer available. >>>!!!>>>The Deep Carbon Observatory (DCO) is a global community of multi-disciplinary scientists unlocking the inner secrets of Earth through investigations into life, energy, and the fundamentally unique chemistry of carbon. Deep Carbon Observatory Digital Object Registry (“DCO-VIVO”) is a centrally-managed digital object identification, object registration and metadata management service for the DCO. Digital object registration includes DCO-ID generation based on the global Handle System infrastructure and metadata collection using VIVO. Users will be able to deposit their data into the DCO Data Repository and have that data discoverable and accessible by others.
The Geo Big Data Open Platform of the Korea Institute of Geological Resources is a data-based repository that allows anyone to easily access the latest geological resource information scattered in Korea. It was established for the purpose of quickly organizing and providing domestic and foreign geological resource research information pouring out of a super-gap society to utilize the solution of national social problems and create an open science research ecosystem in the geological resource field.
PANGAEA - Data Publisher for Earth & Environmental Sciences has an almost 30-year history as an open-access library for archiving, publishing, and disseminating georeferenced data from the Earth, environmental, and biodiversity sciences. Originally evolving from a database for sediment cores, it is operated as a joint facility of the Alfred Wegener Institute, Helmholtz Centre for Polar and Marine Research (AWI) and the Center for Marine Environmental Sciences (MARUM) at the University of Bremen. PANGAEA holds a mandate from the World Meteorological Organization (WMO) and is accredited as a World Radiation Monitoring Center (WRMC). It was further accredited as a World Data Center by the International Council for Science (ICS) in 2001 and has been certified with the Core Trust Seal since 2019. The successful cooperation between PANGAEA and the publishing industry along with the correspondent technical implementation enables the cross-referencing of scientific publications and datasets archived as supplements to these publications. PANGAEA is the recommended data repository of numerous international scientific journals.