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Found 59 result(s)
As a department of the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) the National Agricultural Statistics Service (NASS) continually surveys and reports on U.S. agriculture. NASS reports include production and supplies of food and fiber, prices paid and received by farmers, farm labor and wages, farm finances, chemical use, and changes in the demographics of U.S. producers. NASS provides objective and unbiased statistics of states and counties, while safeguarding the privacy of farmers and ranchers.
SMU Research Data Repository (SMU RDR) is a tool and service for researchers from Singapore Management University (SMU) to store, share and publish their research data. SMU RDR accepts a wide range of research data and outputs generated from research projects.
The USDA Economics, Statistics and Market Information System contains reports and datasets of multiple agencies within the United States Department of Agriculture, including the Agricultural Marketing Service, the Economic Research Service, the Foreign Agricultural Service, the National Agricultural Statistics Service, and the World Agricultural Outlook Board. Historical and current reports and datasets are included.
UQ eSpace is the single authoritative source for the research outputs of the staff and students of the University of Queensland and is the archival home of UQ Research Higher Degree digital theses. UQ eSpace raises the visibility and accessibility of UQ publications to the wider world and provides data for mandatory Government reporting requirements such as the Higher Education Research Data Collection (HERDC) and Excellence in Research for Australia (ERA) as well as for the internal UQ systems such as the Q-Index. It also operates as an institutional repository for open access publications, research datasets and other digitised materials created by staff of the University such as print materials, photographs, audio materials, videos, manuscripts and other original works.
Launched in February 2020, data.sciencespo is a repository that offers visibility, sharing and preservation of data collected, curated and processed at Sciences Po. The repository is based on the Dataverse open-source software and organised into collections: CDSP Collection This collection managed by the Centre des données socio-politiques (CDSP) includes the catalogue of surveys, in the social science and humanities, processed and curated by CDSP engineers since 2005. This catalogue brings together surveys produced at Sciences Po and other French and international institutions. - Sciences Po collection (self-deposit) This collection, which is managed by the Direction des ressources et de l'information scientifique (DRIS), is intended to host data produced by researchers affiliated with Sciences Po, following the self-deposit process assisted by the Library's staff.
The Portal is intended to be used as catalog of datasets published by ministries/ department/ organizations of Government of India for public use, in order to enhance transparency in the functioning of the Government as well as to make innovative visualization of dataset. This National Data Portal is being updated frequently to make it as accessible as possible and completely accessible to all irrespective of physical challenges or technology.
The Canadian Opinion Research Archive at Queen's University makes available commercial and independent surveys to the academic, research and journalistic communities. Founded in 1992, CORA contains hundreds of surveys including thousands of discrete items collected by major commercial Canadian firms dating back to the 1970s. CORA is continually adding new surveys and is always soliciting new data from commercial research firms, independent think tanks, research institutes, NGOs, and academic researchers. This website also includes readily accessible results from these surveys, tracking Canadian opinion over time on frequently asked survey questions, as well as tabular results from recent Canadian surveys, and more general information on polling. This material is made available as a public service by CORA and its partners.
Bilkent University Institutional Repository (BUIR), a service of Bilkent University Libraries, collects, preserves, and distributes the intellectual output of Bilkent University. Faculty, staff, and students are invited to deposit their research and scholarship. Departments, administrative units, programs, and centers are invited to use the Institutional Repository to distribute their working papers, technical reports, conference proceedings, and other research material.
UCLA Library is adopting Dataverse, the open source web application designed for sharing, preserving and using research data. UCLA Dataverse will allow data, text, software, scripts, data visualizations, etc., created from research projects at UCLA to be made publicly available, widely discoverable, linkable, and ultimately, reusable
The Canada Open Data Project provides Government of Canada data to the public as potential driver for economic innovation. Searchable and browsable raw data is available for download, and the public can recommend specific data be made available.
The Research Documentation Centre of the Centre for Social Sciences at the Hungarian Academy of Sciences provides information on and access to research conducted at the Centre. The metadata and many of the documents of the Research Documentation Centre (RDC) are available to all visitors. External researchers may ask for access to restricted collections
The Cross-National Equivalent File (CNEF) contains population panel data from Australia, Canada, Germany, Great Britain, Korea, Russia, Switzerland and the United States. Each of these countries undertakes a longitudinal household economic survey. The data are made equivalent, providing a reference dataset which cross-links each of the individual studies and allowing cross-national comparisons.
The ZBW Journal Data Archive is a service for editors of journals in economics and management. The Journal Data Archive offers the possibility for journal authors of papers that contain empirical work, simulations or experimental work to store the data, programs, and other details of computations, to make these files publicly available and to support confirmability and replicability of their published research papers.
Open access repository for digital research created at the University of Minnesota. U of M researchers may deposit data to the Libraries’ Data Repository for U of M (DRUM), subject to our collection policies. All data is publicly accessible. Data sets submitted to the Data Repository are reviewed by data curation staff to ensure that data is in a format and structure that best facilitates long-term access, discovery, and reuse.
<<<!!!<<< History Data Service ressources now available in, see re3data>>>!!!>>>
<<<!!!<<< This repository is no longer available. The Social Sciences Library of the former Center for Advanced Studies in Social Sciences (CEACS) of the Juan March Institute has been integrated into the Social and Legal Sciences Library of the Carlos III University of Madrid since September 2013. In the University's catalog you can consult what used to be its collection of monographs and journals. >>>!!!>>>
The U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics collects, analyzes, and publishes reliable information on many aspects of the United States economy and society. They measure employment, compensation, worker safety, productivity, and price movements. This information is used by jobseekers, workers, business leaders, and others to assist them in making sound decisions at work and at home. Statistical data covers a wide range of topics about the labor market, economy and society in the U.S.; subject areas include: Inflation & Prices, Employment, Unemployment, Pay & Benefits, Spending & Time Use, Productivity, Workplace Injuries, International, and Regional Resources. Data is available in multiple formats including charts and tables as well as Bureau of Labor Statistics publications.
DBIE is a data warehouse of the Department of Statistics and Information Management (DSIM), under the Reserve Bank of India. It disseminates data on various aspects of the Indian Economy through several of its publications, by means of it’s three parts – namely has mainly three parts Home, Statistics and Time-series Publications. Again, Home is divided into two parts viz. Important Economic Indicators &amp; Economy at a Glance through dashboards. The entire statistics have been presented in seven subject areas - Real Sector, Corporate Sector, Financial Sector, Financial Market, External Sector, Public Finance, Socio-Economic Indicators. Sectors have different sub-sectors and reports under the sub-sectors have been organized on periodicity wise. Downloading of data can be possible into Excel, CSV, PDF formats. User can use the data for their research work with courtesy to the Database on Indian Economy, Reserve Bank of India.
The Africa Health Research Institute (AHRI) has published its updated analytical datasets for 2016. The datasets cover socio-economic, education and employment information for individuals and households in AHRI’s population research area in rural northern KwaZulu-Natal. The datasets also include details on the migration patterns of the individuals and households who migrated into and out of the surveillance area as well as data on probable causes of death for individuals who passed away. Data collection for the 2016 individual interviews – which involves a dried blood spot sample being taken – is still in progress, and therefore datasets on HIV status and General Health only go up to 2015 for now. Over the past 16 years researchers have developed an extensive longitudinal database of demographic, social, economic, clinical and laboratory information about people over the age of 15 living in the AHRI population research area. During this time researchers have followed more than 160 000 people, of which 92 000 are still in the programme.
Junar provides a cloud-based open data platform that enables innovative organizations worldwide to quickly, easily and affordably make their data accessible to all. In just a few weeks, your initial datasets can be published, providing greater transparency, encouraging collaboration and citizen engagement, and freeing up precious staff resources.
The Indian Census is the largest single source of a variety of statistical information on different characteristics of the people of India. With a history of more than 130 years, this reliable, time tested exercise has been bringing out a veritable wealth of statistics every 10 years, beginning from 1872 when the first census was conducted in India non-synchronously in different parts. To scholars and researchers in demography, economics, anthropology, sociology, statistics and many other disciplines, the Indian Census has been a fascinating source of data. The rich diversity of the people of India is truly brought out by the decennial census which has become one of the tools to understand and study India The responsibility of conducting the decennial Census rests with the Office of the Registrar General and Census Commissioner, India under Ministry of Home Affairs, Government of India. It may be of historical interest that though the population census of India is a major administrative function; the Census Organisation was set up on an ad-hoc basis for each Census till the 1951 Census. The Census Act was enacted in 1948 to provide for the scheme of conducting population census with duties and responsibilities of census officers. The Government of India decided in May 1949 to initiate steps for developing systematic collection of statistics on the size of population, its growth, etc., and established an organisation in the Ministry of Home Affairs under Registrar General and ex-Officio Census Commissioner, India. This organisation was made responsible for generating data on population statistics including Vital Statistics and Census. Later, this office was also entrusted with the responsibility of implementation of Registration of Births and Deaths Act, 1969 in the country.
TIW’s Warehouse is a centralized, electronic database holding the most current details on the official, or “gold,” record for virtually all cleared and bilateral credit default swap (CDS) contracts outstanding in the global marketplace. The Warehouse contains more than 50,000 accounts representing derivatives counterparties across 95 countries.
The majority of digital content in the ISPS Data Archive currently consists of social science research data from experiments, program files with the code for analyzing these data, requisite documentation to use and understand the data, and associated files. Access to the ISPS Data Archive is provided at no cost and is granted for scholarship and research purposes only.