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Found 45 result(s)
Core nuclear reaction database contain recommended, evaluated cross sections, spectra, angular distributions, fission product yields, photo-atomic and thermal scattering law data, with emphasis on neutron induced reactions. The data were analyzed by experienced nuclear physicists to produce recommended libraries for one of the national nuclear data projects (USA, Europe, Japan, Russia and China). All data are stored in the internationally-adopted ENDF-6 format maintained by CSEWG.
<<<!!!<<< 2019-12-04: The repository is no longer available >>>!!!>>> Presented here are excitation cross sections measured for a select number of transitions using the Merged Electron-Ion Beams Energy Loss (MEIBEL) experiment. This is a collaboration of JILA and the Multicharged Ion Research Facility (MIRF) at Oak Ridge National Laboratory (ORNL), where the apparatus is located. Since there exist a nearly infinite number of transitions in multicharged ions we have chosen a few that serve as benchmarks for theoretical efforts. Of particular interest are forbidden transitions which are often dominated by dielectronic resonances whose positions and magnitudes are difficult to predict theoretically.
>>> --- !!!! Attention: Obviously the institute does not exist any more. The links do not work anymore. !!!! --- <<< Our center is devoted to: Collection, compilation, evaluation, and dissemination of scientific information required for fusion research, and Investigation of problems arising in the course of development of fusion research. There are atomic and molecular (A & M) numerical databases and bibliographic databases on plasma physics and atomic physics.
>>>!!!<<< 2019-12-04: The repository is no longer available >>>!!!<<< Presented here are experimental ionization cross sections measured using the Electron-Ion Crossed Beams apparatus in the Multicharged Ion Research Facility (MIRF) at the Physics Division of Oak Ridge National Laboratory (ORNL). The data are given in both graphical and tabular form along with the reference to the original publication of the experimental results. Also presented in the figures are theoretical cross sections supporting the experiments.
>>>!!!<<< 2018-01-18: no data nor programs can be found >>>!!!<<< These archives contain public domain programs for calculations in physics and other programs that we suppose about will help during work with computer. Physical constants and experimental or theoretical data as cross sections, rate constants, swarm parameters, etc., that are necessary for physical calculations are stored here, too. Programs are mainly dedicated to computers compatible with PC IBM. If programs do not use graphic units it is possible to use them on other computers, too. It is necessary to reprogram the graphic parts of programs in the other cases.
The Joint Information Systems Committee (JISC) funded Landmap service which ran from 2001 to July 2014 collected, modified and hosted a large amount of earth observation data for the majority of the UK, including imagery from ERS satellites, ENVISAT and ALOS, high-resolution Digital Elevation Models (DEMs) and Digital Terrain Models (DTMs) and aerial photography dating back to 1930. After removal of JISC funding in 2013, the Landmap service is no longer operational, with the data now held at the NEODC. Aside from the thermal imagery data which stands alone, the data reside in four collections: optical, elevation, radar and feature.
The Nuclear Data Portal is a new generation of nuclear data services using modern and powerful DELL servers, Sybase relational database software, the Linux operating system with programming in Java. The Portal includes nuclear structure, decay and reaction data, as well as literature information. Data can be searched for using optimized query forms; results are presented in tables and interactive plots. Additionally, a number of nuclear science tools, codes, applications, and links are provided. The databases includes are: CINDA - Computer Index of Nuclear Reaction Data, CSISRS alias EXFOR - Experimental nuclear reaction data, ENDF - Evaluated Nuclear Data File , ENSDF - Evaluated Nuclear Structure Data File, MIRD - Medical Internal Radiation Dose, NSR - Nuclear Science References, NuDat - Nuclear Structure & Decay Data, XUNDL - Experimental Unevaluated Nuclear Data List, Chart of Nuclides. Nuclear Data Portal is a web service of National Nuclear Data Center.
The primary interaction of low-energy x rays within matter, viz. photoabsorption and coherent scattering, have been described for photon energies outside the absorption threshold regions. These tables are based on a compilation of the available experimental measurements and theoretical calculations. For many elements there is little or no published data and in such cases it was necessary to rely on theoretical calculations and interpolations across Z. In order to improve the accuracy in the future considerably more experimental measurements are needed.
The Square Kilometre Array (SKA) is a radio telescope with around one million square metres of collecting area, designed to study the Universe with unprecedented speed and sensitivity. The SKA is not a single telescope, but a collection of various types of antennas, called an array, to be spread over long distances. The SKA will be used to answer fundamental questions of science and about the laws of nature, such as: how did the Universe, and the stars and galaxies contained in it, form and evolve? Was Einstein’s theory of relativity correct? What is the nature of ‘dark matter’ and ‘dark energy’? What is the origin of cosmic magnetism? Is there life somewhere else in the Universe?
Established in 1965, the CSD is the world’s repository for small-molecule organic and metal-organic crystal structures. Containing the results of over one million x-ray and neutron diffraction analyses this unique database of accurate 3D structures has become an essential resource to scientists around the world. The CSD records bibliographic, chemical and crystallographic information for:organic molecules, metal-organic compounds whose 3D structures have been determined using X-ray diffraction, neutron diffraction. The CSD records results of: single crystal studies, powder diffraction studies which yield 3D atomic coordinate data for at least all non-H atoms. In some cases the CCDC is unable to obtain coordinates, and incomplete entries are archived to the CSD. The CSD includes crystal structure data arising from: publications in the open literature and Private Communications to the CSD (via direct data deposition). The CSD contains directly deposited data that are not available anywhere else, known as CSD Communications.
The information accumulated in the SPECTR-W3 ADB contains over 450,000 records and includes factual experimental and theoretical data on ionization potentials, energy levels, wavelengths, radiation transition probabilities, oscillator strengths, and (optionally) the parameters of analytical approximations of electron-collisional cross-sections and rates for atoms and ions. Those data were extracted from publications in physical journals, proceedings of the related conferences, special-purpose publications on atomic data, and provided directly by authors. The information is supplied with references to the original sources and comments, elucidating the details of experimental measurements or calculations, where necessary and available. To date, the SPECTR-W3 ADB is the largest factual database in the world containing the information on spectral properties of multicharged ions.
<<<!!!<<< The repository is no longer available. 2018-08-29: no more access to GAPHYOR >>>!!!>>> Important note: The database was no longer feeded with data or updated in the years 2005-2007. The financial support of the project had been stopped a few yers ahead that time. The maintainance of the IT system couldn't be ensured anymore and system was shutdown in 2015. Please see the other databases in the field.
Lab Notes Online presents historic scientific data from the Caltech Archives' collections in digital facsimile. Beginning in the fall of 2008, the first publication in the series is Robert A. Millikan's notebooks for his oil drop experiments to measure the charge of the electron, dating from October 1911 to April 1912. Other laboratory, field, or research notes will be added to the archive over time.
The Joint Evaluated Fission and Fusion File (JEFF) project is a collaboration between NEA Data Bank member countries. The JEFF library combines the efforts of the JEFF and EFF/EAF Working Groups to produce a common sets of evaluated nuclear data, mainly for fission and fusion applications. It contains a number of different data types, including neutron and proton interaction data, radioactive decay data, fission yields, and thermal scattering law data
Welcome to our Atomic & Molecular Database in the Institute of Applied Physics and Computational Mathematics (IAPCM). The database is intended to collect, assess and compile atomic and molecular data for various elementary processes, and especially data needed in plasma simulation and diagnosis. Part data came from the old version of the SPECTR database(by A.Ya Faenov et al).
The Extreme Light Infrastructure (ELI) is the world's most advanced laser-based research infrastructure. The ELI Facilities provide access to a broad range of world-class high-power, high repetition-rate laser systems and secondary sources. This enables cutting-edge research and new regimes of high intensity physics in physical, chemical, medical, and materials sciences.
The database contains numerical data on atomic and molecular collisions, radiative processes and various other material properties of specific use in fusion and plasma research. Searching the database produces bibliographic results linking to the research paper containing the data of interest. Searches can be performed based on a variety of parameters including reactants, surface of interest, data type; or by date, journal or author.
The Atomic and Molecular Data Unit operates within the Nuclear Data Section of the International Atomic Energy Agency, Vienna, Austria.The primary objective of the Atomic and Molecular Data Unit is to establish and maintain internationally recommended numerical databases on atomic and molecular collision and radiative processes, atomic and molecular structure characteristics, particle-solid surface interaction processes and physico-chemical and thermo-mechanical material properties for use in fusion energy research and other plasma science and technology applications.
The Atomic Data for Astrophysics server provides links to basic atomic data required for calculation of the ionization state of astrophysical plasmas and for quantitative spectroscopy.