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Found 23 result(s)
The DNB Household Survey (DHS) supplies longitudinal data to the international academic community, with a focus on the psychological and economic aspects of financial behavior. The study comprises information on work, pensions, housing, mortgages, income, assets, loans, health, economic and psychological concepts, and personal characteristics. The DHS data are collected from 2,000 households participating in the CentERpanel. The CentERpanel is an Internet panel that reflects the composition of the Dutch-speaking population in the Netherlands. Both the DHS as well as the CentERpanel, in which the study in conducted, are run by CentERdata
Regionaal Archief Nijmegen (RAN) is part of the municipality of Nijmegen. RAN has been designated as the repository for the municipality of Nijmegen, neighboring municipalities (Berg en Dal, Beuningen, Druten, Heumen, Lingewaard, Wijchen, Mook and Middelaar, West Maas and Waal), a regional water authority (Waterschap Rivierenland) and a number of joint arrangements (cooperative ventures between different public authorities). According to the 1995 Public Records Act we have a legal duty to manage government archives, make them accessible and available to the public. We also manage archives of individuals and private organizations in Nijmegen and the region, audiovisual material and a library.
Regionaal Archief Tilburg (RA Tilburg) is one of the four institutions of foundation Mommerskwartier and is based in Tilburg, the Netherlands. The statutory task (Public Records Act of RA Tilburg is to function as a repository for decentralized, local government organizations such as municipalities, communal schemes, and Water Authorities. RA Tilburg also manages private archives, and archives of organizations, institutes, or the public in general.
Avibase is an extensive database information system about all birds of the world, containing over 60 million records about 10,000 species and 22,000 subspecies of birds, including distribution information, taxonomy, synonyms in several languages and more. This site is managed by Denis Lepage and hosted by Bird Studies Canada, the Canadian copartner of Birdlife International. Avibase has been a work in progress since 1992 and I am now pleased to offer it as a service to the bird-watching and scientific community.
By stimulating inspiring research and producing innovative tools, Huygens ING intends to open up old and inaccessible sources, and to understand them better. Huygens ING’s focus is on Digital Humanities, History, History of Science, and Textual Scholarship. Huygens ING pursues research in the fields of History, Literary Studies, the History of Science and Digital Humanities. Huygens ING aims to publish digital sources and data responsibly and with care. Innovative tools are made as widely available as possible. We strive to share the available knowledge at the institute with both academic peers and the wider public.
RIVMdata is a metadata catalog. This catalog is filled with the metadata of RIVM datasets. ISO 19115 and DCAT standards are used as the metadata standards. The catalog consists of an internal site, which is only accessible to RIVM employees, and an external site, in which the metadata is accessible to the general public.
KDP has replaced the KNMI Data Centre (KDC), which was turned off on the 27th of July 2020. Not only a change of name, but also a transition to new technologies. Initially, the KDP will be more primitive than KDC. To fulfill future ambitions, a digital KNMI transformation has been initiated. Part of this transition is the development of a new KDP as a successor of the KDC. All data on the KNMI Data Platform is free to use. For some datasets a service agreement is available, which is indicated on the page of the dataset. The KNMI Data platform provides access to KNMI data on weather, climate and seismology. Here you will find KNMI data on various subjects such as the most recent 10-minute observations, historical series, data about meteorological measuring stations, model calculations, earthquake data and satellite products. In addition to KNMI datasets, we also make datasets from other parties available, such as ECMWF, ECOMET, EUMETSAT and WMO.
The European Data Portal harvests the metadata of Public Sector Information available on public data portals across European countries. Information regarding the provision of data and the benefits of re-using data is also included.
The Radiocarbon Palaeolithic Europe Database stores available radiometric data taken from literature and from other more restricted databases. Data is collected by continuous checking of newly published articles in hundreds of international and regional scientific journals and in collections or books dealing with a particular period or a specific Paleolithic site. User submissions are also accepted. Please note that this database is only available for download and local use via Microsoft Access or, in a more limited way, via Excel. As such, its accessibility is limited.
The Netherlands Cancer Registry is the national registration since 1989, providing statistics on cancer in the Netherlands. The registry is maintained by the Netherlands Comprehensive Cancer Organisation (IKNL). Data on incidence, prevalence, survival, mortality can be viewed in NCR data & figures on the IKNL website.
The Survey of Health, Ageing and Retirement in Europe (SHARE) is a multidisciplinary and cross-national panel database of micro data on health, socio-economic status and social and family networks of more than 140,000 individuals (approximately 530,000 interviews) aged 50 or over from 28 European countries and Israel.
Europeana is the trusted source of cultural heritage brought to you by the Europeana Foundation and a large number of European cultural institutions, projects and partners. It’s a real piece of team work. Ideas and inspiration can be found within the millions of items on Europeana. These objects include: Images - paintings, drawings, maps, photos and pictures of museum objects Texts - books, newspapers, letters, diaries and archival papers Sounds - music and spoken word from cylinders, tapes, discs and radio broadcasts Videos - films, newsreels and TV broadcasts All texts are CC BY-SA, images and media licensed individually.
A domain-specific repository for the Life Sciences, covering the health, medical as well as the green life sciences. The repository services are primarily aimed at the Netherlands, but not exclusively.
MycoBank is an on-line database aimed as a service to the mycological and scientific society by documenting mycological nomenclatural novelties (new names and combinations) and associated data, for example descriptions and illustrations. The nomenclatural novelties will each be allocated a unique MycoBank number that can be cited in the publication where the nomenclatural novelty is introduced. These numbers will also be used by the nomenclatural database Index Fungorum, with which MycoBank is associated.
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The is the metadata information system of the Geodateninfrastruktur Deutschland (GDI-DE) and forms the data basis for With the help of this central component, metadata for geodata sets, geodata services, and other IT-supported geodata applications are collected and can be researched and retrieved via
The Royal Library of the Netherlands (Dutch: Koninklijke Bibliotheek or KB; Royal Library) is the national library of the Netherlands. The KB collects everything that is published in and concerning the Netherlands, from medieval literature to today's publications. The e-Depot contains the Dutch National Library Collection of born-digital publications from, and about, the Netherlands, and international publications consisting of born-digital scholarly articles included in journals produced by publishers originally based in the Netherlands
Regionaal Archief Alkmaar (RAA) is a joint arrangement that operates within a large region in the province of Noord-Holland. The first purpose of this arrangement is to fulfill the function of a regional knowledge and information center through the acquisition and preservation of a broad collection of historical sources. The second purpose is to make these sources actively available. It does so according to the Dutch Public Records Act (Archiefwet 1995). At the time of writing, the joint arrangement services include 9 municipalities, namely: Alkmaar, Bergen, Castricum, Den Helder, Heiloo, Hollands Kroon, Schagen, Dijk en Waard and Texel. The arrangement also includes other joint arrangements. These are the GGD Hollands Noorden and Veiligheidsregio Noord-Holland Noord. Also, the RAA keeps the archives of the water authority Hoogheemraadschap Hollands Noorderkwartier and its predecessors. This is being done on the basis of a service agreement. Finally many archives of families, persons of interest, companies and non-governmental organizations are being collected and managed. This is a secondary task of the RAA, but these archives are also being managed on the ground of the Dutch Public Records Act.
The BHIC is an archive repository in 's-Hertogenbosch. It is the Regional Historical Centre (RHC) of the province of North Brabant and was created by a merger in 2005 of the former state archives and several regional archives in Northeast Brabant. It currently comprises nine municipalities, two water boards, the province of North Brabant and several joint arrangements (GRs). The BHIC has the legal task of managing (digital) archives in good, orderly and accessible condition for the above-mentioned decentralised authorities. In addition, the BHIC also manages private archives.
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The global scientific community, international partners, the private sector, civil society, and other relevant stakeholders establish a voluntary platform to link clinical trials registers in order to ensure a single point of access and the unambiguous identification of trials with a view to enhancing access to information by patients, families, patient groups and others.
Fishbase is a global species database and encyclopedia of over 30,000 species and subspecies of fishes that is searchable by common name, genus, species, geography, family, ecosystem, references literature, tools, etc. Links to other, related databases such as the Catalog of Fishes, GenBack, and LarvalBase. Associated with a partner journal, Acta Ichthyologica et Piscatoria. With mirror sites in English, German, French Spanish, Portuguese, French, Swedish, Chinese and Arabian language.
Sound and Vision has one of the largest audiovisual archives in Europe. The institute manages over 70 percent of the Dutch audiovisual heritage. The collection contains more than a million hours of television, radio, music and film from the beginning in 1898 until today. All programs of the Dutch public broadcasters come in digitally every day. Individuals and institutions entrust their collection to Sound and Vision as well. The institute ensures that the material is optimally preserved for (re)use. Broadcasters, producers and editors use the archive for the creation of new programs. The collection is also used to develop products and services for a wide audience, such as exhibitions, iPhone applications, DVD boxes and various websites. The collection of Sound and Vision contains the complete radio and television archives of the Dutch public broadcasters; films of virtually every leading Dutch documentary maker; newsreels; the national music depot; various audiovisual corporate collections; advertising, radio and video material of cultural and social organizations, of scientific institutes and of all kinds of educational institutions. There are also collections of images and articles from the history of Dutch broadcasting itself, like the elaborate collection of historical television sets.