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Found 24 result(s)
The Research Data Center Elections is part of GESIS and provides access to a number of national survey datasets, e.g. the German Longitudinal Election Study (GLES). The RDC provides intensive data preparation and access to a wide scope of data and topics. Furthermore, the RDC offers consultation and creation of value-added services like data handbooks, cumulations, and training.
The FDZ-DZA (Forschungsdatenzentrum DZA) is a facility of the German Centre of Gerontology (Deutsches Zentrum für Altersfragen, DZA) and has received accreditation as research data center DZA by the German Data Forum (RatSWD). Its main task is to make data of the German Ageing Survey DEAS and the German Survey on Volunteering (FWS) accessible to researchers by providing user-friendly Scientific Use Files (SUF), documentation of the contents and instruments as well support for scholars using the data.
The Economics & Business Data Center (EBDC) is a combined platform for empirical research in business administration and economics of the Ludwig–Maximilian University of Munich (LMU) and the Ifo Institute and aims at opening new fields for empirical research in business administration and economics. In this regard, the EBDC provides innovative datasets of German companies, containing both survey data of the Ifo Institute as well as external balance sheet data. Therefore, the tasks of the EBDC also include the procurement and administration of data sources for research and teaching, the central provision, updating and documentation of external databases, as well as the acquisition of corresponding support tools. Beyond that, the EBDC serves as a contact and central coordinator on licensing economic firm-level datasets for LMU’s Munich School of Management and LMU’s Department of Economics and supports researchers and guests of the LMU and the Ifo Institute on site. In the future, it will also conduct academic conferences on research with company data.
The Research Data Centre of the Leibniz Institute of Ecological Urban and Regional Development (IOER) provides high-resolution data, methods, indicators, models, tools and scenarios for cross-disciplinary, spatial sustainability research. The IOER RDC focuses, among others, on the topics of settlement and open space development, ecosystems of Germany and the built environment. The data and information offered are addressed to scientists, public administrators as well as the general public.
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Health education and health promotion are important elements of the health system in Germany. The Federal Centre for Health Education (BZgA) has been pursuing the goal of preventing health risks and encouraging health-promoting lifestyles since its establishment in 1967. In addition, the understanding of health and prevention is changing. Against this backdrop, health education is - as a constant communication process - dedicated to the goal of enabling self-responsible action in relation to health. The data sets can be requested from GESIS via the data archive for social sciences (DAS):
BIBB has a strong tradition of survey-based research. It initiates and realises the collection of individual and firm-level data on crucial positions and transitions in the education and labour market system. The BIBB-FDZ covers a variety of data deploying different units of analysis and temporal designs and focusing on various thematic issues. Standard access to well prepared firm- and individual-level data on the attainment and utilization of vocational education and training Documentation of these data sets, i.e. a description of their central characteristics, main issues and variables, data collection, anonymisation, weighting and recoding etc. Advisory service on data choice, data access and handling, research potential and scope and validity of the data. Supply of a range of data tools such as standard measures and classifications in the fields of education, occupations, industries and regions (if possible also including cross-national fields), formally anonymous data for remote data access, or references to publications with the data.
The RDSC provides researchers access to selected microdata from the Bundesbank's data records for independent and non-commercial scientific research projects on basis of the legal requirements. The RDSC is the mediator between the Bundesbank’s wide range of different micro data in various departments and – on the other side – researchers or analysts. In connection with this, the RDSC is responsible for the methodological improvement, the access of and the comprehensive documentation of the high-quality microdata. It also offers additional consultancy and support services to existing and prospective data users and satisfies data protection requirements. English version see:
To target the multidisciplinary, broad scale nature of empirical educational research in the Federal Republic of Germany, a networked research data infrastructure is required which brings together disparate services from different research data providers, delivering services to researchers in a usable, needs-oriented way. The Verbund Forschungsdaten Bildung (Educational Research Data Alliance, VFDB) therefore aims to cooperate with relevant actors from science, politics and research funding institutes to set up a powerful infrastructure for empirical educational research. This service is meant to adequately capture specific needs of the scientific communities and support empirical educational research in carrying out excellent research.
The ZEW research data can be analysed here at ZEW in the ZEW-FDZ premises for research projects. The data provided is individual company data. Besides, the ZEW Financial Market Test provides data collected in the course of an expert survey. Furthermore, Scientific Use Files for eight data sets (three years after the implementation of the survey) and absolute anonymised Education Use Files for the Mannheim Innovation Panel can be used.
The Research Data Center (RDC) “International Survey Programs“ provides researchers with data, services, and consultation on a number of important international study series which are under intensive curation by GESIS. They all cover numerous countries and, quite often, substantial time spans. The RDC provides optimal data preparation and access to a wide scope of data and topics for comparative analysis.
IDSC is IZA's organizational unit whose purpose is to serve the scientific and infrastructural computing needs of IZA and its affiliated communities. IDSC is dedicated to supporting all users of data from the novice researcher to the experienced data analyst. IDSC aims at becoming the place for economically minded technologists and technologically savvy economists looking for data support, data access support and data services about labor economics. IDSC is actively involved in organizing events (see our next Red Cube Seminar Talk) for data professionals, data analysts, and scientific data users and young researchers to discuss and share findings and to establish contacts for future cooperation. All data collected are accessible to the scientific community as scientific use files for scholarly analyses free of charge. The Data Repository is available at
The BAMF-FDZ is part of the BAMF Research Centre. The establishment of the Research Data Centre is, among others, the result of an amendment to the German Act on the Central Register of Foreigners (Ausländerzentralregistergesetz, AZRG). The data service is free of charge.
The Research Data Centre (FDZ) of the German Federal Employment Agency (BA) at the Institute for Employment Research (IAB) is intended mainly to facilitate access to BA and IAB micro data for non-commercial empirical research using standardised and transparent access rules. The FDZ mediates between data producers and external users. We also control for compliance with data protection regulations.
The research data centre at the Federal Motor Transport Authority provides anonymised microdata on driver, vehicles, and road freight transport free of charge for non-commercial and independent scientific research.
The Survey of Health, Ageing and Retirement in Europe (SHARE) is a multidisciplinary and cross-national panel database of micro data on health, socio-economic status and social and family networks of more than 140,000 individuals (approximately 530,000 interviews) aged 50 or over from 28 European countries and Israel.
The GML contributes to the continual improvement of access to and information about official microdata; provides a service and research infrastructure for these data; adopts the function of an intermediary between the Federal Statistical Office and empirical research; conducts exemplary research based upon official data. The GML is an integral part of the German data infrastructure and features as one of six institutions funded by the German Council of Social and Economic Data.
The Research Data Center at LIfBi (Forschungsdatenzentrum, FDZ-LIfBi) is primarily responsible for the user-friendly preparation of survey and test data of the National Educational Panel Study (NEPS) and its provision to researchers in the form of Scientific Use Files. Data from other panel studies such as ReGES are also part of the research data infrastructure. The FDZ-LIfBi offers comprehensive documentation of the data material in German and English. It ensures secure and flexible data access via several options (download, remote, on-site). Further services are contract and authorization management, regular data trainings and workshops, annual user conferences, the semi-annual newsletter "LIfBi data", a collection of video tutorials, an online discussion forum and several other tools. The FDZ-LIfBi became accredited by the German Data Forum (RatSWD) in 2012 and has since been actively involved in the Committee for Data Access (FDI Ausschuss). As part of the quality assurance, it demonstrates compliance with the criteria of FAIR data provision and data access in an annual monitoring.
The 2008-launched German Family Panel pairfam (“Panel Analysis of Intimate Relationships and Family Dynamics”) is a multi-disciplinary, longitudinal study for researching partnership and family dynamics in Germany. The annually collected survey data from a nationwide random sample of more than 12,000 persons of the three birth cohorts 1971-73, 1981-83, 1991-93 and their partners, parents and children offers unique opportunities for the analysis of partner and generational relationships as they develop over the course of multiple life phases.
As a center for scientific research and evidence-based policy advice, RWI requires an effective econometric infrastructure. The increased use of individual and firm data also requires effective regulations and tools for data protection. The research division’s objectives are to advise RWI researchers in methodical questions, to develop new econometric approaches to solve concrete research questions, and to ensure data protection.
Goal of the RDC at ZPID is the documentation and long-term archiving of research data from all areas of psychology and the social sciences in accordance with the FAIR principles, using specially created metadata and to provide use of the data for scientific purposes such as secondary analysis and reanalysis. The RDC at ZPID contains all areas of psychology, in particular data sets from clinical, developmental, educational, gero-, and work and organizational psychology stemming from longitudinal studies, major surveys, and test development.
The Research Data Center DeZIM.fdz at the German Center for Integration and Migration Research consists of four interconnected modules: (1) data archive, (2) support for staff and users, (3) online access panel and (4) metadatabase. It offers interested researchers the opportunity to access research data collected in the course of projects carried out at the DeZIM Institute and at the institutes of the DeZIM Research Association. In addition to the access to the data, the DeZIM.fdz organizes an extensive support for the individual data sets in its data offer as well as for various methodological key topics. The regularly conducted surveys within the framework of the Online Access Panel enable scientists at the DeZIM Institute, at the institutes of the DeZIM Research Association, external scientists and the staff of the BMFSFJ to access a pool of potential interviewees. Furthermore, DeZIM.fdz offers an extensive information database, which enables research on studies - both internally and externally archived - that deal with the topics of integration and migration.
The German General Social Survey (ALLBUS) collects up-to-date data on attitudes, behavior, and social structure in Germany. Every two years since 1980 a representative cross section of the population is surveyed using both constant and variable questions. The ALLBUS data become available to interested parties for research and teaching as soon as they are processed and documented.