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Found 22 result(s)
Currently, the IMS repository focuses on resources provided by the Institute for Natural Language Processing in Stuttgart (IMS) and other CLARIN-D related institutions such as the local Collaborative Research Centre 732 (SFB 732) as well as institutions and/or organizations that belong to the CLARIN-D extended scientific community. Comprehensive guidelines and workflows for submission by external contributors are being compiled based on the experiences in archiving such in-house resources.
META-SHARE, the open language resource exchange facility, is devoted to the sustainable sharing and dissemination of language resources (LRs) and aims at increasing access to such resources in a global scale. META-SHARE is an open, integrated, secure and interoperable sharing and exchange facility for LRs (datasets and tools) for the Human Language Technologies domain and other applicative domains where language plays a critical role. META-SHARE is implemented in the framework of the META-NET Network of Excellence. It is designed as a network of distributed repositories of LRs, including language data and basic language processing tools (e.g., morphological analysers, PoS taggers, speech recognisers, etc.). Data and tools can be both open and with restricted access rights, free and for-a-fee.
D-PLACE contains cultural, linguistic, environmental and geographic information for over 1400 human ‘societies’. A ‘society’ in D-PLACE represents a group of people in a particular locality, who often share a language and cultural identity. All cultural descriptions are tagged with the date to which they refer and with the ethnographic sources that provided the descriptions. The majority of the cultural descriptions in D-PLACE are based on ethnographic work carried out in the 19th and early-20th centuries (pre-1950).
By stimulating inspiring research and producing innovative tools, Huygens ING intends to open up old and inaccessible sources, and to understand them better. Huygens ING’s focus is on Digital Humanities, History, History of Science, and Textual Scholarship. Huygens ING pursues research in the fields of History, Literary Studies, the History of Science and Digital Humanities. Huygens ING aims to publish digital sources and data responsibly and with care. Innovative tools are made as widely available as possible. We strive to share the available knowledge at the institute with both academic peers and the wider public.
The Text Laboratory provides assistance with databases, word lists, corpora and tailored solutions for language technology. We also work on research and development projects alone or in cooperation with others - locally, nationally and internationally. Services and tools: Word and frequency lists, Written corpora, Speech corpora, Multilingual corpora, Databases, Glossa Search Tool, The Oslo-Bergen Tagger, GREI grammar games, Audio files: dialects from Norway and America etc., Nordic Atlas of Language Structures (NALS) Journal, Norwegian in America, NEALT, Ethiopian Language Technology, Access to Corpora
The figshare service for The Open University was launched in 2016 and allows researchers to store, share and publish research data. It helps the research data to be accessible by storing metadata alongside datasets. Additionally, every uploaded item receives a Digital Object Identifier (DOI), which allows the data to be citable and sustainable. If there are any ethical or copyright concerns about publishing a certain dataset, it is possible to publish the metadata associated with the dataset to help discoverability while sharing the data itself via a private channel through manual approval.
The Language Bank features text and speech corpora with different kinds of annotations in over 60 languages. There is also a selection of tools for working with them, from linguistic analyzers to programming environments. Corpora are also available via web interfaces, and users can be allowed to download some of them. The IP holders can monitor the use of their resources and view user statistics.
Additionally to the institutional repository, current St. Edward's faculty have the option of uploading their work directly to their own SEU accounts on Projects created on Figshare will automatically be published on this website as well. For more information, please see documentation
The Manchester Romani Project is part of an international network of scholarly projects devoted to research on Romani language and linguistics, coordinated in partnership with Dieter Halwachs (Institute of Linguistics, Graz University and Romani-Projekt Graz), and Peter Bakker (Institute of Linguistics, Aarhus University). The project explores the linguistic features of the dialects of the Romani language, and their distribution in geographical space. An interactive web application is being designed, which will allow users to search and locate on a map different dialectal variants, and to explore how variants cluster in particular regions. Examples sentences and words with sound files will also be made available, to give impressions of dialectal variation within Romani. From the distribution of linguistic forms among the dialects it will be possible to make infeences about social-historical contacts among the Romani communities, and about migration patterns.
CLARINO Bergen Center repository is the repository of CLARINO, the Norwegian infrastructure project . Its goal is to implement the Norwegian part of CLARIN. The ultimate aim is to make existing and future language resources easily accessible for researchers and to bring eScience to humanities disciplines. The repository includes INESS the Norwegian Infrastructure for the Exploration of Syntax and Semantics. This infrastructure provides access to treebanks, which are databases of syntactically and semantically annotated sentences.
DAIS - Digital Archive of the Serbian Academy of Sciences and Arts is a joint digital repository of the Serbian Academy of Sciences and Arts (SASA) and the research institutes under the auspices of SASA. The aim of the repository is to provide open access to publications and other research outputs resulting from the projects implemented by the SASA and its institutes. The repository uses a DSpace-based software platform developed and maintained by the Belgrade University Computer Centre (RCUB).
The Tromsø Repository of Language and Linguistics (TROLLing) is a FAIR-aligned repository of linguistic data and statistical code. The archive is open access, which means that all information is available to everyone. All data are accompanied by searchable metadata that identify the researchers, the languages and linguistic phenomena involved, the statistical methods applied, and scholarly publications based on the data (where relevant). Linguists worldwide are invited to deposit data and statistical code used in their linguistic research. TROLLing is a special collection within DataverseNO (, and C Centre within CLARIN (Common Language Resources and Technology Infrastructure, a networked federation of European data repositories;, and harvested by their Virtual Language Observatory (VLO;
CLARIN.SI is the Slovenian node of the European CLARIN (Common Language Resources and Technology Infrastructure) Centers. The CLARIN.SI repository is hosted at the Jožef Stefan Institute and offers long-term preservation of deposited linguistic resources, along with their descriptive metadata. The integration of the repository with the CLARIN infrastructure gives the deposited resources wide exposure, so that they can be known, used and further developed beyond the lifetime of the projects in which they were produced. Among the resources currently available in the CLARIN.SI repository are the multilingual MULTEXT-East resources, the CC version of Slovenian reference corpus Gigafida, the morphological lexicon Sloleks, the IMP corpora and lexicons of historical Slovenian, as well as many other resources for a variety of languages. Furthermore, several REST-based web services are provided for different corpus-linguistic and NLP tasks.
The focus of PolMine is on texts published by public institutions in Germany. Corpora of parliamentary protocols are at the heart of the project: Parliamentary proceedings are available for long stretches of time, cover a broad set of public policies and are in the public domain, making them a valuable text resource for political science. The project develops repositories of textual data in a sustainable fashion to suit the research needs of political science. Concerning data, the focus is on converting text issued by public institutions into a sustainable digital format (TEI/XML).
bonndata is the institutional, FAIR-aligned and curated, cross-disciplinary research data repository for the publication of research data for all researchers at the University of Bonn. The repository is fully embedded into the University IT and Data Center and curated by the Research Data Service Center ( The software that bonndata is based on is the open source software Dataverse (
The project is set up in order to improve the infrastructure for text-based linguistic research and development by building a huge, automatically annotated German text corpus and the corresponding tools for corpus annotation and exploitation. DeReKo constitutes the largest linguistically motivated collection of contemporary German texts, contains fictional, scientific and newspaper texts, as well as several other text types, contains only licenced texts, is encoded with rich meta-textual information, is fully annotated morphosyntactically (three concurrent annotations), is continually expanded, with a focus on size and stratification of data, may be analyzed free of charge via the query system COSMAS II, serves as a 'primordial sample' from which users may draw specialized sub-samples (socalled 'virtual corpora') to represent the language domain they wish to investigate. !!! Access to data of Das Deutsche Referenzkorpus is also provided by: IDS Repository !!!