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Found 14 result(s)
GovData the data portal for Germany offers consistent and central access to administrative data at the federal, state, and local level. Objective is to make data more available and easier to use at a single location. As set out in the concept of "open data", we attempt to facilitate the use of open licenses and to increase the supply of machine-readable raw data.
The Arctic Permafrost Geospatial Centre (APGC) is an Open Access Circum-Arctic Geospatial Data Portal that promotes, describes and visualizes geospatial permafrost data. A data catalogue and a WebGIS application allow to easily discover and view data and metadata. Data can be downloaded directly via link to the publishing data repository.
RIVMdata is a metadata catalog. This catalog is filled with the metadata of RIVM datasets. ISO 19115 and DCAT standards are used as the metadata standards. The catalog consists of an internal site, which is only accessible to RIVM employees, and an external site, in which the metadata is accessible to the general public.
depositar — taking the term from the Portuguese/Spanish verb for to deposit — is an online repository for research data. The site is built by the researchers for the researchers. You are free to deposit, discover, and reuse datasets on depositar for all your research purposes.
DataON is Korea's National Research Data Platform. It provides integrated search of metadata for KISTI's research data and domestic and international research data and links to raw data. DataON allows users (researchers, policy makers, etc.) to perform the following tasks: Easily search for various types of research data in all scientific fields. By registering research results, research data can be posted and cited. Build a community among researchers and enable collaborative research. It provides a data analysis environment that allows one-stop analysis of discovered research data.
The European Data Portal harvests the metadata of Public Sector Information available on public data portals across European countries. Information regarding the provision of data and the benefits of re-using data is also included.
Ag Data Commons provides access to a wide variety of open data relevant to agricultural research. We are a centralized repository for data already on the web, as well as for new data being published for the first time. While compliance with the U.S. Federal public access and open data directives is important, we aim to surpass them. Our goal is to foster innovative data re-use, integration, and visualization to support bigger, better science and policy.
Content type(s)
EaSy Data (for Earth System Data) is the French data repository for the environmental domain. It allows researchers in the Environmental and Earth sciences to publish their data and obtain a DOI. Submissions must comply with the scope defined by the communities. Data are moderated by community scientists before validation. Metadata are based on community standards (ISO 19115) and are exposed via standard API (CSW and OGC API)
Fairdata IDA is a research data storage service that provides secure storage for research data. The Fairdata services are a group of nationally developed Finnish ICT services for managing research data, especially in the later phases of the research life cycle (sharing, publishing, and preserving). Development of research data management infrastructure has been identified as an important step in enabling implementation of the FAIR principles. The Fairdata services are funded by the Finnish Ministry of Education and Culture, and developed and maintained by CSC IT Center for Science. The services consist of the following service components: IDA – Research Data Storage; Etsin – Research Data Finder; Qvain – Research Dataset Metadata Tool; Metax – Metadata Warehouse; AVAA – Dynamic Data Publishing Platform and the Digital Preservation Service for Research Data (including management and packaging). The services also provide means for applying for and granting permits to use restricted access datasets. The service is offered free of charge for its users. The services are available to the research community in accordance with the applicable usage policy. Minedu offers access to research data storage service IDA to Finnish higher education institutions, state research institutes and projects funded by the Academy of Finland. Minedu may also grant separate access or storage capacity to the service. Finnish higher education institutions and research institutes may distribute IDA storage capacity to actors within the Finnish research system, within the limits of their usage shares. The service is intended for storing research data and materials related to it. The data stored in the service is available to all project users. The users mark their data to be persistently stored (“Frozen”) in the service. All project members may make the “Frozen” data and related metadata publicly accessible by using the other aforementioned Fairdata services. The data in the service is stored in Finland. IDA service stores the data stored by organisations projects continuously or until it’s transferred to digital preservation, provided that the Terms of Use are met. The owners of the data decide on the openness and usage policies for their own data. User organisations are offered support and guidance on using the service.
Etsin is a research data finder that contains descriptive information – that is, metadata – on research datasets. In the service you can search and find data from various fields of research. A researcher, research group or organisation can use Etsin to publish information on their datasets and offer them for wider use. The metadata contained in Etsin makes it easy for anyone to discover the datasets. Etsin assigns a permanent URN identifier to datasets, making it possible to link to the dataset and gather merit through its publication and use. The metadata enables users to search for datasets and evaluate the potential for reuse. Etsin includes a description of the dataset, keywords and various dataset identifiers. The dataset information includes, for example, its subject, language, author, owner and how it is licensed for reuse. Good description of data plays an important role in its discoverability and visibility. Etsin encourages comprehensive descriptions by adapting a common set of discipline independent metadata fields and by making it easy to enter metadata. Etsin only collects metadata on datasets, not the data themselves. Anyone may browse and read the metadata. Etsin can be used with a browser or through an open interface (API). The service is discipline independent and free to use. Etsin is a service provided by the Ministry of Education and Culture to actors in the Finnish research system. The service is produced by CSC – IT Center for Science (CSC). Customer service contacts and feedback is available through The service maintenance window is on the fourth Monday of every month between 4 and 6 PM (EET). During that time, the service will be out of use.