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Found 61 result(s)
The Ningaloo Atlas was created in response to the need for more comprehensive and accessible information on environmental and socio-economic data on the greater Ningaloo region. As such, the Ningaloo Atlas is a web portal to not only access and share information, but to celebrate and promote the biodiversity, heritage, value, and way of life of the greater Ningaloo region.
!!! >>> expired <<< !!!! Intrepid Bioinformatics serves as a community for genetic researchers and scientific programmers who need to achieve meaningful use of their genetic research data – but can’t spend tremendous amounts of time or money in the process. The Intrepid Bioinformatics system automates time consuming manual processes, shortens workflow, and eliminates the threat of lost data in a faster, cheaper, and better environment than existing solutions. The system also provides the functionality and community features needed to analyze the large volumes of Next Generation Sequencing and Single Nucleotide Polymorphism data, which is generated for a wide range of purposes from disease tracking and animal breeding to medical diagnosis and treatment.
BCCM/ITM is a collection of well documented mycobacteria, characterized by phenotypic and/or genotypic tests. While having an emphasis on (drug-resistant) M. tuberculosis complex, BCCM/ITM comprises more than 90 mycobacterial species from human, animal and environmental origin from all continents.
For datasets big and small; Store your research data online. Quickly and easily upload files of any type and we will host your research data for you. Your experimental research data will have a permanent home on the web that you can refer to.
The figshare service for the University of Sheffield allows researchers to store, share and publish research data. It helps the research data to be accessible by storing Metadata alongside datasets. Additionally, every uploaded item receives a Digital Object identifier (DOI), which allows the data to be citable and sustainable. If there are any ethical or copyright concerns about publishing a certain dataset, it is possible to publish the metadata associated with the dataset to help discoverability while sharing the data itself via a private channel through manual approval.
<<<!!!<<< The database is no longer available from 1st July 2018 >>>!!!>>> CRYSTMET was previously included in the NCDS as part of CrystalWorks. Unfortunately we are no longer able to license the CRYSTMET database for access through the NCDS. Therefore the database will no longer be accessible from 1st July 2018. >>>> CRYSTMET contains chemical, crystallographic and bibliographic data together with associated comments regarding experimental details for each study. It is a database of critically evaluated crystallographic data for metals, including alloys, intermetallics and minerals.Using these data, a number of associated files are derived, a major one being a parallel file of calculated powder patterns. These derived data are included within the CRYSTMET product.
The CancerData site is an effort of the Medical Informatics and Knowledge Engineering team (MIKE for short) of Maastro Clinic, Maastricht, The Netherlands. Our activities in the field of medical image analysis and data modelling are visible in a number of projects we are running. CancerData is offering several datasets. They are grouped in collections and can be public or private. You can search for public datasets in the NBIA (National Biomedical Imaging Archive) image archives without logging in.
The Wolfram Data Repository is a public resource that hosts an expanding collection of computable datasets, curated and structured to be suitable for immediate use in computation, visualization, analysis and more. Building on the Wolfram Data Framework and the Wolfram Language, the Wolfram Data Repository provides a uniform system for storing data and making it immediately computable and useful. With datasets of many types and from many sources, the Wolfram Data Repository is built to be a global resource for public data and data-backed publication.
Surface air temperature change is a primary measure of global climate change. The GISTEMP project started in the late 1970s to provide an estimate of the changing global surface air temperature which could be compared with the estimates obtained from climate models simulating the effect of changes in atmospheric carbon dioxide, volcanic aerosols, and solar irradiance. The continuing analysis updates global temperature change from the late 1800s to the present.
<<<!!!<<< As stated 2017-06-27 The website is no longer available; repository software is archived on github >>>!!!>>> The ResearchCompendia platform is an attempt to use the web to enhance the reproducibility and verifiability—and thus the reliability—of scientific research. we provide the tools to publish the "actual scholarship" by hosting data, code, and methods in a form that is accessible, trackable, and persistent. Some of our short term goals include: To expand and enhance the platform including adding executability for a greater variety of coding languages and frameworks, and enhancing output presentation. To expand usership and to test the ResearchCompendia model in a number of additional fields, including computational mathematics, statistics, and biostatistics. To pilot integration with existing scholarly platforms, enabling researchers to discover relevant Research Compendia websites when looking at online articles, code repositories, or data archives.
AMCSD is an interface to a crystal structure database that includes every structure published in the American Mineralogist, The Canadian Mineralogist, European Journal of Mineralogy and Physics and Chemistry of Minerals, as well as selected datasets from other journals. The database is maintained under the care of the Mineralogical Society of America and the Mineralogical Association of Canada, and financed by the National Science Foundation. You may search by a mineral of your choice, or choose a mineral from a complete list to help aid your research.
The Cooperative Association for Internet Data Analysis (CAIDA) is a collaborative undertaking among organizations in the commercial, government, and research sectors aimed at promoting greater cooperation in the engineering and maintenance of a robust, scalable global Internet infrastructure.It is an independent analysis and research group with particular focus on: Collection, curation, analysis, visualization, dissemination of sets of the best available Internet data, providing macroscopic insight into the behavior of Internet infrastructure worldwide, improving the integrity of the field of Internet science, improving the integrity of operational Internet measurement and management, informing science, technology, and communications public policies.
Datatang is a professional data pre-processing company. We are engaged in data collecting, annotating, and customizing to meet our clients’ various needs. We assist our clients from university research labs and company R&D departments to waive trivial yet necessary data processing procedure and make their approach to the highest-value data in a more efficient way.
Survey of India, The National Survey and Mapping Organization of the country under the Department of Science & Technology, is the OLDEST SCIENTIFIC DEPARTMENT OF THE GOVT. OF INDIA. It was set up in 1767 and has evolved rich traditions over the years. In its assigned role as the nation's Principal Mapping Agency, Survey of India bears a special responsibility to ensure that the country's domain is explored and mapped suitably, provide base maps for expeditious and integrated development and ensure that all resources contribute with their full measure to the progress, prosperity and security of our country now and for generations to come. The history of the Survey of India dates back to the 18th Century. Forerunners of army of the East India Company and Surveyors had an onerous task of exploring the unknown. Bit by bit the tapestry of Indian terrain was completed by the painstaking efforts of a distinguished line of Surveyors such as Mr. Lambton and Sir George Everest. It is a tribute to the foresight of such Surveyors that at the time of independence the country inherited a survey network built on scientific principles. The great Trigonometric series spanning the country from North to South East to West are some of the best geodetic control series available in the world. The scientific principles of surveying have since been augmented by the latest technology to meet the multidisciplinary requirement of data from planners and scientists. Organized into only 5 Directorates in 1950, mainly to look after the mapping needs of Defense Forces in North West and North East, the Department has now grown into 22 Directorates spread in approx. all parts (states) of the country to provide the basic map coverage required for the development of the country. Its technology, latest in the world, has been oriented to meet the needs of defense forces, planners and scientists in the field of geo-sciences, land and resource management. Its expert advice is being utilized by various Ministries and undertakings of Govt. of India in many sensitive areas including settlement of International borders, State boundaries and in assisting planned development of hitherto under developed areas. Faced with the requirement of digital topographical data, the department has created three Digital Centers during late eighties to generate Digital Topographical Data Base for the entire country for use in various planning processes and creation of geographic information system. Its specialized Directorates such as Geodetic and Research Branch, and Indian Institute of Surveying & Mapping (erstwhile Survey Training Institute) have been further strengthened to meet the growing requirement of user community. The department is also assisting in many scientific programs of the Nation related to the field of geo-physics, remote sensing and digital data transfers.
Teesside University Research Data Repository links to the University's Research Portal and enables your datasets to be linked to your staff profile. It helps prevent data loss by storing it in a safe secure environment and enables your research data to be open access.
<<<!!!<<< This record is merged into Continental Scientific Drilling Facility >>>!!!>>> LacCore curates cores and samples from continental coring and drilling expeditions around the world, and also archives metadata and contact information for cores stored at other institutions.LacCore curates cores and samples from continental coring and drilling expeditions around the world, and also archives metadata and contact information for cores stored at other institutions.
THIN is a medical data collection scheme that collects anonymised patient data from its members through the healthcare software Vision. The UK Primary Care database contains longitudinal patient records for approximately 6% of the UK Population. The anonymised data collection, which goes back to 1994, is nationally representative of the UK population.
Originally named the Radiation Belt Storm Probes (RBSP), the mission was re-named the Van Allen Probes, following successful launch and commissioning. For simplicity and continuity, the RBSP short-form has been retained for existing documentation, file naming, and data product identification purposes. The RBSPICE investigation including the RBSPICE Instrument SOC maintains compliance with requirements levied in all applicable mission control documents.
Brainlife promotes engagement and education in reproducible neuroscience. We do this by providing an online platform where users can publish code (Apps), Data, and make it "alive" by integragrate various HPC and cloud computing resources to run those Apps. Brainlife also provide mechanisms to publish all research assets associated with a scientific project (data and analyses) embedded in a cloud computing environment and referenced by a single digital-object-identifier (DOI). The platform is unique because of its focus on supporting scientific reproducibility beyond open code and open data, by providing fundamental smart mechanisms for what we refer to as “Open Services.”
FactSage is a fully integrated Canadian thermochemical database system which couples proven software with self-consistent critically assessed thermodynamic data. It currently contains data on over 5000 chemical substances as well as solution databases representing over 1000 non-ideal multicomponent solutions (oxides, salts, sulfides, alloys, aqueous, etc.). FactSage is available for use with Windows.
The Fungal Genetics Stock Center has preserved and distributed strains of genetically characterized fungi since 1960. The collection includes over 20,000 accessioned strains of classical and genetically engineered mutants of key model, human, and plant pathogenic fungi. These materials are distributed as living stocks to researchers around the world.
<<<!!!<<< The pages were merged. Please use "Forschungsdaten- und Servicezentrum der Bundesbank" >>>!!!<<<
Junar provides a cloud-based open data platform that enables innovative organizations worldwide to quickly, easily and affordably make their data accessible to all. In just a few weeks, your initial datasets can be published, providing greater transparency, encouraging collaboration and citizen engagement, and freeing up precious staff resources.