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Found 53 result(s)
The African Development Bank Group (AfDB) is committed to supporting statistical development in Africa as a sound basis for designing and managing effective development policies for reducing poverty on the continent. Reliable and timely data is critical to setting goals and targets as well as evaluating project impact. Reliable data constitutes the single most convincing way of getting the people involved in what their leaders and institutions are doing. It also helps them to get involved in the development process, thus giving them a sense of ownership of the entire development process. The AfDB has a large team of researchers who focus on the production of statistical data on economic and social situations. The data produced by the institution’s statistics department constitutes the background information in the Bank’s flagship development publications. Besides its own publication, the AfDB also finances studies in collaboration with its partners. The Statistics Department aims to stand as the primary source of relevant, reliable and timely data on African development processes, starting with the data generated from its current management of the Africa component of the International Comparison Program (ICP-Africa). The Department discharges its responsibilities through two divisions: The Economic and Social Statistics Division (ESTA1); The Statistical Capacity Building Division (ESTA2)
A collection of data at Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality (AHRQ) supporting research that helps people make more informed decisions and improves the quality of health care services. The portal contains U.S.Health Information Knowledgebase (USHIK) and Systematic Review Data Repository (SRDR) and other sources concerning cost, quality, accesibility and evaluation of healthcare and medical insurance.
The SAR Data Center has a large data archive of Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) from a variety of sensors available at no cost. Much of the SAR data in the ASF SDC archive is limited in distribution to the scientific research community and U.S. Government Agencies. In accordance with the Memoranda of Understanding (MOU) between the relevant flight agencies (CSA, ESA, JAXA) and the U.S. State Department, the ASF SDC does not distribute SAR data for commercial use. The research community can access the data (ERS-1, ERS-2, JERS-1, RADARSAT-1, and ALOS PALSAR) via a brief proposal process.
The Antarctic and Southern Ocean Data Portal, part of the US Antarctic Data Consortium, provides access to geoscience data, primarily marine, from the Antarctic region. The synthesis began in 2003 as the Antarctic Multibeam Bathymetry and Geophysical Data Synthesis (AMBS) with a focus on multibeam bathymetry field data and other geophysical data from the Southern Ocean collected with the R/V N. B. Palmer. In 2005, the effort was expanded to include all routine underway geophysical and oceanographic data collected with both the R/V N. B. Palmer and R/V L. Gould, the two primary research vessels serving the US Antarctic Program.
ArrayExpress is one of the major international repositories for high-throughput functional genomics data from both microarray and high-throughput sequencing studies, many of which are supported by peer-reviewed publications. Data sets are submitted directly to ArrayExpress and curated by a team of specialist biological curators. In the past (until 2018) datasets from the NCBI Gene Expression Omnibus database were imported on a weekly basis. Data is collected to MIAME and MINSEQE standards.
The Australian Antarctic Data Centre (AADC) provides data collection and data management services in Australia's Antarctic Science Program. The AADC manages science data from Australia's Antarctic research, maps Australia's areas of interest in the Antarctic region, manages Australia's Antarctic state of the environment reporting, and provides advice and education and a range of other products.
>>>!!!<<< Sorry.we are no longer in operation >>>!!!<<< The Beta Cell Biology Consortium (BCBC) was a team science initiative that was established by the National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases (NIDDK). It was initially funded in 2001 (RFA DK-01-014), and competitively continued both in 2005 (RFAs DK-01-17, DK-01-18) and in 2009 (RFA DK-09-011). Funding for the BCBC came to an end on August 1, 2015, and with it so did our ability to maintain active websites.!!! One of the many goals of the BCBC was to develop and maintain databases of useful research resources. A total of 813 different scientific resources were generated and submitted by BCBC investigators over the 14 years it existed. Information pertaining to 495 selected resources, judged to be the most scientifically-useful, has been converted into a static catalog, as shown below. In addition, the metadata for these 495 resources have been transferred to dkNET in the form of RDF descriptors, and all genomics data have been deposited to either ArrayExpress or GEO. Please direct questions or comments to the NIDDK Division of Diabetes, Endocrinology & Metabolic Diseases (DEM).
The Breast Cancer Surveillance Consortium (BCSC) is a research resource for studies designed to assess the delivery and quality of breast cancer screening and related patient outcomes in the United States. The BCSC is a collaborative network of seven mammography registries with linkages to tumor and/or pathology registries. The network is supported by a central Statistical Coordinating Center.
California Digital Library (CDL) seeks to be a catalyst for deeply collaborative solutions providing a rich, intuitive and seamless environment for publishing, sharing and preserving our scholars’ increasingly diverse outputs, as well as for acquiring and accessing information critical to the University of California’s scholarly enterprise. University of California Curation Center (UC3) is the digital curation program within CDL. The mission of UC3 is to provide transformative preservation, curation, and research data management systems, services, and initiatives that sustain and promote open scholarship.
The CDC Data Catalogue describes the Climate Data of the DWD and provides access to data, descriptions and access methods. Climate Data refers to observations, statistical indices and spatial analyses. CDC comprises Climate Data for Germany, but also global Climate Data, which were collected and processed in the framework of international co-operation. The CDC Data Catalogue is under construction and not yet complete. The purposes of the CDC Data Catalogue are: to provide uniform access to climate data centres and climate datasets of the DWD to describe the climate data according to international metadata standards to make the catalogue information available on the Internet to support the search for climate data to facilitate the access to climate data and climate data descriptions
The goal of the Center of Estonian Language Resources (CELR) is to create and manage an infrastructure to make the Estonian language digital resources (dictionaries, corpora – both text and speech –, various language databases) and language technology tools (software) available to everyone working with digital language materials. CELR coordinates and organises the documentation and archiving of the resources as well as develops language technology standards and draws up necessary legal contracts and licences for different types of users (public, academic, commercial, etc.). In addition to collecting language resources, a system will be launched for introducing the resources to, informing and educating the potential users. The main users of CELR are researchers from Estonian R&D institutions and Social Sciences and Humanities researchers all over the world via the CLARIN ERIC network of similar centers in Europe. Access to data is provided through different sites: Public Repository, Language resources, and MetaShare CELR
As part of the Copernicus Space Component programme, ESA manages the coordinated access to the data procured from the various Contributing Missions and the Sentinels, in response to the Copernicus users requirements. The Data Access Portfolio documents the data offer and the access rights per user category. The CSCDA portal is the access point to all data, including Sentinel missions, for Copernicus Core Users as defined in the EU Copernicus Programme Regulation (e.g. Copernicus Services).The Copernicus Space Component (CSC) Data Access system is the interface for accessing the Earth Observation products from the Copernicus Space Component. The system overall space capacity relies on several EO missions contributing to Copernicus, and it is continuously evolving, with new missions becoming available along time and others ending and/or being replaced.
The main goal of the ECCAD project is to provide scientific and policy users with datasets of surface emissions of atmospheric compounds, and ancillary data, i.e. data required to estimate or quantify surface emissions. The supply of ancillary data - such as maps of population density, maps of fires spots, burnt areas, land cover - could help improve and encourage the development of new emissions datasets. ECCAD offers: Access to global and regional emission inventories and ancillary data, in a standardized format Quick visualization of emission and ancillary data Rationalization of the use of input data in algorithms or emission models Analysis and comparison of emissions datasets and ancillary data Tools for the evaluation of emissions and ancillary data ECCAD is a dynamical and interactive database, providing the most up to date datasets including data used within ongoing projects. Users are welcome to add their own datasets, or have their regional masks included in order to use ECCAD tools.
The EZRC at KIT houses the largest experimental fish facility in Europe with a capacity of more than 300,000 fish. Zebrafish stocks are maintained mostly as frozen sperm. Frequently requested lines are also kept alive as well as a selection of wildtype strains. Several thousand mutations in protein coding genes generated by TILLING in the Stemple lab of the Sanger Centre, Hinxton, UK and lines generated by ENU mutagenesis by the Nüsslein-Volhard lab in addition to transgenic lines and mutants generated by KIT groups or brought in through collaborations. We also accept submissions on an individual basis and ship fish upon request to PIs in Europe and elsewhere. EZRC also provides screening services and technologies such as imaging and high-throughput sequencing. Key areas include automation of embryo handling and automated image acquisition and processing. Our platform also involves the development of novel microscopy techniques (e.g. SPIM, DSLM, robotic macroscope) to permit high-resolution, real-time imaging in 4D. By association with the ComPlat platform, we can support also chemical screens and offer libraries with up to 20,000 compounds in total for external users. As another service to the community the EZRC provides plasmids (cDNAs, transgenes, Talen, Crispr/cas9) maintained by the Helmholtz repository of Bioparts (HERBI) to the scientific community. In addition the fish facility keeps a range of medaka stocks, maintained by the Loosli group.
The Institute of Ocean Sciences (IOS)/Ocean Sciences Division (OSD) data archive contains the holdings of oceanographic data generated by the IOS and other agencies and laboratories, including the Institute of Oceanography at the University of British Columbia and the Pacific Biological Station. The contents include data from B.C. coastal waters and inlets, B.C. continental shelf waters, open ocean North Pacific waters, Beaufort Sea and the Arctic Archipelago.
The Flanders Marine Institute (VLIZ) is a centre for marine and coastal research. As a partner in various projects and networks it promotes and supports the international image of Flemish marine scientific research and international marine education. In its capacity as a coordination and information platform, the Flanders Marine Institute (VLIZ) supports some thousand marine scientists in Flanders by disseminating their knowledge to policymakers, educators, the general public and scientists.
The Research Data Centre Education is a focal point for empirical educational research regarding the archiving and retrieval of audiovisual research data (AV) data and survey instruments (questionnaires and tests). In Research Data Centre Education relevant for empirical educational research data sets and tools for secondary use are provided conform with data protection via a central data repository. Contextual information for each origin study and data and instruments as well as related publications complete the offer. Content of Research Data Centre Education formation (so far) focuses on instruments and data sets of Schulqualitäts- and teaching quality research. Observation and interview data in the form of (anonymous) transcripts and codes - be viewed freely accessible - if any. The release of the original AV data for a scientific re-use is linked to a registration by specifying a reasoned research interest in order to protect the privacy rights of the observed or interviewed people.
GenBank® is a comprehensive database that contains publicly available nucleotide sequences for almost 260 000 formally described species. These sequences are obtained primarily through submissions from individual laboratories and batch submissions from large-scale sequencing projects, including whole-genome shotgun (WGS) and environmental sampling projects. Most submissions are made using the web-based BankIt or standalone Sequin programs, and GenBank staff assigns accession numbers upon data receipt. Daily data exchange with the European Nucleotide Archive (ENA) and the DNA Data Bank of Japan (DDBJ) ensures worldwide coverage. GenBank is accessible through the NCBI Entrez retrieval system, which integrates data from the major DNA and protein sequence databases along with taxonomy, genome, mapping, protein structure and domain information, and the biomedical journal literature via PubMed. BLAST provides sequence similarity searches of GenBank and other sequence databases. Complete bimonthly releases and daily updates of the GenBank database are available by FTP.
<<<!!!<<< The repository is no longer available. This record is out-dated. >>>!!!>>>- GEON is an open collaborative project that is developing cyberinfrastructure for integration of 3 and 4 dimensional earth science data. GEON will develop services for data integration and model integration, and associated model execution and visualization. Mid-Atlantic test bed will focus on tectonothermal, paleogeographic, and biotic history from the late-Proterozoicto mid-Paleozoic. Rockies test bed will focus on integration of data with dynamic models, to better understand deformation history. GEON will develop the most comprehensive regional datasets in test bed areas.
By stimulating inspiring research and producing innovative tools, Huygens ING intends to open up old and inaccessible sources, and to understand them better. Huygens ING’s focus is on Digital Humanities, History, History of Science, and Textual Scholarship. Huygens ING pursues research in the fields of History, Literary Studies, the History of Science and Digital Humanities. Huygens ING aims to publish digital sources and data responsibly and with care. Innovative tools are made as widely available as possible. We strive to share the available knowledge at the institute with both academic peers and the wider public.
The Information Marketplace for Policy and Analysis of Cyber-risk & Trust (IMPACT) program supports global cyber risk research & development by coordinating, enhancing and developing real world data, analytics and information sharing capabilities, tools, models, and methodologies. In order to accelerate solutions around cyber risk issues and infrastructure security, IMPACT makes these data sharing components broadly available as national and international resources to support the three-way partnership among cyber security researchers, technology developers and policymakers in academia, industry and the government.