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Found 540 result(s)
The India Water Portal is a web-based platform for sharing water management knowledge in India amongst practitioners and the general public. The included datasets can be browsed by data type, location, time, and other metadata. Data include rainfall, watersheds, groundwater, water quality, and irrigation.
The RRUFF Project is creating a complete set of high quality spectral data from well characterized minerals and is developing the technology to share this information with the world. The collected data provides a standard for mineralogists, geoscientists, gemologists and the general public for the identification of minerals both on earth and for planetary exploration.Electron microprobe analysis is used to determine the chemistry of each mineral.
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CUGIR is an active online repository in the National Spatial Data Clearinghouse program. CUGIR provides geospatial data and metadata for New York State, with special emphasis on those natural features relevant to agriculture, ecology, natural resources, and human-environment interactions. In order to provide the best possible access to geospatial data for New York State, CUGIR coordinates its activities with those of the New York State GIS Clearinghouse
The Chesapeake Bay Environmental Observatory (CBEO) is a prototype to demonstrate the utility of newly developed Cyberinfrastructure (CI) components for transforming environmental research, education, and management. The CBEO project uses a specific problem of water quality (hypoxia) as means of directly involving users and demonstrating the prototype’s utility. Data from the Test Bed are being brought into a CBEO Portal on a National Geoinformatics Grid developed by the NSF funded GEON. This is a cyberinfrastructure netwrok that allows users access to datasets as well as the tools with which to analyze the data. Currently, Test Bed data avaialble on the CBEO Portal includes Water Quality Model output and water quality monitorig data from the Chesapeake Bay Program's CIMS database. This data is also available as aggregated "data cubes". Avaialble tools include the Data Access System for Hydrology (DASH), Hydroseek and an online R-based interpolator.
China Earthquake Data Center provides Seismic data, geomagnetic data, geoelectric data, terrain data and underground fluid change data. It is only open in the Seismological Bureau.
!!! We will terminate ASTER Products Distribution Service in March 2016 although we have been providing ASTER Products since November 20, 2000. !!! ASTER (Advanced Spaceborne Thermal Emission and Reflection radiometer) is the high efficiency optical imager which covers a wide spectral region from the visible to the thermal infra-red by 14 spectral bands. ASTER acquires data which can be used in various fields in earth science. ASTER was launched from Vandenberg Air Force Base in California, USA in 1999 aboard the Terra, which is the first satellite of the EOS Project. The purpose of ASTER project is to make contributions to extend the understanding of local and regional phenomena on the Earth surface and its atmosphere. The followings are ASTER related information, which includes ASTER instrument, ASTER Ground Data System, ASTER Science Activities, ASTER Data Distribution and so on. ASTER Search provides services to search and order ASTER data products on the website.
!!!! <<<< The Community Data Portal (CDP) has been retired after nearly 15 years of service and is no longer available. Data can now be found here: DASH Search: . Please contact us with questions or concerns: >>>> !!!! The Community Data Portal (CDP) is a collection of earth science datasets from NCAR, UCAR, UOP, and participating organizations.
The Ningaloo Atlas was created in response to the need for more comprehensive and accessible information on environmental and socio-economic data on the greater Ningaloo region. As such, the Ningaloo Atlas is a web portal to not only access and share information, but to celebrate and promote the biodiversity, heritage, value, and way of life of the greater Ningaloo region.
The Ozone Mapping and Profiler Suite measures the ozone layer in our upper atmosphere—tracking the status of global ozone distributions, including the ‘ozone hole.’ It also monitors ozone levels in the troposphere, the lowest layer of our atmosphere. OMPS extends out 40-year long record ozone layer measurements while also providing improved vertical resolution compared to previous operational instruments. Closer to the ground, OMPS’s measurements of harmful ozone improve air quality monitoring and when combined with cloud predictions; help to create the Ultraviolet Index, a guide to safe levels of sunlight exposure. OMPS has two sensors, both new designs, composed of three advanced hyperspectralimaging spectrometers.The three spectrometers: a downward-looking nadir mapper, nadir profiler and limb profiler. The entire OMPS suite currently fly on board the Suomi NPP spacecraft and are scheduled to fly on the JPSS-2 satellite mission. NASA will provide the OMPS-Limb profiler.
Scholars' Bank is the open access repository for the intellectual work of faculty, students and staff at the University of Oregon and partner institution collections.
SAHFOS is an internationally funded independent research non-profit organisation responsible for the operation of the Continuous Plankton Recorder (CPR) Survey. As a large-scale global survey, it provides the scientific and policy communities with a basin-wide and long-term measure of the ecological health of marine plankton. Established in 1931, the CPR Survey is the longest running, most geographically extensive marine ecological survey in the world. It has a considerable database of marine plankton and associated metadata that is used by researchers and policy makers to examine strategically important science pillars such as climate change, human health, fisheries, biodiversity, pathogens, invasive species, ocean acidification and natural capital. The Continuous Plankton Recorder (CPR) Survey has merged with the Marine Biological Association. Today the Survey is operated by the Marine Biological Association, based in Plymouth, UK.
TES is the first satellite instrument to provide simultaneous concentrations of carbon monoxide, ozone, water vapor and methane throughout Earth’s lower atmosphere. This lower atmosphere (the troposphere) is situated between the surface and the height at which aircraft fly, and is an important part of the atmosphere that we often impact with our activities.
NASA’s Precipitation Measurement Missions – TRMM and GPM – provide advanced information on rain and snow characteristics and detailed three-dimensional knowledge of precipitation structure within the atmosphere, which help scientists study and understand Earth's water cycle, weather and climate.
The GeoPortal.rlp allows the central search and visualization of geo data. Inside the geo data infrastructure of Rhineland-Palatinate the GeoPortal.rlp inherit the central duty a service orientated branch exchange between user and offerer of geo data. The GeoPortal.rlp establishes the access to geo data over the electronic network. The GeoPortal.rlp was brought on line on January, 8th 2007 for the first time, on February, 2nd 2011 it occured a site-relaunch.
The TRR228DB is the project-database of the Collaborative Research Centre 228 "Future Rural Africa: Future-making and social-ecological transformation" (CRC/Transregio 228, funded by the German Research Foundation (DFG, German Research Foundation – Project number 328966760). The project-database is a new implementation of the TR32DB and online since 2018. It handles all data including metadata, which are created by the involved project participants from several institutions (e.g. Universities of Cologne and Bonn) and research fields (e.g. anthropology, agroeconomics, ecology, ethnology, geography, politics and soil sciences). The data is resulting from several field campaigns, interviews, surveys, remote sensing, laboratory studies and modelling approaches. Furthermore, outcomes of the scientists such as publications, conference contributions, PhD reports and corresponding images are collected.
Water DAMS (Water Data Analysis and Management System) provides access to foundational water treatment technology data that enable researchers and decision-makers to identify and quantify opportunities for technology innovations to reduce the cost and energy intensity of desalination. It is the submission point for all data generated by research conducted by the National Alliance for Water Innovation (NAWI) and is designed to be used by the broader water research community. With publicly accessible contributions from a variety of academic and industrial partners, Water DAMS seeks to enable data discoverability, improve accessibility, and accelerate collaboration that contributes to pipe parity and innovation in water treatment technologies.
The NREL Data Catalog is where descriptive information (i.e., metadata) is maintained about public data resulting from federally funded research conducted by the National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL) researchers and analysts. Our Goal: Making Federally Funded Data Publicly Available NREL's mission is to develop clean energy and energy efficiency technologies and practices, advance related science and engineering, and provide knowledge and innovations to integrate energy systems at all scales. The NREL Data Catalog helps accomplish this by ensuring the data behind the science and engineering are well-documented and useful to the scientific community at large.
The Geoscience Data Repository (GDR) is a collection of Earth Sciences Sector geoscience databases that is managed and accessed by a series of Information Services (GDRIS). This site allows you to discover, view and download information using these services. About 27 data resources are listed and many are also listed in the GeoConnections Discovery Portal.
Hakai Data stores and shares research information associated with Hakai Institute. The Hakai Institute is a scientific research institution that advances long-term research at remote locations on the coastal margin of British Columbia, Canada. Hakai Data Systems: Data Catalogue, Sensor Network, Geospatial Data, Weather Stations and Webcams, ERDDAP Data Server
Natural Resources Canada (NRCan) seeks to enhance the responsible development and use of Canada’s natural resources and the competitiveness of Canada’s natural resources products. We are an established leader in science and technology in the fields of energy, forests, and minerals and metals and use our expertise in earth sciences to build and maintain an up-to-date knowledge base of our landmass.
CanWIN is the data centre for the Centre for Earth Observation Science (CEOS). We support research and education, and inform management, policy and evidence based decision-making from the Nelson River Watershed to the Arctic.
The Academic Data Repository of the National University of Rosario (RDA- UNR) allows for sharing, storing, accessing, exploring, and citing research data managed by UNR professors, researchers and students so as to make these data visible and promote its use and reutilization, ensuring its long-term preservation. It is a self-publishing repository, i.e. users upload, organize, describe and publish their own data with the assistance of a team of curators, user guides and training sessions.
The Canadian Integrated Ocean Observing System (CIOOS) Data Catalogue is an online open-access data catalogue designed for sharing reliable and high-quality. CIOOS is a collaboration between institutional, governmental, and non-governmental partners located in the Pacific, the St. Lawrence, and the Atlantic. These Regional Associations (RAs) work closely with local organizations to meet end-user needs and develop place-based solutions for a diverse country.
NIAID’s TB Portals Program is a multi-national collaboration for TB data sharing and analysis to advance TB research. As a global consortium of clinicians, scientists, and IT professionals from 40 sites in 16 countries throughout eastern Europe, Asia, and sub-Saharan Africa, the TB Portals Program is a web-based, open-access repository of multi-domain TB data and tools for its analysis. Researchers can find linked socioeconomic/geographic, clinical, laboratory, radiological, and genomic data from over 7,500 international published TB patient cases with an emphasis on drug-resistant tuberculosis.