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Found 7 result(s)
The Research Data Center Qualiservice provides services for archiving and reusing qualitative research data from the social sciences. We advise and accompany research projects in the process of long-term data archiving and data sharing. Data curation is conducted by experts for the social sciences. We also provide research data and relevant context information for reuse in scientific research and teaching. Internationally interoperable metadata ensure that data sets are searchable and findable. Persistent identifiers (DOI) ensure that data and study contexts are citable. Qualiservice was accredited by the German Data Forum (RatSWD) in 2019 and adheres to its quality assurance criteria. Qualiservice is committed to the German Research Foundation’s (DFG) Guidelines for Safeguarding Good Scientific Practice and takes into account the FAIR Guiding Principles for scientific data management and stewardship as well as the OECD Principles and Guidelines for Access to Research Data from Public Funding. Qualiservice coordinates the networking and further development of scientific infrastructures for archiving and secondary use of qualitative data from social research within the framework of the National Research Data Infrastructure.
This is the KONECT project, a project in the area of network science with the goal to collect network datasets, analyse them, and make available all analyses online. KONECT stands for Koblenz Network Collection, as the project has roots at the University of Koblenz–Landau in Germany. All source code is made available as Free Software, and includes a network analysis toolbox for GNU Octave, a network extraction library, as well as code to generate these web pages, including all statistics and plots. KONECT contains over a hundred network datasets of various types, including directed, undirected, bipartite, weighted, unweighted, signed and rating networks. The networks of KONECT are collected from many diverse areas such as social networks, hyperlink networks, authorship networks, physical networks, interaction networks and communication networks. The KONECT project has developed network analysis tools which are used to compute network statistics, to draw plots and to implement various link prediction algorithms. The result of these analyses are presented on these pages. Whenever we are allowed to do so, we provide a download of the networks.
Sound and Vision has one of the largest audiovisual archives in Europe. The institute manages over 70 percent of the Dutch audiovisual heritage. The collection contains more than a million hours of television, radio, music and film from the beginning in 1898 until today. All programs of the Dutch public broadcasters come in digitally every day. Individuals and institutions entrust their collection to Sound and Vision as well. The institute ensures that the material is optimally preserved for (re)use. Broadcasters, producers and editors use the archive for the creation of new programs. The collection is also used to develop products and services for a wide audience, such as exhibitions, iPhone applications, DVD boxes and various websites. The collection of Sound and Vision contains the complete radio and television archives of the Dutch public broadcasters; films of virtually every leading Dutch documentary maker; newsreels; the national music depot; various audiovisual corporate collections; advertising, radio and video material of cultural and social organizations, of scientific institutes and of all kinds of educational institutions. There are also collections of images and articles from the history of Dutch broadcasting itself, like the elaborate collection of historical television sets.