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Found 17 result(s)
The MAPPA Open Data archaeological archive (MOD) is an archaeological digital archive that publishes the archaeological documentation (Dataset) and gray literature (Reports) produced in the course of archaeological investigations.
With the Program EnviDat we develop a unified and managed access portal for WSL's rich reservoir of environmental monitoring and research data. EnviDat is designed as a portal to publish, connect and search across existing data but is not intended to become a large data centre hosting original data. While sharing of data is centrally facilitated, data management remains decentralised and the know-how and responsibility to curate research data remains with the original data providers.
Galaxies, made up of billions of stars like our Sun, are the beacons that light up the structure of even the most distant regions in space. Not all galaxies are alike, however. They come in very different shapes and have very different properties; they may be large or small, old or young, red or blue, regular or confused, luminous or faint, dusty or gas-poor, rotating or static, round or disky, and they live either in splendid isolation or in clusters. In other words, the universe contains a very colourful and diverse zoo of galaxies. For almost a century, astronomers have been discussing how galaxies should be classified and how they relate to each other in an attempt to attack the big question of how galaxies form. Galaxy Zoo (Lintott et al. 2008, 2011) pioneered a novel method for performing large-scale visual classifications of survey datasets. This webpage allows anyone to download the resulting GZ classifications of galaxies in the project.
Avibase is an extensive database information system about all birds of the world, containing over 60 million records about 10,000 species and 22,000 subspecies of birds, including distribution information, taxonomy, synonyms in several languages and more. This site is managed by Denis Lepage and hosted by Bird Studies Canada, the Canadian copartner of Birdlife International. Avibase has been a work in progress since 1992 and I am now pleased to offer it as a service to the bird-watching and scientific community.
The Bach portal is a database for researchers and practical musicians interested in Johann Sebastian Bach and the whole Bach family. It contains detailed, fully searchable findings from research into Bach and high-resolution scans of works and sources.
The ESO/ST-ECF science archive is a joint collaboration of the European Organisation for Astronomical Research in the Southern Hemisphere (ESO) and the Space Telescope - European Coordinating Facility (ST-ECF). ESO observational data can be requested after the proprietary period by the astronomical community.
Phaidra (Permanent Hosting, Archiving and Indexing of Digital Resources and Assets) is the University of Padua Library System’s platform for long-term archiving of digital collections. Phaidra hosts various types of digital objects (antiquarian books, manuscripts, photographs, wallcharts, maps, learning objects, films, archive material and museum objects). Phaidra offers a search facility to identify specific objects, and each object can be viewed, downloaded, used and reused to the extent permitted by law and by its associated licences. The objects in the digital collections on the Phaidra platform are sourced from libraries (in large part due to the digitisation projects promoted by the Library System itself), museums and archives at the University of Padua and other institutions, including the Ca’ Foscari University and the Università Iuav in Venice.
The long-term goal of this project is to implement a new strategy for preserving and providing access to the Astrophysical data heritage. IA2 is an ambitious Italian Astrophysical research infrastructure project that aims at co-ordinating different national initiatives to improve the quality of astrophysical data services. It aims at co-ordinating these developments and facilitating access to this data for research purposes. The first working target, is the implementation of the TNG Long-Term Archive (LTA). Its feasibility was demonstrated by the LTA pilot project prototype, funded by CNAA in 2001 and completed successfully in July 2002. The implementation of the TNG archive implies: − interfacing with the Centro "Galileo Galilei" (CGG) for the acquisition of TNG data; − long-term storage of scientific, technical and auxiliary data from the TNG; − providing accessibility by the CGG staff and by the scientific community to original and derived data; − providing tools to support the life cycle of observing proposals. The second target of the proposal aims at ensuring harmonization with other projects related to archiving of data of astrophysical interest, with particular reference to projects involving the Italian astronomical community (LBT, VST, GSC-II, DPOSS, …), to the Italian Solar and Solar System Physics community (SOLAR, SOLRA, ARTHEMIS which form SOLARNET – a future node of EGSO) and to the national and international coordination efforts fostering the idea of a multiwavelength Virtual Astronomical Observatory, and the use of the archived data through the Italian Astronomical Grid.
The European Union Open Data Portal is the single point of access to a growing range of data from the institutions and other bodies of the European Union (EU). Data are free for you to use and reuse for commercial or non-commercial purposes. By providing easy and free access to data, the portal aims to promote their innovative use and unleash their economic potential. It also aims to help foster the transparency and the accountability of the institutions and other bodies of the EU. The EU Open Data Portal is managed by the Publications Office of the European Union. Implementation of the EU's open data policy is the responsibility of the Directorate-General for Communications Networks, Content and Technology of the European Commission.
Phaidra Universität Wien, is the innovative whole-university digital asset management system with long-term archiving functions, offers the possibility to archive valuable data university-wide with permanent security and systematic input, offering multilingual access using metadata (data about data), thus providing worldwide availability around the clock. As a constant data pool for administration, research and teaching, resources can be used flexibly, where continual citability allows the exact location and retrieval of prepared digital objects.
The European Environment Agency (EEA) is an agency of the European Union. Our task is to provide sound, independent information on the environment. We are a major information source for those involved in developing, adopting, implementing and evaluating environmental policy, and also the general public. Currently, the EEA has 33 member countries. EEA's mandate is: To help the Community and member countries make informed decisions about improving the environment, integrating environmental considerations into economic policies and moving towards sustainability To coordinate the European environment information and observation network (Eionet)
The goal of e-codices is to provide free access to all medieval and a selection of modern manuscripts of Switzerland by means of a virtual library.
Europeana is the trusted source of cultural heritage brought to you by the Europeana Foundation and a large number of European cultural institutions, projects and partners. It’s a real piece of team work. Ideas and inspiration can be found within the millions of items on Europeana. These objects include: Images - paintings, drawings, maps, photos and pictures of museum objects Texts - books, newspapers, letters, diaries and archival papers Sounds - music and spoken word from cylinders, tapes, discs and radio broadcasts Videos - films, newsreels and TV broadcasts All texts are CC BY-SA, images and media licensed individually.
BOARD (Bicocca Open Archive Research Data) is the institutional data repository of the University of Milano-Bicocca. BOARD is an open, free-to-use research data repository, which enables members of University of Milano-Bicocca to make their research data publicly available. By depositing their research data in BOARD researchers can: - Make their research data citable - Share their data privately or publicly - Ensure long-term storage for their data - Keep access to all versions - Link their article to their data
Fishbase is a global species database and encyclopedia of over 30,000 species and subspecies of fishes that is searchable by common name, genus, species, geography, family, ecosystem, references literature, tools, etc. Links to other, related databases such as the Catalog of Fishes, GenBack, and LarvalBase. Associated with a partner journal, Acta Ichthyologica et Piscatoria. With mirror sites in English, German, French Spanish, Portuguese, French, Swedish, Chinese and Arabian language.