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Found 529 result(s)
The RRUFF Project is creating a complete set of high quality spectral data from well characterized minerals and is developing the technology to share this information with the world. The collected data provides a standard for mineralogists, geoscientists, gemologists and the general public for the identification of minerals both on earth and for planetary exploration.Electron microprobe analysis is used to determine the chemistry of each mineral.
The World Atlas of Language Structures (WALS) is a large database of structural (phonological, grammatical, lexical) properties of languages gathered from descriptive materials (such as reference grammars) by a team of 55 authors (many of them the leading authorities on the subject).
The Ningaloo Atlas was created in response to the need for more comprehensive and accessible information on environmental and socio-economic data on the greater Ningaloo region. As such, the Ningaloo Atlas is a web portal to not only access and share information, but to celebrate and promote the biodiversity, heritage, value, and way of life of the greater Ningaloo region.
The Ozone Mapping and Profiler Suite measures the ozone layer in our upper atmosphere—tracking the status of global ozone distributions, including the ‘ozone hole.’ It also monitors ozone levels in the troposphere, the lowest layer of our atmosphere. OMPS extends out 40-year long record ozone layer measurements while also providing improved vertical resolution compared to previous operational instruments. Closer to the ground, OMPS’s measurements of harmful ozone improve air quality monitoring and when combined with cloud predictions; help to create the Ultraviolet Index, a guide to safe levels of sunlight exposure. OMPS has two sensors, both new designs, composed of three advanced hyperspectralimaging spectrometers.The three spectrometers: a downward-looking nadir mapper, nadir profiler and limb profiler. The entire OMPS suite currently fly on board the Suomi NPP spacecraft and are scheduled to fly on the JPSS-2 satellite mission. NASA will provide the OMPS-Limb profiler.
Scholars' Bank is the open access repository for the intellectual work of faculty, students and staff at the University of Oregon and partner institution collections.
The primary function of this database is to provide authoritative information about meteorite names. The correct spelling, complete with punctuation and diacritical marks, of all known meteorites recognized by the Meteoritical Society may be found in this compilation. Official abbreviations for many meteorites are documented here as well. The database also contains status information for meteorites with provisional names, and listings for specimens of doubtful origin and pseudometeorites. A seconday purpose of this database is to provide an interface to map services for the display of geographic information about meteorites. Two are currently implemented here. If the user has installed the free NASA program World Wind, links are provided for each meteorite to zoom the program to the find location. The database also provides links to the Google Maps service for the display of find locations.
Physical Reference Data compiles physical data and biblographic sources: Physical constants, atomic spectroscopy data, molecular spectroscopic data, X-Ray and Gamma-Ray data, nuclear physics data etc.
DIGIBUG aims to collect, compile and organise the scientific, teaching and institutional digital documents produced by the University of Granada to support research, teaching and learning.
The Durham High Energy Physics Database (HEPData), formerly: the Durham HEPData Project, has been built up over the past four decades as a unique open-access repository for scattering data from experimental particle physics. It currently comprises the data points from plots and tables related to several thousand publications including those from the Large Hadron Collider (LHC). The Durham HepData Project has for more than 25 years compiled the Reactions Database containing what can be loosly described as cross sections from HEP scattering experiments. The data comprise total and differential cross sections, structure functions, fragmentation functions, distributions of jet measures, polarisations, etc... from a wide range of interactions. In the new HEPData site (, you can explore new functionalities for data providers and data consumers, as well as the submission interface. HEPData is operated by CERN and IPPP at Durham University and is based on the digital library framework Invenio.
The Health Atlas is an alliance of medical ontologists, medical systems biologists and clinical trials groups to design and implement a multi-functional and quality-assured atlas. It provides models, data and metadata on specific use cases from medical research projects from the partner institutions.
The TRR228DB is the project-database of the Collaborative Research Centre 228 "Future Rural Africa: Future-making and social-ecological transformation" (CRC/Transregio 228, funded by the German Research Foundation (DFG, German Research Foundation – Project number 328966760). The project-database is a new implementation of the TR32DB and online since 2018. It handles all data including metadata, which are created by the involved project participants from several institutions (e.g. Universities of Cologne and Bonn) and research fields (e.g. anthropology, agroeconomics, ecology, ethnology, geography, politics and soil sciences). The data is resulting from several field campaigns, interviews, surveys, remote sensing, laboratory studies and modelling approaches. Furthermore, outcomes of the scientists such as publications, conference contributions, PhD reports and corresponding images are collected.
Water DAMS (Water Data Analysis and Management System) provides access to foundational water treatment technology data that enable researchers and decision-makers to identify and quantify opportunities for technology innovations to reduce the cost and energy intensity of desalination. It is the submission point for all data generated by research conducted by the National Alliance for Water Innovation (NAWI) and is designed to be used by the broader water research community. With publicly accessible contributions from a variety of academic and industrial partners, Water DAMS seeks to enable data discoverability, improve accessibility, and accelerate collaboration that contributes to pipe parity and innovation in water treatment technologies.
VinaR is the digital repository of the Vinča Institute of Nuclear Sciences, University of Belgrade. VinaR provides open access to the publications, as well as to other outputs of the research projects implemented in these institutions. The software platform meets the current requirements that apply to the dissemination of scholarly publications and it is compatible with relevant international infrastructures.
idUS is the digital archive that gives access to full text of the scientific production of the University of Seville and their datasets. Its objective is to gather, preserve and disseminate the documents and data resulting from the scientific activity of the University, making the documents visible, accessible, recoverable, usable and preservable for any user.
Hakai Data stores and shares research information associated with Hakai Institute. The Hakai Institute is a scientific research institution that advances long-term research at remote locations on the coastal margin of British Columbia, Canada. Hakai Data Systems: Data Catalogue, Sensor Network, Geospatial Data, Weather Stations and Webcams, ERDDAP Data Server
The Academic Data Repository of the National University of Rosario (RDA- UNR) allows for sharing, storing, accessing, exploring, and citing research data managed by UNR professors, researchers and students so as to make these data visible and promote its use and reutilization, ensuring its long-term preservation. It is a self-publishing repository, i.e. users upload, organize, describe and publish their own data with the assistance of a team of curators, user guides and training sessions. is a freely available and web-accessible image visualization and data browsing tool that serves as a central repository for fluorescence microscopy images and associated quantitative data produced by high-content screening experiments. Currently, hosts images and associated analysis results from two published high- content screening (HCS) projects focused on the budding yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae. allows users to access, visualize and explore fluorescence microscopy images, and to search, compare, and extract data related to subcellular compartment morphology, protein abundance, and localization. Each dataset can be queried independently or as part of a search across multiple datasets using the advanced search option. The website also hosts computational tools associated with the available datasets, which can be applied to other projects and cell systems, a feature we demonstrate using published images of mammalian cells. Providing access to HCS data through websites such as enables new discovery and independent re-analyses of imaging data."
SODHA is the federal Belgian data archive for social sciences and the digital humanities. SODHA is a new service of the State Archives of Belgium and acts as the Belgian service provider for the Consortium of European Social Science Data Archives (CESSDA).
DUnAs is the institutional research data repository of the University of Aveiro. This repository is intended to share, archive, preserve, cite, access, and explore research data produced in the university scientific research activities.
It's a multidisciplinary repository that collect and diseminate research, academic, institutional and learning results from Universitat Jaume I. It also includes digitised documentary material on the province of Castelló and other information resources from different institutions, like Spain-European Union Digital Archive (SEDAS).
NODE (The National Omics Data Encyclopedia) provides an integrated, compatible, comparable, and scalable multi-omics resource platform that supports flexible data management and effective data release. NODE uses a hierarchical data architecture to support storage of muti-omics data including sequencing data, MS based proteomics data, MS or NMR based metabolomics data, and fluorescence imaging data. Launched in early 2017, NODE has collected and published over 900 terabytes of omics data for researchers from China and all over the world in last three years, 22% of which contains multiple omics data. NODE provides functions around the whole life cycle of omics data, from data archive, data requests/responses to data sharing, data analysis, data review and publish.
BCCM/IHEM is a fungal culture collection specialized in medical and veterinary mycology. About 16.000 strains of yeasts and moulds are available from all over the world: pathogens, allergenic species, strains producing mycotoxins, reference strains, teaching material, etc. It also comprises the Raymond Vanbreuseghem collection and the collection of Janssen Pharmaceutica. The BCCM/IHEM collection makes strains or their genomic DNA publicly available for medical, pharmaceutical and biological research, as well as for method validation, testing or educational purposes. Deposits of strains for public access are free of charge for the depositor. The collection also accept safe and patent deposits, and offers a range of services including trainings in mycology and identifications of strains. Moreover, BCCM/IHEM has expertise in fungal taxonomy, in MALDI-TOF MS identification of moulds and yeasts as well as in genomics (whole genome sequencing of fungal strains, phylogenomics, phylogenetics).