diversitydata.org is an online tool for exploring quality of life data across metropolitan areas for people of different racial/ethnic groups in the United States. It provides values and rankings for the largest U.S. metropolitan areas on different indicators in 8 areas of life (domains), including demographics, education, economic opportunity, housing, neighborhoods, and health. It also provides a simple mapping utility, showing the range of indicator values for metros across the U.S.
Data from 1999 indicators is archives in the companion Diversity Data Archive (https://diversitydata-archive.org/). For a wider selection of data on child wellbeing, visit our partner site, diversitydatakids.org (https://www.diversitydatakids.org/).
diversitydata.org has been named a Health Data All Star by the Health Data Consortium. The list was compiled in consultation with leading health researchers, government officials, entrepreneurs, advocates and others to identify the health data resources that matter most.