• * at the end of a keyword allows wildcard searches
  • " quotes can be used for searching phrases
  • + represents an AND search (default)
  • | represents an OR search
  • - represents a NOT operation
  • ( and ) implies priority
  • ~N after a word specifies the desired edit distance (fuzziness)
  • ~N after a phrase specifies the desired slop amount
  • 1 (current)
Found 3 result(s)
The Research Data Repository of the National University of La Plata is an online platform dedicated to the organization and dissemination of research data for the entire academic community of the UNLP. The objective of this platform is to gather and provide access to data generated from all areas of the UNLP to ensure its preservation, encourage reuse and maximize its impact.
REDIUNLu is the Open Access Institutional Digital Repository of the National University of Luján, whose function is to store, preserve and disseminate the scientific and academic production of the institution. In addition, it makes known and makes visible the knowledge of the UNLu based on the philosophy of Open Access.
SEDICI [Intellectual Creation Diffusion Service] is the institutional repository of the Universidad Nacional de La Plata (UNLP), a public university located at Argentina. Its goal is to index, preserve and grant open access to all kind of academic work produced at this institution including thesis, scientific articles, datasets, books, conference objects, and more.