The China National GeneBank database (CNGBdb) is a unified platform for biological big data sharing and application services. CNGBdb has now integrated a large amount of internal and external biological data from resources such as CNGB, NCBI, and the EBI. There are several sub-databases in CNGBdb, including literature, variation, gene, genome, protein, sequence, organism, project, sample, experiment, run, and assembly. Based on underlying big data and cloud computing technologies, it provides various data services, including archive, analysis, knowledge search, and management authorization of biological data. CNGBdb adopts data structures and standards of international omics, health, and medicine, such as The International Nucleotide Sequence Database Collaboration (INSDC), The Global Alliance for Genomics and Health GA4GH (GA4GH), Global Genome Biodiversity Network (GGBN), American College of Medical Genetics and Genomics (ACMG), and constructs standardized data and structures with wide compatibility. All public data and services provided by CNGBdb are freely available to all users worldwide.
CNGB Sequence Archive (CNSA) is the bionomics data repository of CNGBdb.
CNGB Sequence Archive (CNSA) is a convenient and efficient archiving system of multi-omics data in life science, which provides archiving services for raw sequencing reads and further analyzed results. CNSA follows the international data standards for omics data, and supports online and batch submission of multiple data types such as Project, Sample, Experiment/Run, Assembly, Variation, Metabolism, Single cell, and Sequence. Moreover, CNSA has achieved the correlation of sample entities, sample information, and analyzed data on some projects. Its data submission service can be used as a supplement to the literature publishing process to support early data sharing.CNGB Sequence Archive (CNSA) is a convenient and efficient archiving system of multi-omics data in the life science of CNGBdb, which provides archiving services for raw sequencing reads and further analyzed results. CNSA follows the international data standards for omics data, and supports online and batch submission of multiple data types such as Project, Sample, Experiment/Run, Assembly, Variation, Metabolism, Single cell, Sequence. Its data submission service can be used as a supplement to the literature publishing process to support early data sharing.