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Found 54 result(s)
<<<!!!<<< The website closed in January 2015. >>>!!!>>> All GeoBase products are available on the Open Government of Canada portal: GeoBase initiative provides geospatial data of the entire Canadian landmass for government, business, and/or personal assessments of sustainable resource development, public safety, sanitation, and environmental protection. Data is available for download as ESRI Shapefile, FGDB, KML, and GML.
PRISM Dataverse is the institutional data repository of the University of Calgary, which has its purpose in digital archiving and sharing of research data from researchers. PRISM Dataverse is a data repository hosted through Borealis, a service of the Ontario Council of University Libraries and supported by University of Calgary's Libraries and Cultural Resources. PRISM Dataverse enables scholars to easily deposit data, create data-specific metadata for searchability and publish their datasets.
The arctic data archive system (ADS) collects observation data and modeling products obtained by various Japanese research projects and gives researchers to access the results. By centrally managing a wide variety of Arctic observation data, we promote the use of data across multiple disciplines. Researchers use these integrated databases to clarify the mechanisms of environmental change in the atmosphere, ocean, land-surface and cryosphere. That ADS will be provide an opportunity of collaboration between modelers and field scientists, can be expected.
<<<!!!<<< As stated 2017-06-27 The website is no longer available; repository software is archived on github >>>!!!>>> The ResearchCompendia platform is an attempt to use the web to enhance the reproducibility and verifiability—and thus the reliability—of scientific research. we provide the tools to publish the "actual scholarship" by hosting data, code, and methods in a form that is accessible, trackable, and persistent. Some of our short term goals include: To expand and enhance the platform including adding executability for a greater variety of coding languages and frameworks, and enhancing output presentation. To expand usership and to test the ResearchCompendia model in a number of additional fields, including computational mathematics, statistics, and biostatistics. To pilot integration with existing scholarly platforms, enabling researchers to discover relevant Research Compendia websites when looking at online articles, code repositories, or data archives.
The EUDAT project aims to contribute to the production of a Collaborative Data Infrastructure (CDI). The project´s target is to provide a pan-European solution to the challenge of data proliferation in Europe's scientific and research communities. The EUDAT vision is to support a Collaborative Data Infrastructure which will allow researchers to share data within and between communities and enable them to carry out their research effectively. EUDAT aims to provide a solution that will be affordable, trustworthy, robust, persistent and easy to use. EUDAT comprises 26 European partners, including data centres, technology providers, research communities and funding agencies from 13 countries. B2FIND is the EUDAT metadata service allowing users to discover what kind of data is stored through the B2SAFE and B2SHARE services which collect a large number of datasets from various disciplines. EUDAT will also harvest metadata from communities that have stable metadata providers to create a comprehensive joint catalogue to help researchers find interesting data objects and collections.
GLOBE (Global Collaboration Engine) is an online collaborative environment that enables land change researchers to share, compare and integrate local and regional studies with global data to assess the global relevance of their work.
Government of Yukon open data provides an easy way to find, access and reuse the government's public datasets. This service brings all of the government's data together in one searchable website. Our datasets are created and managed by different government departments. We cannot guarantee the quality or timeliness of all data. If you have any feedback you can get in touch with the department that produced the dataset. This is a pilot project. We are in the process of adding a quality framework to make it easier for you to access high quality, reliable data.
Science Data Bank is an open generalist data repository developed and maintained by the Chinese Academy of Sciences Computing and Network Information Center (CNIC). It promotes the publication and reuse of scientific data. Researchers and journal publishers can use it to store, manage and share science data.
The India Environment Portal provides open access to information about environmental and developmental issues in India. The Portal aggregates and presents data from research institutions, government bodies, NGOs, universities, the mass media, and experts across various issues of environmental management.
The Common Research Data Repository (Deposita Dados) is a database for archiving, publishing, disseminating, preserving and sharing digital research data and its mission is to promote, support and facilitate the adoption of open access to the datasets of Brazilian researchers linked to scientific institutions that do not yet have their own research data repositories and/or of Brazilian researchers who have executed their datasets through scientific collaboration in foreign teaching and research institutions.
Kaggle is a platform for predictive modelling and analytics competitions in which statisticians and data miners compete to produce the best models for predicting and describing the datasets uploaded by companies and users. This crowdsourcing approach relies on the fact that there are countless strategies that can be applied to any predictive modelling task and it is impossible to know beforehand which technique or analyst will be most effective.
The Goethe University Data Repository (GUDe) provides a platform for its members to electronically archive, share, and publish their research data. GUDe is jointly operated by the University Library and the University Data Center of the Goethe University. The metadata of all public content is freely available and indexed by search engines as well as scientific web services. GUDe follows the FAIR principles for long-term accessibility (minimum 10 years), allows for reliable citation via DOIs as well as cooperative access to non-public data and operates on DSpace-CRIS v7. If you have any questions regarding the use of GUDe, please consult the user documentation.
Rodare is the institutional research data repository at HZDR (Helmholtz-Zentrum Dresden-Rossendorf). Rodare allows HZDR researchers to upload their research software and data and enrich those with metadata to make them findable, accessible, interoperable and retrievable (FAIR). By publishing all associated research software and data via Rodare research reproducibility can be improved. Uploads receive a Digital Object Identfier (DOI) and can be harvested via a OAI-PMH interface.
<<<!!!<<< The repository is no longer available. 2018-08-29: no more access to GAPHYOR >>>!!!>>> Important note: The database was no longer feeded with data or updated in the years 2005-2007. The financial support of the project had been stopped a few yers ahead that time. The maintainance of the IT system couldn't be ensured anymore and system was shutdown in 2015. Please see the other databases in the field.
ARES (Aerosol Remote Sensing) is the ACTRIS (Aerosol, Cloud and Trace Gases Research Infrastructure) Data Centre unit for aerosol remote sensing profiling. ACTRIS-ARES host and manage the ACTRIS-EARLINET database, that represents a comprehensive, quantitative, and statistically significant collection of data for the aerosol distribution on European scale. ARES provides data curation, data processing and data access services for ACTRIS aerosol remote sensing data coming from lidar and photometer observations. Additionally, ARES hosts and manage the EARLINET web site and offers data services and digital tools to EARLINET and beyond. Major objectives also include the development and validation of new synergetic remote sensing algorithms, and the continuous evaluation of the representation of atmospheric aerosol parameters in climate and weather forecast models.
Merritt is a curation repository for the preservation of and access to the digital research data of the ten campus University of California system and external project collaborators. Merritt is supported by the University of California Curation Center (UC3) at the California Digital Library (CDL). While Merritt itself is content agnostic, accepting digital content regardless of domain, format, or structure, it is being used for management of research data, and it forms the basis for a number of domain-specific repositories, such as the ONEShare repository for earth and environmental science and the DataShare repository for life sciences. Merritt provides persistent identifiers, storage replication, fixity audit, complete version history, REST API, a comprehensive metadata catalog for discovery, ATOM-based syndication, and curatorially-defined collections, access control rules, and data use agreements (DUAs). Merritt content upload and download may each be curatorially-designated as public or restricted. Merritt DOIs are provided by UC3's EZID service, which is integrated with DataCite. All DOIs and associated metadata are automatically registered with DataCite and are harvested by Ex Libris PRIMO and Thomson Reuters Data Citation Index (DCI) for high-level discovery. Merritt is also a member node in the DataONE network; curatorially-designated data submitted to Merritt are automatically registered with DataONE for additional replication and federated discovery through the ONEMercury search/browse interface.
The JPL Tropical Cyclone Information System (TCIS) was developed to support hurricane research. There are three components to TCIS; a global archive of multi-satellite hurricane observations 1999-2010 (Tropical Cyclone Data Archive), North Atlantic Hurricane Watch and ASA Convective Processes Experiment (CPEX) aircraft campaign. Together, data and visualizations from the real time system and data archive can be used to study hurricane process, validate and improve models, and assist in developing new algorithms and data assimilation techniques.
The Clouds and the Earth’s Radiant Energy System (CERES) is a key component of the Earth Observing System (EOS) program. CERES instruments provide radiometric measurements of the Earth’s atmosphere from three broadband channels. CERES products include both solar-reflected and Earth-emitted radiation from the top of the atmosphere to the Earth's surface.
B2SHARE is a user-friendly, reliable and trustworthy way for researchers, scientific communities and citizen scientists to store and share small-scale research data from diverse contexts and disciplines. B2SHARE is able to add value to your research data via (domain tailored) metadata, and assigning citable Persistent Identifiers PIDs (Handles) to ensure long-lasting access and references. B2SHARE is one of the B2 services developed via EUDAT and long tail data deposits do not cost money. Special arrangements such as branding and special metadata elements can be made on request.
depositar — taking the term from the Portuguese/Spanish verb for to deposit — is an online repository for research data. The site is built by the researchers for the researchers. You are free to deposit, discover, and reuse datasets on depositar for all your research purposes.
The Argo observational network consists of a fleet of 3000+ profiling autonomous floats deployed by about a dozen teams worldwide. WHOI has built about 10% of the global fleet. The mission lifetime of each float is about 4 years. During a typical mission, each float reports a profile of the upper ocean every 10 days. The sensors onboard record fundamental physical properties of the ocean: temperature and conductivity (a measure of salinity) as a function of pressure. The depth range of the observed profile depends on the local stratification and the float's mechanical ability to adjust it's buoyancy. The majority of Argo floats report profiles between 1-2 km depth. At each surfacing, measurements of temperature and salinity are relayed back to shore via satellite. Telemetry is usually received every 10 days, but floats at high-latitudes which are iced-over accumulate their data and transmit the entire record the next time satellite contact is established. With current battery technology, the best performing floats last 6+ years and record over 200 profiles.
The World Glacier Monitoring Service (WGMS) collects standardized observations on changes in mass, volume, area and length of glaciers with time (glacier fluctuations), as well as statistical information on the distribution of perennial surface ice in space (glacier inventories). Such glacier fluctuation and inventory data are high priority key variables in climate system monitoring; they form a basis for hydrological modelling with respect to possible effects of atmospheric warming, and provide fundamental information in glaciology, glacial geomorphology and quaternary geology. The highest information density is found for the Alps and Scandinavia, where long and uninterrupted records are available. As a contribution to the Global Terrestrial/Climate Observing System (GTOS, GCOS), the Division of Early Warning and Assessment and the Global Environment Outlook of UNEP, and the International Hydrological Programme of UNESCO, the WGMS collects and publishes worldwide standardized glacier data.