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Found 114 result(s)
Swiss Institute of Bioinformatics (SIB) coordinates research and education in bioinformatics throughout Switzerland and provides bioinformatics services to the national and international research community. ExPASy gives access to numerous repositories and databases of SIB. For example: array map, MetaNetX, SWISS-MODEL and World-2DPAGE, and many others see a list here
The Ningaloo Atlas was created in response to the need for more comprehensive and accessible information on environmental and socio-economic data on the greater Ningaloo region. As such, the Ningaloo Atlas is a web portal to not only access and share information, but to celebrate and promote the biodiversity, heritage, value, and way of life of the greater Ningaloo region.
Country is Luxembourg's central and official platform for data from the public sector, from research institutes and the private sector.
The Geoscience Data Repository (GDR) is a collection of Earth Sciences Sector geoscience databases that is managed and accessed by a series of Information Services (GDRIS). This site allows you to discover, view and download information using these services. About 27 data resources are listed and many are also listed in the GeoConnections Discovery Portal.
The National Microbial Data Center (NMDC) is jointly constructed by the Institute of Microbiology of the Chinese Academy of Sciences (IMS), the Institute of Oceanography of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, the Institute of Infectious Diseases of the Chinese Center for Disease Control and Prevention, the Institute of Plant Physiology and Ecology of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, and the Computer Network Information Centre of the Chinese Academy of Sciences. The General Office of the Chinese Academy of Sciences is the parent department. The data resources covering the whole life cycle of microbiological research, including microbiological resources, microbiological and cross-technological methods, research processes and engineering, microbiomics, microbiological technologies, as well as microbiological literature, patents, experts and results. The Centre focuses on promoting the convergence and integration of scientific and technological resources in the field of microbiology to the national platform, strengthening the development, application and analysis of microbiological resources, enhancing the effective use of microbiological resources and the ability to support scientific and technological innovation, and providing high-quality scientific and technological resource sharing services for scientific research, technological progress and social development.
The National Pollutant Release Inventory (NPRI) is Canada's legislated, publicly accessible inventory of pollutant releases (to air, water and land), disposals and transfers for recycling. It is a key resource for: identifying pollution prevention priorities; supporting the assessment and risk management of chemicals, and air quality modelling; helping develop targeted regulations for reducing releases of toxic substances and air pollutants; encouraging actions to reduce the release of pollutants into the environment; and improving public understanding. The NPRI comprises: Information reported by facilities and published by Environment and Climate Change Canada under the authority of Sections 46 – 50 of the Canadian Environmental Protection Act, 1999 (CEPA 1999); and Comprehensive emission summaries and trends for key air pollutants, based on facility-reported data and emission estimates for other sources such as motor vehicles, residential heating, forest fires and agriculture. For the latest reporting year, 7,708 facilities reported to the NPRI on more than 300 listed substances. Comprehensive air pollutant emission summaries and trends were compiled by Environment and Climate Change Canada for criteria air contaminants (the main pollutants contributing to smog, acid rain and/or poor air quality), selected heavy metals and persistent organic pollutants.
The European Monitoring and Evaluation Programme (EMEP) is a scientifically based and policy driven programme under the Convention on Long-range Transboundary Air Pollution (CLRTAP) for international co-operation to solve transboundary air pollution problems.
Open Research Exeter (ORE) is the University of Exeter's repository for all types of research, including research papers, research data and theses. Research in ORE can be viewed and downloaded freely by anyone, anywhere: researchers, students, industry, business and the wider public. ORE's content includes journal articles, conference papers, working papers, reports, book chapters, videos, audio, images, multimedia research project outputs, raw data and analysed data. ORE's content is securely stored, managed and preserved to ensure free, permanent access.
Archiving data and housing geological collections is an important role the Bureau of Geology plays in improving our understanding of the geology of New Mexico. Aside from our numerous publications, several datasets are available to the public. Data in this repository supplements published papers in our publications. Please refer to both the published material and the repository documentation before using this data. Please cite repository data as shown in each repository listing.
The Brain Biodiversity Bank refers to the repository of images of and information about brain specimens contained in the collections associated with the National Museum of Health and Medicine at the Armed Forces Institute of Pathology in Washington, DC. These collections include, besides the Michigan State University Collection, the Welker Collection from the University of Wisconsin, the Yakovlev-Haleem Collection from Harvard University, the Meyer Collection from the Johns Hopkins University, and the Huber-Crosby and Crosby-Lauer Collections from the University of Michigan and the C.U. Ariëns Kappers brain collection from Amsterdam Netherlands.Introducing online atlases of the brains of humans, sheep, dolphins, and other animals. A world resource for illustrations of whole brains and stained sections from a great variety of mammals
Copernicus is a European system for monitoring the Earth. Copernicus consists of a complex set of systems which collect data from multiple sources: earth observation satellites and in situ sensors such as ground stations, airborne and sea-borne sensors. It processes these data and provides users with reliable and up-to-date information through a set of services related to environmental and security issues. The services address six thematic areas: land monitoring, marine monitoring, atmosphere monitoring, climate change, emergency management and security. The main users of Copernicus services are policymakers and public authorities who need the information to develop environmental legislation and policies or to take critical decisions in the event of an emergency, such as a natural disaster or a humanitarian crisis. Based on the Copernicus services and on the data collected through the Sentinels and the contributing missions , many value-added services can be tailored to specific public or commercial needs, resulting in new business opportunities. In fact, several economic studies have already demonstrated a huge potential for job creation, innovation and growth.
The UNAM opens the door to share millions of open data for the benefit of education and research. With this portal ( the university shares records of digital collections, academic research projects, repositories and publications to generate new knowledge. This way, it works as an online access point to search university collections authorized for their use, reuse and free redistribution by anyone, without copyright restrictions, patents or other control mechanisms, as long as the Terms of Free Use for UNAM Open Data are respected. The UNAM Open Data Portal contains data, digital objects and geospatial layers of biological collections, artistic work, music, veterinary medicine, university projects, among others. It allows databases to be consulted and downloaded in open and structured formats. One of the most outstanding collections is the National Herbarium of Mexico (MEXU), with almost two million records and high resolution images of plants around the world, mainly collected in Mexico. MEXU is the largest herbarium in the country and in Latin America; it’s among one of the ten most active herbariums in the world.
The Arctic Permafrost Geospatial Centre (APGC) is an Open Access Circum-Arctic Geospatial Data Portal that promotes, describes and visualizes geospatial permafrost data. A data catalogue and a WebGIS application allow to easily discover and view data and metadata. Data can be downloaded directly via link to the publishing data repository.
The Research Data Centre of the Leibniz Institute of Ecological Urban and Regional Development (IOER) provides high-resolution data, methods, indicators, models, tools and scenarios for cross-disciplinary, spatial sustainability research. The IOER RDC focuses, among others, on the topics of settlement and open space development, ecosystems of Germany and the built environment. The data and information offered are addressed to scientists, public administrators as well as the general public.
Human biomaterial banks (short: biobanks) are collections of human body substances (i.e. blood, DNA, urine or tissue) connected with disease specific information. This allow for research of relations between deseases and underlying (molecular) modifications and paves the way for developing target-oriented therapies ("personalized medicine"). The biobank material arises from samples taken for therapeutical or diagnostic reasons or is extracted in the context of clinical trials. An approval for usage by the patient is always needed prior to any research activities.
The Division was established in 1946 to serve as the secretariat of the Population Commission. Over the years, it has contributed to, and supported, the global dialogue on population and development at the United Nations, producing regularly updated demographic estimates and projections for all countries as well as providing data which are essential for monitoring the status of implementation of internationally agreed development goals in the area of population, including those contained in the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). The Division prepares population estimates and projections as well as estimates of the international migrant stock for all countries in the world on a regular basis.
EBRAINS offers one of the most comprehensive platforms for sharing brain research data ranging in type as well as spatial and temporal scale. We provide the guidance and tools needed to overcome the hurdles associated with sharing data. The EBRAINS data curation service ensures that your dataset will be shared with maximum impact, visibility, reusability, and longevity, h Find data - the user interface of the EBRAINS Knowledge Graph - allows you to easily find data of interest. EBRAINS hosts a wide range of data types and models from different species. All data are well described and can be accessed immediately for further analysis.
The AOML Environmental Data Server (ENVIDS) provides interactive, on-line access to various oceanographic and atmospheric datasets residing at AOML. The in-house datasets include Atlantic Expendable Bathythermograph (XBT), Global Lagrangian Drifting Buoy, Hurricane Flight Level, and Atlantic Hurricane Tracks (North Atlantic Best Track and Synoptic). Other available datasets include Pacific Conductivitiy/Temperature/Depth Recorder (CTD) and World Ocean Atlas 1998.
Datatang is a professional data pre-processing company. We are engaged in data collecting, annotating, and customizing to meet our clients’ various needs. We assist our clients from university research labs and company R&D departments to waive trivial yet necessary data processing procedure and make their approach to the highest-value data in a more efficient way.
NCEP delivers national and global weather, water, climate and space weather guidance, forecasts, warnings and analyses to its Partners and External User Communities. The National Centers for Environmental Prediction (NCEP), an arm of the NOAA's National Weather Service (NWS), is comprised of nine distinct Centers, and the Office of the Director, which provide a wide variety of national and international weather guidance products to National Weather Service field offices, government agencies, emergency managers, private sector meteorologists, and meteorological organizations and societies throughout the world. NCEP is a critical national resource in national and global weather prediction. NCEP is the starting point for nearly all weather forecasts in the United States. The Centers are: Aviation Weather Center (AWC), Climate Prediction Center (CPC), Environmental Modeling Center (EMC), NCEP Central Operations (NCO), National Hurricane Center (NHC), Ocean Prediction Center (OPC), Storm Prediction Center (SPC), Space Weather Prediction Center (SWPC), Weather Prediction Center (WPC)
Health Data Nova Scotia (HDNS), is a data repository based in the Faculty of Medicine's, Department of Community Health and Epidemiology at Dalhousie University, focused on supporting data driven research for a healthier Nova Scotia. HDNS facilitates research and innovation in Nova Scotia by providing access to linkable administrative health data and analysis for research and health service assessment purposes in a secure, controlled environment, while respecting the privacy and confidentiality of Nova Scotians.
The University of Göttingen preserves one of the most important collections of scientific collections. At more than 30 distributed locations on the Göttingen Campus, the collections reflect its disciplinary diversity: the spectrum ranges from archeology to zoology, from astrophysical instruments to the living cell cultures of the algae collection. Historical legacy dating back to the Age of Enlightenment: The founding holdings of the Royal Academic Museum of Georgia Augusta are largely preserved. Research and teaching to date access to the collection objects and increase the stocks. Get to know our collections in this portal, which have been used to create knowledge for three centuries.
Oral Cancer Gene Database is an initiative of the Advanced Centre for Treatment, Research and Education in Cancer, Navi Mumbai. The present database, version II, consists of 374 genes. It is developed as a user friendly site that would provide the scientist, information and external links from one place. The database is accessed through a list of all genes, and Keyword Search using gene name or gene symbol, chromosomal location, CGH (in %), and molecular weight. Interaction Network shows the interaction between genes for particular biological processes and molecular functions.
The Nuclear Data Portal is a new generation of nuclear data services using modern and powerful DELL servers, Sybase relational database software, the Linux operating system with programming in Java. The Portal includes nuclear structure, decay and reaction data, as well as literature information. Data can be searched for using optimized query forms; results are presented in tables and interactive plots. Additionally, a number of nuclear science tools, codes, applications, and links are provided. The databases includes are: CINDA - Computer Index of Nuclear Reaction Data, CSISRS alias EXFOR - Experimental nuclear reaction data, ENDF - Evaluated Nuclear Data File , ENSDF - Evaluated Nuclear Structure Data File, MIRD - Medical Internal Radiation Dose, NSR - Nuclear Science References, NuDat - Nuclear Structure & Decay Data, XUNDL - Experimental Unevaluated Nuclear Data List, Chart of Nuclides. Nuclear Data Portal is a web service of National Nuclear Data Center.