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Found 11 result(s)
The figshare service for the University of Sheffield allows researchers to store, share and publish research data. It helps the research data to be accessible by storing Metadata alongside datasets. Additionally, every uploaded item receives a Digital Object identifier (DOI), which allows the data to be citable and sustainable. If there are any ethical or copyright concerns about publishing a certain dataset, it is possible to publish the metadata associated with the dataset to help discoverability while sharing the data itself via a private channel through manual approval.
Rodare is the institutional research data repository at HZDR (Helmholtz-Zentrum Dresden-Rossendorf). Rodare allows HZDR researchers to upload their research software and data and enrich those with metadata to make them findable, accessible, interoperable and retrievable (FAIR). By publishing all associated research software and data via Rodare research reproducibility can be improved. Uploads receive a Digital Object Identfier (DOI) and can be harvested via a OAI-PMH interface.
ISTA Research Explorer is an online digital repository of multi-disciplinary research datasets as well as publications produced at IST Austria, hosted by the Library. ISTA researchers who have produced research data associated with an existing or forthcoming publication, or which has potential use for other researches, are invited to upload their dataset for sharing and safekeeping. A persistent identifier and suggested citation will be provided.
The figshare service for The Open University was launched in 2016 and allows researchers to store, share and publish research data. It helps the research data to be accessible by storing metadata alongside datasets. Additionally, every uploaded item receives a Digital Object Identifier (DOI), which allows the data to be citable and sustainable. If there are any ethical or copyright concerns about publishing a certain dataset, it is possible to publish the metadata associated with the dataset to help discoverability while sharing the data itself via a private channel through manual approval.
4TU.ResearchData, previously known as 4TU.Centre for Research Data, is a research data repository dedicated to the science, engineering and design disciplines. It offers the knowledge, experience and the tools to manage, publish and find scientific research data in a standardized, secure and well-documented manner. 4TU.ResearchData provides the research community with: Customised advice and support on research data management; A long-term repository for scientific research data; Support for current research projects; Tools to enhance reuse of research data.
PANGAEA - Data Publisher for Earth & Environmental Sciences has an almost 30-year history as an open-access library for archiving, publishing, and disseminating georeferenced data from the Earth, environmental, and biodiversity sciences. Originally evolving from a database for sediment cores, it is operated as a joint facility of the Alfred Wegener Institute, Helmholtz Centre for Polar and Marine Research (AWI) and the Center for Marine Environmental Sciences (MARUM) at the University of Bremen. PANGAEA holds a mandate from the World Meteorological Organization (WMO) and is accredited as a World Radiation Monitoring Center (WRMC). It was further accredited as a World Data Center by the International Council for Science (ICS) in 2001 and has been certified with the Core Trust Seal since 2019. The successful cooperation between PANGAEA and the publishing industry along with the correspondent technical implementation enables the cross-referencing of scientific publications and datasets archived as supplements to these publications. PANGAEA is the recommended data repository of numerous international scientific journals.
The Open Science Framework (OSF) is part network of research materials, part version control system, and part collaboration software. The purpose of the software is to support the scientist's workflow and help increase the alignment between scientific values and scientific practices. Document and archive studies. Move the organization and management of study materials from the desktop into the cloud. Labs can organize, share, and archive study materials among team members. Web-based project management reduces the likelihood of losing study materials due to computer malfunction, changing personnel, or just forgetting where you put the damn thing. Share and find materials. With a click, make study materials public so that other researchers can find, use and cite them. Find materials by other researchers to avoid reinventing something that already exists. Detail individual contribution. Assign citable, contributor credit to any research material - tools, analysis scripts, methods, measures, data. Increase transparency. Make as much of the scientific workflow public as desired - as it is developed or after publication of reports. Find public projects here. Registration. Registering materials can certify what was done in advance of data analysis, or confirm the exact state of the project at important points of the lifecycle such as manuscript submission or at the onset of data collection. Discover public registrations here. Manage scientific workflow. A structured, flexible system can provide efficiency gain to workflow and clarity to project objectives, as pictured.