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Found 1476 result(s)
Addis Ababa University Research Data Repository holds multi disciplinary datasets produced by members of the university.
Welcome to the National Yang Ming Chiao Tung University Dataverse research data knowledge management website, where you can learn how to obtain, upload, cite and explore research data in the National Yang Ming Chiao Tung University Dataverse.
Repository of research data produced by the different departments and faculties of the Universidad del Pacífico
Université Côte d'Azur has its own institutional space on the Entrepôt Recherche Data Gouv. This is a multidisciplinary dissemination space.
Dataverse for faculty, researchers, and students at St. Francis Xavier University or affiliated institutions. Hosted by Borealis.
The Tecnológico de Monterrey's Data Hub offers Open Data generated by our researchers and other initiatives. This initiative is sponsored by both the Living Lab & Data Hub of the Institute for the Future of Education (IFE and the Tecnologico de Monterrey's Research Office. This repository is organized by Institutes and Schools.
The McGill University Dataverse is a research data repository for McGill faculty, students, and staff. Files are held in a secure environment on Canadian servers.
The UA Campus Repository is an institutional repository that facilitates access to the research, creative works, publications and teaching materials of the University by collecting, sharing and archiving content selected and deposited by faculty, researchers, staff and affiliated contributors.
The project brings together national key players providing environmentally related biological data and services to develop the ‘German Federation for Biological Data' (GFBio). The overall goal is to provide a sustainable, service oriented, national data infrastructure facilitating data sharing and stimulating data intensive science in the fields of biological and environmental research.
The Research Data Repository is a technological infrastructure that allows the preservation and access to research data produced at Universidad Andrés Bello (Chile). The repository complies with international standards for the deposit and access of data, highlighting the FAIR principles. These principles guarantee that the data will be Findable, Accessible, Interoperable and Reusable.
Projects in the International Scientific Continental Drilling Program (ICDP) produce large amounts of data. Since the start of ICDP, data sharing has played an important part in ICDP projects, and the ICDP Operational Support Group, which provides the infrastructure for data capturing for many ICDP projects, has facilitated dissemination of data within project groups. With the online Scientific Drilling Database (SDDB;, ICDP and GeoForschungsZentrum Potsdam (GFZ), Germany created a platform for the public dissemination of drilling data
This database contains references to publications that include numerical data, comments, and reviews on atomic transition probabilities (oscillator strengths, line strengths, or radiative lifetimes), and is part of the collection of the NIST Atomic Spectroscopy Data Center
ASTM International, formerly known as the American Society for Testing and Materials (ASTM), is a globally recognized leader in the development and delivery of international voluntary consensus standards. Today, some 12,000 ASTM standards are used around the world to improve product quality, enhance safety, facilitate market access and trade, and build consumer confidence.
Macromolecular Xtallography Raw Data Repository (MX-RDR) is a domain-specific digital repository of crystallographic open research data. The use of Repository is open for everyone.
The Research Open Data Repository of Uruguay (Redata) seeks to encourage the publication and reuse of national research data results in any area or discipline. It is a project of the National Agency for Research and Innovation (ANII) of Uruguay and has the following objectives: Facilitate the identification, verification and reuse of research results. Minimize duplication of efforts in data collection. Develop capacities at the national level for data management subject to international standards and best practices. Contribute to the development of infrastructures for open science, in line with international recommendations and trends.
The Repositori Ilmiah Nasional (RIN) is a means for storing, preserving, citing, analyzing and sharing research data. RIN acts as an online media in managing, storing and sharing research data. Researchers, data writers, publishers, data distributors, and affiliated institutions all receive academic credit and web visibility. Researchers, agencies, and funders have full control over research data.
University of Alberta Dataverse is a service provided by the University of Albert Library to help researchers publish, analyze, distribute, and preserve data and datasets. Open for University of Alberta-affiliated researchers to deposit data.
Jülich DATA is a registry service to index all research data created at or in the context of Forschungszentrum Jülich. As an institutionial repository, it may also be used for data and software publications.
'Redape' is a digital repository that aims to preserve and disseminate research data produced by the Brazilian Agricultural Research Corporation - Embrapa. It allows the organization, management and publication of data in accordance with the FAIR principles.
The INGV Data Registry collects the metadata describing the Research Data that are the result of the scientific production of INGV and/or managed and/or published by INGV, regardless of whether these data are static or dynamic, and regardless of the procedures followed for their creation. The Data Registry is publicly accessible through INGV’s institutional Web portal, and use thereof aims at satisfying needs within INGV, but also the needs of outside users.