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Found 14 result(s)
Repository type(s)
  • disciplinary
  • institutional
Provider type(s)
  • dataProvider
>>>!!! <<< The Epigenomics database was retired on June 1, 2016. All epigenomics data are available in our GEO resource >>> !!! <<< The Epigenomics database provides genomics maps of stable and reprogrammable nuclear changes that control gene expression and influence health. Users can browse current epigenomic experiments as well as search, compare and browse samples from multiple biological sources in gene-specific contexts. Many epigenomes contain modifications with histone marks, DNA methylation and chromatin structure activity. NCBI Epigenomics database contains datasets from the NIH Roadmap Epigenomics Project.
Repository type(s)
  • disciplinary
Provider type(s)
  • dataProvider
The International Human Epigenome Consortium (IHEC) makes available comprehensive sets of reference epigenomes relevant to health and disease. The IHEC Data Portal can be used to view, search and download the data already released by the different IHEC-associated projects.
Repository type(s)
  • disciplinary
  • disciplinary
Provider type(s)
  • dataProvider
A genome database for the genus Piroplasma. PiroplasmaDB is a member of pathogen-databases that are housed under the NIAID-funded EuPathDB Bioinformatics Resource Center (BRC) umbrella.
Repository type(s)
  • disciplinary
Provider type(s)
  • dataProvider
Covalent DNA modifications have been found in numerous organisms and more are continually being discovered and characterized, as detection methods improve. Many of these modifications can affect the conformation of the DNA double helix, often resulting in downstream effects upon transcription factor binding. Some of these modifications have been demonstrated to be stable, while others are viewed as merely transient. DNAmod catalogues information on known DNA modifications, of which the well-known 5-methylcytosine is only one. It aims to profile modifications' properties, building upon data contained within the Chemical Entities of Biological Interest (ChEBI) database. It also provides literature citations and includes curated annotations on mapping techniques and natural occurrence information.
Repository type(s)
  • disciplinary
Provider type(s)
  • serviceProvider
  • dataProvider
The Open Archive for Miscellaneous Data (OMIX) database is a data repository developed and maintained by the National Genomics Data Center (NGDC). The database specializes in descriptions of biological studies, including genomic, proteomic, and metabolomic, as well as data that do not fit in the structured archives at other databases in NGDC. It can accept various types of studies described via a simple format and enables researchers to upload supplementary information and link to it from the publication.
Repository type(s)
  • disciplinary
Provider type(s)
  • dataProvider
  • serviceProvider
The National Genomics Data Center (NGDC), part of the China National Center for Bioinformation (CNCB), advances life & health sciences by providing open access to a suite of resources, with the aim to translate big data into big discoveries and support worldwide activities in both academia and industry.
Repository type(s)
  • disciplinary
Provider type(s)
  • dataProvider
  • serviceProvider
The CONP portal is a web interface for the Canadian Open Neuroscience Platform (CONP) to facilitate open science in the neuroscience community. CONP simplifies global researcher access and sharing of datasets and tools. The portal internalizes the cycle of a typical research project: starting with data acquisition, followed by processing using already existing/published tools, and ultimately publication of the obtained results including a link to the original dataset. From more information on CONP, please visit
Repository type(s)
  • disciplinary
Provider type(s)
  • serviceProvider
  • dataProvider
>>>!!!<<< OMICtools is no longer online >>>!!!<<< We founded OMICtools in 2012 with the vision to drive progress in life science. We wanted to empower life science practitioners all over the world to achieve breakthroughs by getting data to talk. While we made tremendous progress over the past three years, developing a bioinformatics database of software and dynamic protocols, attracting more than 1.5M visitors a year, we lacked the financial support we needed to continue. We certainly gave it our all. We'd like to thank everyone who believed in us and supported us on this journey: all our users, our community, our friends, families and employees (who we consider as our extended family!). omicX will probably shut down its operations within the next few weeks. The team and I remain firmly committed to our vision, particularly at this very difficult time. It is now, more than ever before, that researchers need access to a resource that pools collective scientific intelligence. We have accumulated an awful lot of experience which we are keen to share. If your institution would be interested in taking over our website and database, to provide researchers with continued access to the platform, or you simply want to stay in touch with the omicX team, contact us at or at
Repository type(s)
  • disciplinary
Provider type(s)
  • dataProvider
  • serviceProvider
The European Nucleotide Archive (ENA) captures and presents information relating to experimental workflows that are based around nucleotide sequencing. A typical workflow includes the isolation and preparation of material for sequencing, a run of a sequencing machine in which sequencing data are produced and a subsequent bioinformatic analysis pipeline. ENA records this information in a data model that covers input information (sample, experimental setup, machine configuration), output machine data (sequence traces, reads and quality scores) and interpreted information (assembly, mapping, functional annotation). Data arrive at ENA from a variety of sources. These include submissions of raw data, assembled sequences and annotation from small-scale sequencing efforts, data provision from the major European sequencing centres and routine and comprehensive exchange with our partners in the International Nucleotide Sequence Database Collaboration (INSDC). Provision of nucleotide sequence data to ENA or its INSDC partners has become a central and mandatory step in the dissemination of research findings to the scientific community. ENA works with publishers of scientific literature and funding bodies to ensure compliance with these principles and to provide optimal submission systems and data access tools that work seamlessly with the published literature.
Repository type(s)
  • disciplinary
Provider type(s)
  • dataProvider
TAED is a database of phylogenetically indexed gene families. It contains multiple sequence alignments from MAFFT1, maximum likelihood phylogenetic trees from PhyML2, bootstrap values for each node, dN/dS ratios for each lineage from the free ratios model in PAML3, and labels for each node of speciation or duplication from gene tree/species tree reconciliation using SoftParsMap4. The phylogenetic indexing enables simultaneous viewing of lineages with high dN/dS that occurred along the same species tree branches. Resources from the Protein Data Bank (PDB) and the Kyoto Encyclopedia of Genes and Genomes (KEGG)5, have been incorporated into the TAED analysis to detect substitutions along each branch within the phylogenetic tree and to assess selection within pathways.
Repository type(s)
  • disciplinary
Provider type(s)
  • dataProvider
  • serviceProvider
GenBank® is a comprehensive database that contains publicly available nucleotide sequences for almost 260 000 formally described species. These sequences are obtained primarily through submissions from individual laboratories and batch submissions from large-scale sequencing projects, including whole-genome shotgun (WGS) and environmental sampling projects. Most submissions are made using the web-based BankIt or standalone Sequin programs, and GenBank staff assigns accession numbers upon data receipt. Daily data exchange with the European Nucleotide Archive (ENA) and the DNA Data Bank of Japan (DDBJ) ensures worldwide coverage. GenBank is accessible through the NCBI Entrez retrieval system, which integrates data from the major DNA and protein sequence databases along with taxonomy, genome, mapping, protein structure and domain information, and the biomedical journal literature via PubMed. BLAST provides sequence similarity searches of GenBank and other sequence databases. Complete bimonthly releases and daily updates of the GenBank database are available by FTP.
Repository type(s)
  • disciplinary
Provider type(s)
  • dataProvider
4DGenome is a public database that archives and disseminates chromatin interaction data. Currently, 4DGenome contains over 8,038,247 interactions curated from both experimental studies (high throughput and individual studies) and computational predictions. It covers five organisms, Homo sapiens, Mus musculus, Drosophila melanogaster, Plasmodium falciparum, and Saccharomyces cerevisiae.
Repository type(s)
  • institutional
  • disciplinary
Provider type(s)
  • dataProvider
GeneLab is an interactive, open-access resource where scientists can upload, download, store, search, share, transfer, and analyze omics data from spaceflight and corresponding analogue experiments. Users can explore GeneLab datasets in the Data Repository, analyze data using the Analysis Platform, and create collaborative projects using the Collaborative Workspace. GeneLab promises to facilitate and improve information sharing, foster innovation, and increase the pace of scientific discovery from extremely rare and valuable space biology experiments. Discoveries made using GeneLab have begun and will continue to deepen our understanding of biology, advance the field of genomics, and help to discover cures for diseases, create better diagnostic tools, and ultimately allow astronauts to better withstand the rigors of long-duration spaceflight. GeneLab helps scientists understand how the fundamental building blocks of life itself – DNA, RNA, proteins, and metabolites – change from exposure to microgravity, radiation, and other aspects of the space environment. GeneLab does so by providing fully coordinated epigenomics, genomics, transcriptomics, proteomics, and metabolomics data alongside essential metadata describing each spaceflight and space-relevant experiment. By carefully curating and implementing best practices for data standards, users can combine individual GeneLab datasets to gain new, comprehensive insights about the effects of spaceflight on biology. In this way, GeneLab extends the scientific knowledge gained from each biological experiment conducted in space, allowing scientists from around the world to make novel discoveries and develop new hypotheses from these priceless data.
Repository type(s)
  • disciplinary
Provider type(s)
  • dataProvider
  • serviceProvider
The ENCODE Encyclopedia organizes the most salient analysis products into annotations, and provides tools to search and visualize them. The Encyclopedia has two levels of annotations: Integrative-level annotations integrate multiple types of experimental data and ground level annotations. Ground-level annotations are derived directly from the experimental data, typically produced by uniform processing pipelines.