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Found 23 result(s)
Repository type(s)
  • disciplinary
Provider type(s)
  • dataProvider
  • serviceProvider
The mission of World Data Center for Climate (WDCC) is to provide central support for the German and European climate research community. The WDCC is member of the ISC's World Data System. Emphasis is on development and implementation of best practice methods for Earth System data management. Data for and from climate research are collected, stored and disseminated. The WDCC is restricted to data products. Cooperations exist with thematically corresponding data centres of, e.g., earth observation, meteorology, oceanography, paleo climate and environmental sciences. The services of WDCC are also available to external users at cost price. A special service for the direct integration of research data in scientific publications has been developed. The editorial process at WDCC ensures the quality of metadata and research data in collaboration with the data producers. A citation code and a digital identifier (DOI) are provided and registered together with citation information at the DOI registration agency DataCite.
Repository type(s)
  • other
Provider type(s)
  • serviceProvider
The EUDAT project aims to contribute to the production of a Collaborative Data Infrastructure (CDI). The project´s target is to provide a pan-European solution to the challenge of data proliferation in Europe's scientific and research communities. The EUDAT vision is to support a Collaborative Data Infrastructure which will allow researchers to share data within and between communities and enable them to carry out their research effectively. EUDAT aims to provide a solution that will be affordable, trustworthy, robust, persistent and easy to use. EUDAT comprises 26 European partners, including data centres, technology providers, research communities and funding agencies from 13 countries. B2FIND is the EUDAT metadata service allowing users to discover what kind of data is stored through the B2SAFE and B2SHARE services which collect a large number of datasets from various disciplines. EUDAT will also harvest metadata from communities that have stable metadata providers to create a comprehensive joint catalogue to help researchers find interesting data objects and collections.
Repository type(s)
  • institutional
Provider type(s)
  • dataProvider
This platform aims to realize data storage, data management, data analysis, data sharing and data citation traceability of various data sets in the field of Humanities and Social Sciences of East China Normal University.
Repository type(s)
  • institutional
  • disciplinary
Provider type(s)
  • dataProvider
The Social Science Data Archive is still active and maintained as part of the UCLA Library Data Science Center. SSDA Dataverse is one of the archiving opportunities of SSDA, the others are: Data can be archived by SSDA itself or by ICPSR or by UCLA Library or by California Digital Library. The Social Science Data Archives serves the UCLA campus as an archive of faculty and graduate student survey research. We provide long term storage of data files and documentation. We ensure that the data are useable in the future by migrating files to new operating systems. We follow government standards and archival best practices. The mission of the Social Science Data Archive has been and continues to be to provide a foundation for social science research with faculty support throughout an entire research project involving original data collection or the reuse of publicly available studies. Data Archive staff and researchers work as partners throughout all stages of the research process, beginning when a hypothesis or area of study is being developed, during grant and funding activities, while data collection and/or analysis is ongoing, and finally in long term preservation of research results. Our role is to provide a collaborative environment where the focus is on understanding the nature and scope of research approach and management of research output throughout the entire life cycle of the project. Instructional support, especially support that links research with instruction is also a mainstay of operations.
Repository type(s)
  • institutional
Provider type(s)
  • dataProvider
PSI is a global health organization dedicated to improving the health of people in the developing world by focusing on serious challenges like a lack of family planning, HIV and AIDS, barriers to maternal health, and the greatest threats to children under five, including malaria, diarrhea, pneumonia and malnutrition. A hallmark of PSI is a commitment to the principle that health services and products are most effective when they are accompanied by robust communications and distribution efforts that help ensure wide acceptance and proper use. PSI works in partnership with local governments, ministries of health and local organizations to create health solutions that are built to last. We use original data to monitor and evaluate our programs, generate consumer insight, estimate the impact of our solutions, and evaluate the health of the markets we work to strengthen.
Repository type(s)
  • other
Provider type(s)
  • dataProvider
B2SHARE is a user-friendly, reliable and trustworthy way for researchers, scientific communities and citizen scientists to store and share small-scale research data from diverse contexts and disciplines. B2SHARE is able to add value to your research data via (domain tailored) metadata, and assigning citable Persistent Identifiers PIDs (Handles) to ensure long-lasting access and references. B2SHARE is one of the B2 services developed via EUDAT and long tail data deposits do not cost money. Special arrangements such as branding and special metadata elements can be made on request.
Repository type(s)
  • disciplinary
Provider type(s)
  • dataProvider
  • serviceProvider
The Henry A. Murray Research Archive is Harvard's endowed, permanent repository for quantitative and qualitative research data at the Institute for Quantitative Social Science, and provides physical storage for the entire IQSS Dataverse Network. Our collection comprises over 100 terabytes of data, audio, and video. We preserve in perpetuity all types of data of interest to the research community, including numerical, video, audio, interview notes, and other data. We accept data deposits through this web site, which is powered by our Dataverse Network software
Repository type(s)
  • disciplinary
Provider type(s)
  • dataProvider
CHILDES is the child language component of the TalkBank system. TalkBank is a system for sharing and studying conversational interactions.
Repository type(s)
  • institutional
Provider type(s)
  • dataProvider
The Repositorio de Datos de Investigación del Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas is a plataform of open access centralized in the storage, preservation and difusion of research data, which facilitates the access and reutilization of the scientific information created and self-archived by organism's researchers, fellowships and support staff.
Repository type(s)
  • institutional
Provider type(s)
  • dataProvider
The Centro de Documentação e Pesquisa Digital de Pesquisa (CEDAP) of the Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul (UFRGS) aims to gather the scientific data used in research, classified as long syllable, in the various areas of knowledge. The Scientific Data Repository of Research of CEDAP aims to gather the scientific data used in the researches, with the provision of documentation, in order to provide an environment of study of methodologies of use and reuse of research data. Maintained in partnership with the Data Processing Center (CPD) of UFRGS for the development of policies, planning, management, description, evaluation, storage, dissemination and reuse of research data. Created in June 2017, the Research Data Repository meets the sharing needs in Brazil.
Repository type(s)
  • disciplinary
  • institutional
Provider type(s)
  • dataProvider
  • serviceProvider
<<<!!!<<< As of 01/12/2015, deposit of data on SLDR website will be suspended to allow the public opening of Ortolang platform . >>>!!!>>>
Repository type(s)
  • disciplinary
Provider type(s)
  • dataProvider
The DARIAH-DE repository is a digital long-term archive for human and cultural-scientific research data. Each object described and stored in the DARIAH-DE Repository has a unique and lasting Persistent Identifier (DOI), with which it is permanently referenced, cited, and kept available for the long term. In addition, the DARIAH-DE Repository enables the sustainable and secure archiving of data collections. The DARIAH-DE Repository is not only to DARIAH-DE associated research projects, but also to individual researchers as well as research projects that want to save their research data persistently, referenceable and long-term archived and make it available to third parties. The main focus is the simple and user-oriented access to long-term storage of research data. To ensure its long term sustainability, the DARIAH-DE Repository is operated by the Humanities Data Centre.
Repository type(s)
  • institutional
  • other
Provider type(s)
  • dataProvider
The Scientific Database of the Federal University of Paraná aims to gather the scientific data used in the researches that were published by the UFPR community in theses, dissertations, journal articles, and other bibliographic materials. BDC joins RDI / UFPR as an innovative service that tracks the worldwide trend in research planning, management, production, organization, storage, dissemination and reuse. The availability of research data contributes to the transparency and optimization of scientific production through the reuse of data sets and the possibility of new analyzes and approaches
Repository type(s)
  • institutional
  • disciplinary
Provider type(s)
  • dataProvider
TalkBank provides transcripts, audio and video of communicative interactions for research in human and animal communication.
Repository type(s)
  • disciplinary
Provider type(s)
  • serviceProvider
MyTardis began at Monash University to solve the problem of users needing to store large datasets and share them with collaborators online. Its particular focus is on integration with scientific instruments, instrument facilities and research lab file storage. Our belief is that the less effort a researcher has to expend safely storing data, the more likely they are to do so. This approach has flourished with MyTardis capturing data from areas such as protein crystallography, electron microscopy, medical imaging and proteomics and with deployments at Australian institutions such as University of Queensland, RMIT, University of Sydney and the Australian Synchrotron. Data access via and and see 'remarks'.
Repository type(s)
  • institutional
Provider type(s)
  • dataProvider
DSpace@MIT is a service of the MIT Libraries to provide MIT faculty, researchers and their supporting communities stable, long-term storage for their digital research and teaching output and to maximize exposure of their content to a world audience. DSpace@MIT content includes conference papers, images, peer-reviewed scholarly articles, preprints, technical reports, theses, working papers, research datasets and more. This collection of more than 60,000 high-quality works is recognized as among the world's premier scholarly repositories and receives, on average, more than 1 million downloads per month.
Repository type(s)
  • institutional
Provider type(s)
  • dataProvider
TUdatalib is the institutional repository of the TU Darmstadt for research data. It enables the structured storage of research data and descriptive metadata, long-term archiving (at least 10 years) and, if desired, the publication of data including DOI assignment. In addition there is a fine granular rights and role management.
Repository type(s)
  • disciplinary
Provider type(s)
  • dataProvider
  • serviceProvider
clarin:el is the Greek national network of language resources, a nation-wide Research Infrastructure devoted to the sustainable storage, sharing, dissemination and preservation of language resources. CLARIN EL infrastructure, which is a Greek nation-wide Research Infrastructure devoted to the sustainable storage, sharing, dissemination and preservation of language resources (LRs) and aims at increasing access to and augmentation of such resources at a national scale and beyond. It is an open, integrated, secure and interoperable storage, sharing and processing infrastructure for LRs (datasets, tools and processing services) for all domains domains and disciplines where language plays a critical role, notably. CLARIN EL is implemented in the framework of the CLARIN Attiki, national project in support of ESFRI/2006 Research Infrastructures.
Repository type(s)
  • disciplinary
Provider type(s)
  • dataProvider
The CLARIN-D Centre CEDIFOR provides a repository for long-term storage of resources and meta-data. Resources hosted in the repository stem from research of members as well as associated research projects of CEDIFOR. This includes software and web-services as well as corpora of text, lexicons, images and other data.
Repository type(s)
  • institutional
Provider type(s)
  • dataProvider
The Digital Repository of the National University of Córdoba (RDU), is a space dedicated to the storage, organization, preservation and free access to the scientific, academic and cultural production generated by the university community. It responds to the university's commitment to make the production of its professors, researchers and students visible, locally and internationally.
Repository type(s)
  • institutional
Provider type(s)
  • dataProvider
It's a multidisciplinary repository that collect and diseminate research, academic, institutional and learning results from Universitat Jaume I. It also includes digitised documentary material on the province of Castelló and other information resources from different institutions, like Spain-European Union Digital Archive (SEDAS).
Repository type(s)
  • institutional
Provider type(s)
  • dataProvider
  • serviceProvider
Coscine is a web-based RDM platform for all kind of generic research data that was developed at RWTH Aachen University. It enables the storage, management and archiving for ten years of research and metadata generated in the context of research projects. The platform also promotes cooperation across organizational boundaries, as researchers can log in either via their organization via SSO or via ORCID. To enable meaningful metadata management for all research areas, Coscine allows flexible description with metadata based on established technologies (SHACL/RDF). The platform is designed to make warm/used/active data FAIR.
Repository type(s)
  • disciplinary
Provider type(s)
  • dataProvider
The ZBW Digital Long-Term Archive is a dark archive whose sole purpose is to guarantee the long term availability of the objects stored in it. The storage for the ZBW’s digital objects and their representation platforms is maintained by the ZBW division IT-Infrastructures and is not part of the tasks of the group Digital Preservation. The content that the ZBW provides is accessible via special representation platforms. The special representation platforms are: EconStor: an open access publication server for literature on business and economics. ZBW DIGITAL ARCHIVE: it contains born digital material from the domains of business and economics. The content of this archive is accessible in open access via EconBiz, the subject portal for business and economics of the ZBW. National and Alliance Licenses: the ZBW negotiates and curates licenses for electronic products on a national level. This is processed under the framework of the German Research Foundation as well as the Alliance of Science Associations, partly with third party funding, partly solely funded by the ZBW. A part of these electronic products is already hosted by the ZBW and counts among the items that are preserved in the digital archive. 20th Century Press Archive: a portal with access to archival material consisting of press clippings from newspapers covering the time period from the beginning of the 20th century to the year 1949.