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Found 10 result(s)
Repository type(s)
  • institutional
  • disciplinary
Provider type(s)
  • dataProvider
The Social Science Data Archive is still active and maintained as part of the UCLA Library Data Science Center. SSDA Dataverse is one of the archiving opportunities of SSDA, the others are: Data can be archived by SSDA itself or by ICPSR or by UCLA Library or by California Digital Library. The Social Science Data Archives serves the UCLA campus as an archive of faculty and graduate student survey research. We provide long term storage of data files and documentation. We ensure that the data are useable in the future by migrating files to new operating systems. We follow government standards and archival best practices. The mission of the Social Science Data Archive has been and continues to be to provide a foundation for social science research with faculty support throughout an entire research project involving original data collection or the reuse of publicly available studies. Data Archive staff and researchers work as partners throughout all stages of the research process, beginning when a hypothesis or area of study is being developed, during grant and funding activities, while data collection and/or analysis is ongoing, and finally in long term preservation of research results. Our role is to provide a collaborative environment where the focus is on understanding the nature and scope of research approach and management of research output throughout the entire life cycle of the project. Instructional support, especially support that links research with instruction is also a mainstay of operations.
Repository type(s)
  • disciplinary
Provider type(s)
  • dataProvider
  • serviceProvider
The National Population Health Data Center (NPHDC) is one of the 20 national science data center approved by the Ministry of Science and Technology and the Ministry of Finance. The Population Health Data Archive (PHDA) is developed by NPHDC relying on the Institute of Medical Information, Chinese Academy of Medical Sciences. PHDA mainly receives scientific data from science and technology projects supported by the national budget, and also collects data from other multiple sources such as medical and health institutions, research institutions and social individuals, which is oriented to the national big data strategy and the healthy China strategy. The data resources cover basic medicine, clinical medicine, public health, traditional Chinese medicine and pharmacy, pharmacy, population and reproduction. PHDA supports data collection, archiving, processing, storage, curation, verification, certification and release in the field of population health. Provide multiple types of data sharing and application services for different hierarchy users and help them find, access, interoperate and reuse the data in a safe and controlled environment. PHDA provides important support for promoting the open sharing of scientific data of population health and domestic and foreign cooperation.
Repository type(s)
  • disciplinary
Provider type(s)
  • dataProvider
Kochi Core Center (KCC) houses one of the 3 Inernationational Ocean Discovery Program (IODP) core repositories, accompanied by images and x-ray CT scanning data viewable by the Virtual Core Library. And it hosts Japan Agency for Marine-Earth Science and Technology (JAMSTEC) marine core samples and associated analytical data for general scientific or educational uses, after 2 years have passed since collection of core samples.
Repository type(s)
  • disciplinary
Provider type(s)
  • dataProvider
The DARIAH-DE repository is a digital long-term archive for human and cultural-scientific research data. Each object described and stored in the DARIAH-DE Repository has a unique and lasting Persistent Identifier (DOI), with which it is permanently referenced, cited, and kept available for the long term. In addition, the DARIAH-DE Repository enables the sustainable and secure archiving of data collections. The DARIAH-DE Repository is not only to DARIAH-DE associated research projects, but also to individual researchers as well as research projects that want to save their research data persistently, referenceable and long-term archived and make it available to third parties. The main focus is the simple and user-oriented access to long-term storage of research data. To ensure its long term sustainability, the DARIAH-DE Repository is operated by the Humanities Data Centre.
Repository type(s)
  • disciplinary
Provider type(s)
  • dataProvider
The National Vegetation Survey (NVS) Databank is a physical archive and electronic databank containing records of over 121,000 vegetation survey plots - including data from over 25,000 permanent plots in New Zealand. The data can be explored online and requested for download. The NVS Databank provides data spanning more than 60 years of indigenous and exotic plant plot records from throughout New Zealand's terrestrial ecosystems. The physical archive includes plot sheets, maps, and photographs from many years of vegetation surveys. Purpose-built software for entering, validating and summarising data is available. NVS is accorded the status of a Nationally Significant database and upkeep and maintenance is supported by Core funding for Crown Research Institutes from the NZ Ministry of Business, Innovation and Employment.
Repository type(s)
  • disciplinary
  • institutional
Provider type(s)
  • serviceProvider
The DNA Bank Network was established in spring 2007 and was funded until 2011 by the German Research Foundation (DFG). The network was initiated by GBIF Germany (Global Biodiversity Information Facility). It offers a worldwide unique concept. DNA bank databases of all partners are linked and are accessible via a central web portal, providing DNA samples of complementary collections (microorganisms, protists, plants, algae, fungi and animals). The DNA Bank Network was one of the founders of the Global Genome Biodiversity Network (GGBN) and is fully merged with GGBN today. GGBN agreed on using the data model proposed by the DNA Bank Network. The Botanic Garden and Botanical Museum Berlin-Dahlem (BGBM) hosts the technical secretariat of GGBN and its virtual infrastructure. The main focus of the DNA Bank Network is to enhance taxonomic, systematic, genetic, conservation and evolutionary studies by providing: • high quality, long-term storage of DNA material on which molecular studies have been performed, so that results can be verified, extended, and complemented, • complete on-line documentation of each sample, including the provenance of the original material, the place of voucher deposit, information about DNA quality and extraction methodology, digital images of vouchers and links to published molecular data if available.
Repository type(s)
  • disciplinary
Provider type(s)
  • dataProvider
GRIN-CA taxonomic data provide the structure and nomenclature for the accessions of the Canadian National Plant Germplasm System (NPGS). Many plants are included in GRIN-CA taxonomy, especially economic plants.
Repository type(s)
  • institutional
Provider type(s)
  • dataProvider
  • serviceProvider
Coscine is a web-based RDM platform for all kind of generic research data that was developed at RWTH Aachen University. It enables the storage, management and archiving for ten years of research and metadata generated in the context of research projects. The platform also promotes cooperation across organizational boundaries, as researchers can log in either via their organization via SSO or via ORCID. To enable meaningful metadata management for all research areas, Coscine allows flexible description with metadata based on established technologies (SHACL/RDF). The platform is designed to make warm/used/active data FAIR.
Repository type(s)
  • disciplinary
Provider type(s)
  • dataProvider
The Jülich Observatory for Cloud Evolution (JOYCE) operates ground-based active and passive remote sensing instruments for cloud and precipitation observations. ​JOYCE is based on a long-term successful collaboration between the University of Cologne, the University of Bonn and the Research Centre Jülich. Since 2017 JOYCE is transformed into a Core Facility (JOYCE - CF) funded by the DFG (Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft) with the aim of high quality radar and passive microwave observations of the atmosphere. JOYCE will serve as a reference center for best practices in data acquisition, storage and distribution. JOYCE instrumentation aims to observe spatial and temporal variability of atmospheric water cycle variables.
Repository type(s)
  • other
Provider type(s)
  • dataProvider
  • serviceProvider
Established in 1998, we have been the authoritative source of spatial data and imagery in Alberta for over 20 years. We have a joint venture agreement with Alberta Data Partnerships Ltd. (ADP) and are responsible for the day-to-day management and distribution of the digital data sets they manage. As the agent for ADP, we are responsible for making mapping products available, accessible, accurate and affordable. We are the leading data management, maintenance, and distribution company in Alberta, and ensure the continued updating, re-engineering, storage, distribution, value-added redistribution, and general management of primary provincial mapping datasets. Our webstore,, enables customers to explore, view, and acquire spatial data products both paid and open data with the click of a button. We take pride in providing exceptional customer service and building long-term relationships with our clients. Our experienced customer service team are available to answer any questions you may have about finding the right data to meet your needs.