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Found 14 result(s)
Repository type(s)
  • other
Provider type(s)
  • serviceProvider
the Data Hub is a community-run catalogue of useful sets of data on the Internet. You can collect links here to data from around the web for yourself and others to use, or search for data that others have collected. Depending on the type of data (and its conditions of use), the Data Hub may also be able to store a copy of the data or host it in a database, and provide some basic visualisation tools.
Repository type(s)
  • disciplinary
Provider type(s)
  • dataProvider
  • serviceProvider
The European Union Open Data Portal is the single point of access to a growing range of data from the institutions and other bodies of the European Union (EU). Data are free for you to use and reuse for commercial or non-commercial purposes. By providing easy and free access to data, the portal aims to promote their innovative use and unleash their economic potential. It also aims to help foster the transparency and the accountability of the institutions and other bodies of the EU. The EU Open Data Portal is managed by the Publications Office of the European Union. Implementation of the EU's open data policy is the responsibility of the Directorate-General for Communications Networks, Content and Technology of the European Commission.
Repository type(s)
  • other
Provider type(s)
  • dataProvider
  • serviceProvider
The European Data Portal harvests the metadata of Public Sector Information available on public data portals across European countries. Information regarding the provision of data and the benefits of re-using data is also included.
Repository type(s)
  • disciplinary
Provider type(s)
  • dataProvider
  • serviceProvider
Avibase is an extensive database information system about all birds of the world, containing over 60 million records about 10,000 species and 22,000 subspecies of birds, including distribution information, taxonomy, synonyms in several languages and more. This site is managed by Denis Lepage and hosted by Bird Studies Canada, the Canadian copartner of Birdlife International. Avibase has been a work in progress since 1992 and I am now pleased to offer it as a service to the bird-watching and scientific community.
Repository type(s)
  • disciplinary
Provider type(s)
  • serviceProvider
The MDR harvests metadata on data objects from a variety of sources within clinical research (e.g. trial registries, data repositories) and brings that together in a single searchable portal. The metadata is concerned with discoverability, access and provenance of the data objects (which because the data may be sensitive will often be available under a controlled access regime). At the moment (01/2021) the MDR obtains study data from: Clinical (CTG), The European Clinical Trials Registry (EUCTR), ISRCTN, The WHO ICTRP
Repository type(s)
  • disciplinary
Provider type(s)
  • dataProvider
  • serviceProvider
The main objective of the project is to digitize the data collected by the Maritime Administration and make it available for reuse by digitizing analog resources, integrating and harmonizing data and building a digital repository, and disseminating information about the resources collected in the system. The aim of the project is to make maritime administration data sets available on the Internet.
Repository type(s)
  • disciplinary
Provider type(s)
  • dataProvider
  • serviceProvider
The eCUDO system is carried out by a consortium of partners that involves various research units, scientific institutes, and universities, which are brought together by a common field of scientific interest – the study of the seas and oceans. System publish oceanographic data as Open Access to a wider range of recipients, both in the research and the industrial sector, but also to regular citizens interested in the subject. The database prepared by the condortium covers the widest possible spectrum of information on the environment of the Baltic Sea and other marine areas. This database, along with dedicated tools for data exploration, contributes to the development of environmental awareness, economy, and sustainable exploitation of marine resources.
Repository type(s)
  • disciplinary
Provider type(s)
  • serviceProvider
<<<!!!<<< This repository is no longer available. >>>!!!>>>
Repository type(s)
  • disciplinary
  • institutional
Provider type(s)
  • dataProvider
  • serviceProvider
The KPDL covers cultural heritage, scientific and regional collections – digital copies of different forms of publications: books, journals, graphics, articles, leaflets, posters, playbills, photographs, invitations, maps, exhibition catalogues and trade fairs of the region. The Kujawsko-Pomorska Digital Library is to serve scientists, students, schoolchildren and all the citizens of the region.
Repository type(s)
  • institutional
Provider type(s)
  • dataProvider
  • serviceProvider
Repository of the Institute of Law Studies of the Polish Academy of Sciences. It provides access to publications by our academic staff (both final versions and manuscripts), as well as researchers' data resulted projects carried out by academics. The institutional repository is also a place for making available publications issued by the Institute's Publishing House (both books and scientific journal), as well as digitized library materials. Materials protected by copyright are made available online only to authorized users (employees) or other users - in the reading room of the IlS PAS Library.
Repository type(s)
  • other
Provider type(s)
  • serviceProvider
Europeana is the trusted source of cultural heritage brought to you by the Europeana Foundation and a large number of European cultural institutions, projects and partners. It’s a real piece of team work. Ideas and inspiration can be found within the millions of items on Europeana. These objects include: Images - paintings, drawings, maps, photos and pictures of museum objects Texts - books, newspapers, letters, diaries and archival papers Sounds - music and spoken word from cylinders, tapes, discs and radio broadcasts Videos - films, newsreels and TV broadcasts All texts are CC BY-SA, images and media licensed individually.
Repository type(s)
  • disciplinary
Provider type(s)
  • serviceProvider
  • dataProvider
The GEOSS Portal provides an entry point to access Earth Observation information and services. It will connect to a system of existing portals, addressing the GEO Societal Benefit Areas globally and provide national to regional perspective to achieve synergy and leverage.
Repository type(s)
  • institutional
  • disciplinary
Provider type(s)
  • dataProvider
  • serviceProvider
<<<!!!<<< The repository is no longer available. >>>!!!>>> 2018-08-29: no more access to Geophyscial Multilingual Internet-Driven Information Service
Repository type(s)
  • institutional
Provider type(s)
  • dataProvider
  • serviceProvider
ROCK (Repository of Open Collections and Knowledge) is the institutional repository of Lublin University of Technology, that long-term archives and provides access to publications, research data (also research data metadata) and materials related to the teaching activities of LUT’s academic community. These research data will be made available free of charge to the scientific community, entrepreneurs and the public. The metadata will allow other external computer systems to interpret the collected data.