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Found 3 result(s)
Repository type(s)
  • other
  • disciplinary
Provider type(s)
  • serviceProvider
  • dataProvider
The Norwegian Meteorological Institute supplies climate observations and weather data and forecasts for the country and surrounding waters (including the Arctic). In addition commercial services are provided to fit customers requirements. Data are served through a number of subsystems (information provided in repository link) and cover data from internal services of the institute, from external services operated by the institute and research projects where the institute participates. Further information is provided in the landing page which also contains entry points some of the data portals operated.
Repository type(s)
  • disciplinary
  • other
Provider type(s)
  • dataProvider
  • serviceProvider
The World Data Centre for Aerosols (WDCA) is the data repository and archive for microphysical, optical, and chemical properties of atmospheric aerosol of the World Meteorological Organisation's (WMO) Global Atmosphere Watch (GAW) programme. The goal of the Global Atmosphere Watch (GAW) programme is to ensure long-term measurements in order to detect trends in global distributions of chemical constituents in air and the reasons for them. With respect to aerosols, the objective of GAW is to determine the spatio-temporal distribution of aerosol properties related to climate forcing and air quality on multi-decadal time scales and on regional, hemispheric and global spatial scales. You can find data in EBAS: https://ebas-data.nilu.no/Default.aspx. The data reported to WDCA are identified in the database by the associations GAW-WDCA (for regularly, annually reported data) and GAW-WDCA_NRT (for data reported in near-real-time).
Repository type(s)
  • disciplinary
Provider type(s)
  • dataProvider
  • serviceProvider
The Arctic Data Centre (ADC) is a service provided by the Norwegian Meteorological Institute (MET) and is a legacy of the International Polar Year (IPY). ADC is based on the FAIR guiding principles for data management and access to free and open data. While the Norwegian Meteorological Institute use CC BY as the data license, ADC is managing data on behalf of other data owners that may have other preferences. ADC is primarily hosting data within meteorology, oceanography and glaciology, but through active metadata harvesting it also points to data within other disciplines. ADC normally offers data in CF-NetCDF adhering to the Climate and Forecast Conventions (exceptions may occur) and support services on top of data like OPeNDAP and OGC WMS. Machine interfaces to the catalogue include OAI-PMH, OGC CSW and OpenSearch. Information is provided in the native format MET Metadata (MMD), ISO-19115 and GCMD DIF (others are being considered).