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So.Da.Net network, following the Social Data Bank (SDB) of the National Centre for Social Research (EKKE) that pre-existed, in a time frame of five years has been linked and closely collaborated with the european data archives. EKKE through SDB has participated to the European Consortium of Social Science Data Archives (CESSDA ERIC) since 2000. The national research network Sodanet_GR has been formed in 2012 and is consisted of the following 7 organisations: 1) National Centre for Social Research (EKKE) – Social Data Bank 2) University of the Aegean – Department of Sociology 3) National & Kapodistrian University of Athens – Department of Political Science & Public Administration 4) Panteion University – Department of Political Science & History 5) University of Peloponnese – Department of Social & Educational Policy 6) Democritus University of Trace – Department of Social Administration & Political Science 7) University of Crete – Department of Sociology . The So.Da.Net network is the Greek research infrastructure for the social sciences. So.Da.Net supports multidisciplinary research and promotes the acquisition, exchange, processing as well as dissemination of data deriving from and related to social science research.