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Found 7 result(s)
Repository type(s)
  • institutional
Provider type(s)
  • dataProvider
DIGITAL.CSIC is the institutional repository of the Spanish National Research Council (CSIC). Designed for organising, archiving, preserving and disseminating via open access the scientific output generated as a product of the CSIC research activities by CSIC researchers
Repository type(s)
  • disciplinary
Provider type(s)
  • dataProvider
The version 1.0 of the open database contains 1,151,268 brain signals of 2 seconds each, captured with the stimulus of seeing a digit (from 0 to 9) and thinking about it, over the course of almost 2 years between 2014 & 2015, from a single Test Subject David Vivancos. All the signals have been captured using commercial EEGs (not medical grade), NeuroSky MindWave, Emotiv EPOC, Interaxon Muse & Emotiv Insight, covering a total of 19 Brain (10/20) locations. In 2014 started capturing brain signals and released the first versions of the "MNIST" of brain digits, and in 2018 released another open dataset with a subset of the "IMAGENET" of The Brain. Version 0.05 (last update 09/28/2021) of the open database contains 24,000 brain signals of 2 seconds each, captured with the stimulus of seeing a real MNIST digit (from 0 to 9) 6,000 so far and thinking about it, + the same amout of signals with another 2 seconds of seeing a black screen, shown in between the digits, from a single Test Subject David Vivancos in a controlled still experiment to reduce noise from EMG & avoiding blinks.
Repository type(s)
  • other
Provider type(s)
  • dataProvider
The CORA. Repositori de dades de Recerca is a repository of open, curated and FAIR data that covers all academic disciplines. CORA. Repositori de dades de Recerca is a shared service provided by participating Catalan institutions (Universities and CERCA Research Centers). The repository is managed by the CSUC and technical infrastructure is based on the Dataverse application, developed by international developers and users led by Harvard University (
Repository type(s)
  • institutional
Provider type(s)
  • dataProvider
RODIN is the Universidad de Cádiz institutional repository of Research and Learning Objects. Its purpose is to serve as a digital archive to store, preserve and give access to the different documents generated by the scientific, academic and institutional activities of our University.
Repository type(s)
  • institutional
Provider type(s)
  • serviceProvider
e-cienciaDatos is a multidisciplinary data repository that houses the scientific datasets of researchers from the public universities of the Community of Madrid and the UNED, members of the Consorcio Madroño, in order to give visibility to these data, to ensure its preservation And facilitate their access and reuse. e-cienciaDatos is structured as a system constituted by different communities that collects datasets of each of the individual universities. e-cienciaDatos offers the deposit and publication of datasets, assigning a digital object identifier DOI to each of them. The association of a dataset with a DOI will facilitate data verification, dissemination, reuse, impact and long-term access. In addition, the repository provides a standardized citation for each dataset, which contains sufficient information so that it can be identified and located, including the DOI.
Repository type(s)
  • institutional
Provider type(s)
  • dataProvider
Research Data UPC hosts research data linked to a publication (magazine article, etc.) or to a research project (H2020, etc.).
Repository type(s)
  • disciplinary
Provider type(s)
  • dataProvider
DisGeNET is a discovery platform containing one of the largest publicly available collections of genes and variants associated to human diseases. DisGeNET integrates data from expert curated repositories, GWAS catalogues, animal models and the scientific literature. DisGeNET data are homogeneously annotated with controlled vocabularies and community-driven ontologies. Additionally, several original metrics are provided to assist the prioritization of genotype–phenotype relationships.