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Found 23 result(s)
DRO is Deakin University's research repository, providing digital curation by describing and preserving the University's research output and enabling worldwide discovery.
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Health education and health promotion are important elements of the health system in Germany. The Federal Centre for Health Education (BZgA) has been pursuing the goal of preventing health risks and encouraging health-promoting lifestyles since its establishment in 1967. In addition, the understanding of health and prevention is changing. Against this backdrop, health education is - as a constant communication process - dedicated to the goal of enabling self-responsible action in relation to health. The data sets can be requested from GESIS via the data services for social sciences (DSS):
The DNB Household Survey (DHS) supplies longitudinal data to the international academic community, with a focus on the psychological and economic aspects of financial behavior. The study comprises information on work, pensions, housing, mortgages, income, assets, loans, health, economic and psychological concepts, and personal characteristics. The DHS data are collected from 2,000 households participating in the CentERpanel. The CentERpanel is an Internet panel that reflects the composition of the Dutch-speaking population in the Netherlands. Both the DHS as well as the CentERpanel, in which the study in conducted, are run by CentERdata
The goal of the Center of Estonian Language Resources (CELR) is to create and manage an infrastructure to make the Estonian language digital resources (dictionaries, corpora – both text and speech –, various language databases) and language technology tools (software) available to everyone working with digital language materials. CELR coordinates and organises the documentation and archiving of the resources as well as develops language technology standards and draws up necessary legal contracts and licences for different types of users (public, academic, commercial, etc.). In addition to collecting language resources, a system will be launched for introducing the resources to, informing and educating the potential users. The main users of CELR are researchers from Estonian R&D institutions and Social Sciences and Humanities researchers all over the world via the CLARIN ERIC network of similar centers in Europe. Access to data is provided through different sites: Public Repository, Language resources, and MetaShare CELR
CINES is the French national long-term preservation service provider for Higher Education and Research: more than 20 institutions (universities, librairies, labs) archive their digital heritage at CINES so that it's preserved over time in a secure, dedicated environment. This includes documents such as PhD theses or publications, digitized ancient/rare books, satellite imagery, 3D/vidéos/image galleries, datasets, etc.
ScholarSphere is an institutional repository managed by Penn State University Libraries. Anyone with a Penn State Access ID can deposit materials relating to the University’s teaching, learning, and research mission to ScholarSphere. All types of scholarly materials, including publications, instructional materials, creative works, and research data are accepted. ScholarSphere supports Penn State’s commitment to open access and open science. Researchers at Penn State can use ScholarSphere to satisfy open access and data availability requirements from funding agencies and publishers.
The Flanders Marine Institute (VLIZ) is a centre for marine and coastal research. As a partner in various projects and networks it promotes and supports the international image of Flemish marine scientific research and international marine education. In its capacity as a coordination and information platform, the Flanders Marine Institute (VLIZ) supports some thousand marine scientists in Flanders by disseminating their knowledge to policymakers, educators, the general public and scientists.
The HSRC Research Data Service provides a digital repository facility for the HSRC's research data in support of evidence based human and social development in South Africa and the broader region. It includes both quantitative and qualitative data. Access to data is dependent on ethical requirements for protecting research participants, as well as on legal agreements with the owners, funders or in the case of data owned by the HSRC, the requirements of the depositors of the data.
A collection of data at Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality (AHRQ) supporting research that helps people make more informed decisions and improves the quality of health care services. The portal contains U.S.Health Information Knowledgebase (USHIK) and Systematic Review Data Repository (SRDR) and other sources concerning cost, quality, accesibility and evaluation of healthcare and medical insurance.
Copernicus is a European system for monitoring the Earth. Copernicus consists of a complex set of systems which collect data from multiple sources: earth observation satellites and in situ sensors such as ground stations, airborne and sea-borne sensors. It processes these data and provides users with reliable and up-to-date information through a set of services related to environmental and security issues. The services address six thematic areas: land monitoring, marine monitoring, atmosphere monitoring, climate change, emergency management and security. The main users of Copernicus services are policymakers and public authorities who need the information to develop environmental legislation and policies or to take critical decisions in the event of an emergency, such as a natural disaster or a humanitarian crisis. Based on the Copernicus services and on the data collected through the Sentinels and the contributing missions , many value-added services can be tailored to specific public or commercial needs, resulting in new business opportunities. In fact, several economic studies have already demonstrated a huge potential for job creation, innovation and growth.
The Minnesota Population Center (MPC) is a University-wide interdisciplinary cooperative for demographic research. The MPC serves more than 80 faculty members and research scientists from eight colleges and institutes at the University of Minnesota. As a leading developer and disseminator of demographic data, we also serve a broader audience of some 50,000 demographic researchers worldwide. MPC is a DataONE member node:
National Data Repository (NDR) is a reliable and integrated data repository of Exploration and Production (E&P) data of Indian sedimentary basins. It offers a unique platform to all concerns of E&P with provisions for seamless access to reliable geo-scientific data for India. Streamlining all associated procedures, policies and workflows pertaining to data submission, data management, data retrieval for all concerned pertaining to government agencies, academia and research communities with restrictions. NDR is owned by the Government of India, hosted at Directorate General of Hydrocarbons (DGH), Ministry of Petroleum and Natural Gas (MoPNG). Objectively it operates with geological data, petrophysical data, natural gas, seismic data, well & log data, spatial data, Reservoir data, Gravity & Magnetic data. NDR maintains and preserve hydrocarbon exploration & production data in a standard and reusable manner, but can't made available to entitled users freely. One cannot get access independently.
The Index to Marine and Lacustrine Geological Samples is a tool to help scientists locate and obtain geologic material from sea floor and lakebed cores, grabs, and dredges archived by participating institutions around the world. Data and images related to the samples are prepared and contributed by the institutions for access via the IMLGS and long-term archive at NGDC. Before proposing research on any sample, please contact the curator for sample condition and availability. A consortium of Curators guides the IMLGS, maintained on behalf of the group by NGDC, since 1977.
RODA is the national Romanian institution specialised in archiving electronic data collections obtained by social research. The archive contains data collections accessible for the academic community and the interested public, for secondary and comparative analysis, under certain access conditions ranging from free access to some level of restriction imposed by owners. The archive serves as an intermediary between the data owners and data users.
The United States Census Bureau (officially the Bureau of the Census, as defined in Title 13 U.S.C. § 11) is the government agency that is responsible for the United States Census. It also gathers other national demographic and economic data. As a part of the United States Department of Commerce, the Census Bureau serves as a leading source of data about America's people and economy. The most visible role of the Census Bureau is to perform the official decennial (every 10 years) count of people living in the U.S. The most important result is the reallocation of the number of seats each state is allowed in the House of Representatives, but the results also affect a range of government programs received by each state. The agency director is a political appointee selected by the President of the United States.
The UniSC Research Bank is the institutional research repository for the University of the Sunshine Coast. It provides an open access showcase of the University's scholarly research output ensuring that research is made available to the local, national and international communities. UniSC Research Bank is harvested by search engines, and is also indexed by the National Library of Australia's TROVE. By making research easily accessible, it also facilitates collaboration between researchers. Where possible, access to the full text of the publication is made available, in line with copyright permissions for each output. To access relevant research, use the Browse function, or specific records can be searched for by using the search box. Find research data by filtering by resource type 'Research Dataset'.
The FDZ-DZA (Forschungsdatenzentrum DZA) is a facility of the German Centre of Gerontology (Deutsches Zentrum für Altersfragen, DZA) and has received accreditation as research data center DZA by the German Data Forum (RatSWD). Its main task is to make data of the German Ageing Survey DEAS and the German Survey on Volunteering (FWS) accessible to researchers by providing user-friendly Scientific Use Files (SUF), documentation of the contents and instruments as well support for scholars using the data.
The National Data Archive on Child Abuse and Neglect (NDACAN) promotes scholarly exchange among researchers in the child maltreatment field. NDACAN acquires microdata from leading researchers and national data collection efforts and makes these datasets available to the research community for secondary analysis. is the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention primary online communication channel. provides users with credible, reliable health information on Data and Statistics, Diseases and Conditions, Emergencies and Disasters, Environmental Health, Healthy Living, Injury, Violence and Safety,Life Stages and Populations, Travelers' Health, Workplace Safety and Health
BIBB has a strong tradition of survey-based research. It initiates and realises the collection of individual and firm-level data on crucial positions and transitions in the education and labour market system. The BIBB-FDZ covers a variety of data deploying different units of analysis and temporal designs and focusing on various thematic issues. Standard access to well prepared firm- and individual-level data on the attainment and utilization of vocational education and training Documentation of these data sets, i.e. a description of their central characteristics, main issues and variables, data collection, anonymisation, weighting and recoding etc. Advisory service on data choice, data access and handling, research potential and scope and validity of the data. Supply of a range of data tools such as standard measures and classifications in the fields of education, occupations, industries and regions (if possible also including cross-national fields), formally anonymous data for remote data access, or references to publications with the data.