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Found 50 result(s)
The Energy Data Centre holds information relating to energy research, focused on the UK. It has a research data catalogue, information on publications resulting from the UK Energy Research Centre and the Energy Technologies Institute and energy research related grants.
The BCMT data portal offers access magnetic data and indices of the French network of ground observatories, operated all over the world by French research institutions and international partners.
OLOS is a Swiss-based data management portal tailored for researchers and institutions. Powerful yet easy to use, OLOS works with most tools and formats across all scientific disciplines to help researchers safely manage, publish and preserve their data. The solution was developed as part of a larger project focusing on Data Life Cycle Management ( that aims to develop various services for research data management. Thanks to its highly modular architecture, OLOS can be adapted both to small institutions that need a "turnkey" solution and to larger ones that can rely on OLOS to complement what they have already implemented. OLOS is compatible with all formats in use in the different scientific disciplines and is based on modern technology that interconnects with researchers' environments (such as Electronic Laboratory Notebooks or Laboratory Information Management Systems).
DataON is Korea's National Research Data Platform. It provides integrated search of metadata for KISTI's research data and domestic and international research data and links to raw data. DataON allows users (researchers, policy makers, etc.) to perform the following tasks: Easily search for various types of research data in all scientific fields. By registering research results, research data can be posted and cited. Build a community among researchers and enable collaborative research. It provides a data analysis environment that allows one-stop analysis of discovered research data.
This repository accepts data from life science researchers and service units in Sweden. The repository is operated by SciLifeLab, which is the national infrastructure for life science and environmental research in Sweden. This repository replaces NBIS DOI repository:
The Freshwater Research and Environmental Database is the central data repository for IGB. It is where we store and share environmental data from observations of lakes, rivers, peatlands and other freshwater habitats. In FRED you can find continuous data collected over several decades from our long-term research programme at the lakes Müggelsee, Stechlinsee, Arendsee and the river Spree, as well as environmental data derived from short-term projects in aquatic ecosystems. All data include detailed metadata descriptions in text form to allow reuse of the data. The database can be searched for a range of aspects, such as ecosystem types or abiotic and biotic variables. Data use, where not freely accessible, shall be granted after consulting with the contact person given in the database, and is subject to the IGB Data Policy.
The Norwegian Marine Data Centre (NMD) at the Institute of Marine Research was established as a national data centre dedicated to the professional processing and long-term storage of marine environmental and fisheries data and production of data products. The Institute of Marine Research continuously collects large amounts of data from all Norwegian seas. Data are collected using vessels, observation buoys, manual measurements, gliders – amongst others. NMD maintains the largest collection of marine environmental and fisheries data in Norway.
INRAE is the world’s first organisation specialized on agricultural, food and environmental sciences. Data INRAE is offered by INRAE as part of its mission to open the results of its research. Data INRAE will share research data in relation with food, nutrition, agriculture and environment. It includes experimental, simulation and observation data, omic data, survey and text data. Only data produced by or in collaboration with INRAE will be hosted in the repository, but anyone can access the metadata and the open data.
TemperateReefBase is a resource for temperate reef researchers worldwide to use and contribute data. Unique in its role as a one-stop-shop for global temperate reef data, TemperateReefBase was initially established by IMAS in collaboration with the Kelp Ecology Ecosystem Network (KEEN). KEEN was instigated through a National Centre for Ecological Analysis and Synthesis (NCEAS) working group which assembled experts from around the world to examine the impacts of global change on kelp-bed ecosystem worldwide. The group has assembled significant global data for kelps, other seaweeds and associated species including fishes, and has embarked on unprecedented global experiments and surveys in which identical experiments and surveys are being conducted at sites in kelp beds around the world to determine global trends and examine the capacity of kelps to respond to disturbance in the face of climate change and other anthropogenic stressors. The TemperateReefBase Data Portal is an online discovery interface showcasing temperate reef data collected from around the globe. The portal aims to make this data freely and openly available for the benefit of marine and environmental science as a whole. The TemperateReefBase Data Portal is hosted and maintained by the Institute for Marine and Antarctic Studies at the University of Tasmania, Australia.
Originally established in 1989 at the University of Essex to house the British Household Panel Survey (BHPS), ISER has grown into a leading centre for the production and analysis of longitudinal studies. It encompasses the ESRC Research Centre on Micro-Social Change and the successor to the BHPS, Understanding Society. As well as providing unrivalled postgraduate study opportunities, ISER also houses an internationally-renowned Microsimulation Unit which develops and runs the tax and benefit model, EUROMOD.
This site is now made possible by University of Canterbury, New Zealand, and serves as historical repository of collections of files once housed at datacenterhub (without the interactive tools that were available on that site). Former description: We offer a public platform to help researchers organize, share, and explore their research data. DataCenterHub provides a simple, standardized yet flexible platform to preserve and share data. In the future, this platform will offer data visualization tools and the ability to compare directly data from different sources.
The Arctic Data Center is the primary data and software repository for the Arctic section of NSF Polar Programs. The Center helps the research community to reproducibly preserve and discover all products of NSF-funded research in the Arctic, including data, metadata, software, documents, and provenance that links these together. The repository is open to contributions from NSF Arctic investigators, and data are released under an open license (CC-BY, CC0, depending on the choice of the contributor). All science, engineering, and education research supported by the NSF Arctic research program are included, such as Natural Sciences (Geoscience, Earth Science, Oceanography, Ecology, Atmospheric Science, Biology, etc.) and Social Sciences (Archeology, Anthropology, Social Science, etc.). Key to the initiative is the partnership between NCEAS at UC Santa Barbara, DataONE, and NOAA’s NCEI, each of which bring critical capabilities to the Center. Infrastructure from the successful NSF-sponsored DataONE federation of data repositories enables data replication to NCEI, providing both offsite and institutional diversity that are critical to long term preservation.
The FAIRDOMHub is built upon the SEEK software suite, which is an open source web platform for sharing scientific research assets, processes and outcomes. FAIRDOM (Web Site) will establish a support and service network for European Systems Biology. It will serve projects in standardizing, managing and disseminating data and models in a FAIR manner: Findable, Accessible, Interoperable and Reusable. FAIRDOM is an initiative to develop a community, and establish an internationally sustained Data and Model Management service to the European Systems Biology community. FAIRDOM is a joint action of ERA-Net EraSysAPP and European Research Infrastructure ISBE.
This interface provides access to several types of data related to the Chesapeake Bay. Bay Program databases can be queried based upon user-defined inputs such as geographic region and date range. Each query results in a downloadable, tab- or comma-delimited text file that can be imported to any program (e.g., SAS, Excel, Access) for further analysis. Comments regarding the interface are encouraged. Questions in reference to the data should be addressed to the contact provided on subsequent pages.
Currently the institute has more than 700 collections consisting of (digital) research data, digitized material, archival collections, printed material, handwritten questionnaires, maps and pictures. The focus is on resources relevant for the study of function, meaning and coherence of cultural expressions and resources relevant for the structural, dialectological and sociolinguistic study of language variation within the Dutch language. An overview is here
WHOI is the world's leading non-profit oceanographic research organization. WHOI maintains unparalleled depth and breadth of expertise across a range of oceanographic research areas. Institution scientists and engineers work collaboratively within and across six research departments to advance knowledge of the global ocean and its fundamental importance to other planetary systems. At the same time, they also train future generations of ocean scientists and address problems that have a direct impact in efforts to understand and manage critical marine resources.
ISDC's online service portal is an access point for all manner of geoscientific geodata, its corresponding metadata, scientific documentation and software tools. The majority of the data and information, the portal currently offers to the public, are global geomonitoring products such as satellite orbit and Earth gravity field data as well as geomagnetic and atmospheric data for the exploration. These products for Earths changing system are provided via state-of-the art retrieval techniques. The projects hosted are: CHAMP, GGP, GRACE, GNSS, GGSP, GGOS, GPS-PDR, ICGEM, TerraSAR-x (TSX-TOR) and TanDEM-X.
The Atlantic Canada Conservation Data Centre (ACCDC) maintains comprehensive lists of plant and animal species. The Atlantic CDC has geo-located records of species occurrences and records of extremely rare to uncommon species in the Atlantic region, including New Brunswick, Nova Scotia, Prince Edward Island, Newfoundland, and Labrador. The Atlantic CDC also maintains biological and other types of data in a variety of linked databases.
The IMLS conducts annual surveys of public and state libraries in the US that have response rates near 100%. Data is compiled for states, library systems, and individual library branches and includes statistics for circulation, visits, staff, expenditures, and more. Data is available in two formats: MS Access and flat file, plain text. Data for museums is now included.
The Minnesota Population Center (MPC) is a University-wide interdisciplinary cooperative for demographic research. The MPC serves more than 80 faculty members and research scientists from eight colleges and institutes at the University of Minnesota. As a leading developer and disseminator of demographic data, we also serve a broader audience of some 50,000 demographic researchers worldwide. MPC is a DataONE member node:
The Index to Marine and Lacustrine Geological Samples is a tool to help scientists locate and obtain geologic material from sea floor and lakebed cores, grabs, and dredges archived by participating institutions around the world. Data and images related to the samples are prepared and contributed by the institutions for access via the IMLGS and long-term archive at NGDC. Before proposing research on any sample, please contact the curator for sample condition and availability. A consortium of Curators guides the IMLGS, maintained on behalf of the group by NGDC, since 1977.
OpenTopography facilitates community access to high-resolution, Earth science-oriented, topography data, and related tools and resources. The OpenTopography Facility is based at the San Diego Supercomputer Center at the University of California, San Diego and is operated in collaboration with colleagues in the School of Earth and Space Exploration at Arizona State University and Earthscope Consortium. Core operational support for OpenTopography comes from the National Science Foundation Earth Sciences.